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Selasa, 21 September 2010

How To Take Charge Of Your Career

You want the job! You feel that this is the career path for you! You go for the interview and impress your interviewer. Next you got the job! You are now at the top of the world.

Then when the natural 'high' of getting the job is over you fall into a rut of things. Your career seems mundane. You feel that there is no more challenge in what you are doing. You feel that perhaps it's time to change your career.

But wait! Can you guarantee that the next career will be an interesting one? Or is history going to repeat itself all over again?

There is no success formula for your career. You are your career. Period! It is what you make out of it. Your career succumbs to the natural law of selection in that if you do not want your career to become extinct than you need to nurture it. To do that you need to adapt to change. As naturalist Charles Darwin puts it: "It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent of the species that survive; it is the one most adaptable to change." To prevent such a catastrophic extinction of your career you need to create your own personal vision and as management 'guru' Stephen R Covey mentions as one of the habits of highly effective people to "begin with the end in mind."

Once you got the career you want you need to create a short-term, mid-term and a long-term career plan.

Short-term Career Plan

A short-term career plan can be from six months to two years. Here you can maximize your potential by learning everything about your trade, networking and understanding your roles, responsibilities and function in your career. This is also a volatile period in your career as others might intend to topple you or the challenges you face might seem overwhelming and impossible.

There is a saying which goes: "Just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel it turns out to be an on-coming train." This means that you need to be very clear and focus on what you really want if you are going to come out of the 'tunnel'. Otherwise you are going to get run over by the 'on-coming train' which represents all the resistance and oppositions that you will face in your career.

Mid-Term Career Plan

Your mid-term career plan can be three to five years. By now you should be professionally competent in your job. You might be highly efficient in what you are doing but the question is whether you are highly effective as well.

Efficiency is basically about doing things right. Being effective is doing the right things right. This means that you need to continuously analyse your original career goals to see whether they are still relevant in your industry. Staying relevant and able to respond effectively to the changing environment is crucial to your career success. Mr Lee Kwan Yew succinctly said: "It's the ability of a people to respond quickly to the unexpected that decides whether they survive, or they are swept aside by events."
This is the period where boredom begins setting in as you start enveloping yourself in a comfort zone. The original sweet taste of success starts to wither away and you feel that you are in the rut. Just like an aging car, your need to do a complete overhaul if need be to make sure that your performance is still intact.

Long Term Career Plan

Your long-term career plan is anything from five years and beyond. There's the danger that you might get entrenched in your comfort zone such that it will become difficult to manage your career. Further you may find yourself having the fear of redundancy. If you are unable to make the changes necessary and take charge of your career you may very well be writing your own career epitaph.

This is the time you need to "rewire" yourself. Throw out the old school of thoughts if you have to and embrace the new work philosophy. Accept and adopt new ways of doing things, attend relevant training courses, learn a new skill and keep identifying new business avenues to exploit.

This might all sound exceedingly insurmountable; however it is easier to make small changes in gradual steps then making one giant leap. Dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh said: "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."

This is the time when you can be an inspiration to others. Engage yourself in a transfer of your knowledge. When you teach you learn. And most importantly remain teachable. When you've come this far you might be fearful of failure and this kills your entrepreneurial spirit.

Be receptive in trying new things in every aspect of your life. Do not be afraid of failure. You may not succeed at first but as Lloyd Jones said: "The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed."

Dr Daniel Theyagu

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The Four Pillars of Career Management

Are you managing your career or is someone else? Most professionals don't have a proactive plan to take their career to the next level or even higher. Career plans are nothing new, in fact you have one right now. If your plan is passively driven, however, you're not likely to hit your career goals. A career plan doesn't require fancy charts, statistics, pie-in-the-sky goals and income expectations. It should simply be a clear and thoughtful plan to drive your career to the ultimate position you want to achieve. After all, you will spend most of your life engaged in this pursuit. Doesn't it deserve a little planning?

Career plans are highly individualized. I'll not try to pin you down to a 7-step program or slick template. What I can give you are the pillars you need to support your plan. Like the pillars that allow modern skyscrapers to soar higher and higher, these are the pillars that will lift your career to the heights you strive to achieve. Once these pillars are firmly established your career plan will be robust and effective.

Networking Its no longer about who you know. Today it's about who knows you! Careers can't be confused with jobs. Most successful careers are the sum of several jobs in different companies. Your talents and skills are an asset. Employers want that asset to create greater value in their organization. But how valuable is that asset if nobody knows it exists? A recent study revealed that as much as 70% of jobs are found via networking. This means that short of an aggressive search you'll never know those positions were open. Being highly networked means people you don't know can find you through others.

"Wait a minute." you say, "I don't have the time or the inclination to go glad-handing around cocktail parties or Chamber functions." The personal touch is extremely powerful, but it's not the only tool you have today. With professional networking websites like LinkedIn you can join an electronic network, maintain your privacy, and still let hundreds of thousands know who you are and what you can bring to an organization. (If you'd like to see what I mean, go to my LinkedIn profile and you'll see that I'm networked with over 1,000,000 other professionals.). Sites like LinkedIn have the potential to give you global exposure.

Goal Setting You knew this was going be one of the Four Pillars. You can't achieve career goals if you don't set them. Here's a hint...write them down and review them at least once a month. Goal setting, writing, and regular visualization have an uncanny way of actually working! If this is unfamiliar territory to you, start small. Let's say you've just started working with your new team. Setting a goal to become company CEO by next year might be a bit too aggressive (depending on the type of team). Something more realistic might be to learn about another key system or procedure, one that will help you advance, within the next 90 days.

Goals are vital of any career plan. They are the measuring stick of your plan's effectiveness. They help you frame your next career move, your next job, or your next academic achievement. Set a goal for the next 90 days, then the next six months, then the next year or even the next five years. You can't tell if have arrived if you don't know what your destination looks like.

Marry Change Yes, that's correct - marry it. Until death do you part. Change is just that important to your career plan. It must be your lifelong companion. As lasting as Adam and Eve, change and your career will always be together.

If you fear change then you'll need to throttle back your career plan - and dreams. The 21st century professional not only thrives on change, he or she must also learn to drive it. In the late 1990's I was working for a large corporation going through another reengineering program. Someone remarked that they would be happy when things got "back to normal". Incredulously our CEO told him "this (an environment of change) is the new normal". How much more is that true of today? The height of your career advancement is directly related to the strength of your Marriage to change. Whether it is a new job, a new company, a new education, or a new location, career plans must be married to change.

Knowing Yourself You know what you are good at doing. Your career has grown based on the skills and talents in which you excel. Those attributes have taken you through glowing performance appraisal after performance appraisal. Others know you by your strengths; they've even told you how good you are at those things. Watch out! You might start believing your own publicity.

You should capitalize on your career strengths. Leverage them, cultivate and develop them, let them drive your career forward. Just don't lose sight of that hidden part of your resume. It's the part that all of us has, but don't want to admit or even acknowledge it to ourselves. It is our skills and talents that are underdeveloped.

We believe we can soar so high on our strengths that our altitude will save any fall. This will work sometimes, but it's a dangerous flight plan. Often times your career crash will come in the "dream job" you finally landed. Not acknowledging or admitting an underdeveloped skill is as dangerous to your career as not leveraging your strengths. Take inventory of what you do best and leverage that list. But also take inventory of what you have no business doing at all. This will keep you from crashing and burning that high performance machine everyone admires.

Managing a career plan takes thoughtful and careful steps. Your individual plan should be a dynamic tool propelling you to the career achievements you so desire. Building your plan upon the four pillars of Networking, Goal Setting, Marrying Change, and Knowing Yourself gives the plan you create solid footing for long-term success.

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How To Find A Career That Fits

According to, some surveys have found that 87% of Americans don't like their jobs. This probably isn't surprising to you. Whether you're at a party or out to dinner... more often than not, it's one big gripe-fest, focused around the most loathed aspects of your jobs and "who's got it the worst at work."

Work is a big part of life so it comes up naturally in conversation. I find we often complain about our jobs instead of singing our boss's praises or something along those lines--right?! There's something about commiserating over the daily toil and all the hardships we endure, that connects us and makes us feel like we are all in the same boat.

But what if we connected over how much we enjoyed our jobs instead? What would that be like?

As a certified career coach, that is my mission: to change the way people feel about work; from seeing it as just a paycheck to having it be a fulfilling, rewarding endeavor that is an extension of their purpose and passion. That's what this article is about: Finding a Career that FITS.

So let's get started, to help you begin this process of finding a career you are passionate about...
First, take a deep breath. (That's right, I'm serious!) Right now, take in a long, deep breath to take some pressure off this process. I know what happens when I am tense and tight - nothing flows. When you're tight, your thoughts tend to be restrictive, limited and self-defeating. So release some of this tension if you have it, and commit to allowing the process to flow. Breathe deeply and easily. Permit your mind to consider new possibilities.

Because our jobs are vitally important to us, we tend to take this so seriously that we can end up becoming totally stressed out. Remember: there are unlimited options out there, and income can be achieved in so many creative and fulfilling ways!

So breathe, and realize that you can do and be anything. As you feel yourself letting go of that nervous, negative energy, allow your mind to open up to new alternatives. Acknowledge your career situation; how did you get where you are today? Is it possible to recreate that process and go in an entirely new direction for yourself, your life? Of course it is. You did it before. You can do it again!

Once you're aligned with the possibilities, trust that you will figure this out and believe in yourself. You can find a career you truly enjoy. I've helped many people do it and I've done it myself. I have faith that you can do the same!

What are some ways you can remind yourself to believe and trust in your own abilities? Remember that people are relying on you this very minute. You have earned trust at your place of employment. The very job that YOU perform each day, helps one company bring in thousands, maybe millions or billions. That is no small feat, by any means!

Give yourself credit for what you currently do that people rely on you for. Do you pay a mortgage each month? Has the state entrusted you with a driver's license? If other people have faith in you, isn't it time you trusted yourself? Who better than you knows what YOU excel at, and what type of career you're ideally suited for? Have faith in the choices you make. YOU can do it, YOUR way!

Next, realize this is a process. Because you're probably relying on your current job to support yourself, you can make the move gradually if you need to. Because you're learning, the course of your path may change along the way. You'll figure it out.

The process of reinventing yourself can take some time. Career transition involves careful planning, and outlining of steps and procedures. Set goals that are realistic yet also a stretch, so that you can step out of your comfort zone and set yourself up for success. Take time to consider the most important questions:

* What do you enjoy most about the work you do now?
* What are your greatest strengths?
* What areas would you prefer to steer clear of in the future?
* Who are the key people and resources you'll need to help make your dream career manifest itself?
* What about finances - will you be borrowing money, or dipping into your savings as a way to get the plan off the ground?
* How can you manage your expenses to successfully make the transition without hurting your bank account?

If you're starting to feel overwhelmed, not to worry. There are qualified professionals who can help you "get to know yourself all over again," make the best choices, and prevent you from making any hasty moves in your career that you may regret later. As a certified career coach who has helped countless individuals discover the profession that's a perfect fit for them, I can help you make a positive career change, one step at a time.

Because this is a process that usually takes time, I encourage you to start now. Take action while you are feeling more stable, and not reckless or impulsive. If you already are really unhappy and on the verge of desperation, that's okay too, but there are things you can do right now to help yourself feel better and remain on steady ground with respect to your career. If you're reading this article, you're taking the first step... so pat yourself on the back!

One of the things I see people do is take a job that meets some of their needs, but not all of them. You need to consider all of the components to a satisfying career. To learn about these components, and much more, you can purchase a recording of my Love Your Job! Finding a Career that FITS Teleclass at

If you're serious about making a career change, you'll need to create a transition plan and set intermediate goals for steps you need to take along the way. In another upcoming NCMA article, I will address this further. For now, know that you need to create a plan, and mentally prepare yourself. Here are four preliminary actions you can take immediately:

1. Commit yourself. How committed are you to finding a career that fits, on a scale from 1-10? If it's not at a 10, what do you need to do to move it up the scale?

2. Learn to overcome obstacles. Obstacle 1: not knowing what to look for in a job (so you take one that is "good enough" that you don't truly enjoy). Obstacle 2: your own disempowering beliefs. Are you ready to move past/blow through these obstacles? I have faith that you can do it!

3. Get support. I'm being totally honest when I say: it really helps to have the support of group or a career counselor to remind you to stay positive and focused. My contact information is below if you'd like more information from me.

4. Claim your life. There never is a perfect time to do this and you can always come up with excuses/reasons not to. The key is to minimize the risks by getting the support you need.

I myself was able to very successfully make my career transition in large part because of my own coach. She helped me create my plan, remain positive, move forward, identify what I wanted to do, and overcome obstacles. You can do this, too. I encourage you to take a stand for your life and what you want!

Isn't it time you found a career that fits?

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Career Transitions: 4 Preliminary Tips That Will Get You on the Career Path to Success

Not happy in your current job? Thinking about making a career change? Dynamic lifestyles and an uncertain economy are just two of many reasons to consider a new occupation, or even an entirely different field than the one you're in now. Trust me; as a career counselor who has helped many people reinvent themselves professionally, I can assure you that you're not alone!

Maybe you've seen some layoffs at your company and "the fear factor" has you searching for alternate options and wanting more satisfaction out of your work. Perhaps you crave a more flexible work situation, one that allows you to balance home and career more effectively. Whatever your circumstance, one thing's for sure: you're unhappy or unsettled in your current job and you want to do something about it.

When you start to get the itch, it's time to make an assessment and begin to set early goals. You may wonder, am I really ready for a career transition? How can I best prepare myself for a change? But even before you delve into the components of a satisfying career, it helps immensely to cultivate a healthy and positive mental outlook. People who are successful at making a change are the ones who are willing to overcome their fears, doubts and insecurities in order to make it happen. You, too, can be one of these people...

Keep these preliminary tips in mind before forging ahead on your path to a more fulfilling and rewarding career!

1. Commit yourself to making a change.

Something that is incredibly important to any change you make in your life is your level of commitment. You have to be committed. How committed are you to finding a career that fits, on a scale from 1-10? If it's not at a 10, what do you need to do to move it up the scale? The time to ask yourself key questions is now. Do your research, so you know what questions to keep in mind. Contact a career expert who can help you become reacquainted with your goals and dreams. Explore career websites. Take personality tests. You will find that the more time you invest in career opportunities and self-discovery, the more committed to the cause you'll become.

2. Learn to overcome obstacles.

To be successful in changing career paths, you need to learn to overcome obstacles you will encounter along the way. The obstacles I see time and time again for people wanting to make a career change are: not knowing what to look for in a job (so they take one that is "good enough" that they don't truly enjoy) and negative beliefs--not believing they can successfully make the change. With practice, you can retrain your mind to see past perceived limitations, which are only a figment of your imagination anyway! With sufficient self-exploration, you will be able to pinpoint the exact qualities of the ideal career for you... and even the characteristics that you don't want in a career.

3. Get support.

I was able to very successfully make my career transition into coaching in large part because of my own coach. She helped me create my plan, remain positive, move forward, identify what I wanted to do and learn to overcome obstacles. I'm being honest when I say: It really helps to have support from a group or a coach to remind you to stay positive and focused. My contact information is below if you'd like more information from me.

4. Claim your life.

My last thought for you... is to claim your life. There never is a perfect time to make a drastic career change, and you can always come up with excuses/reasons not to. You do need to take some kind of risk and perhaps step out of your comfort zone. The key is to minimize the risk and be smart about it. Get support from a career coach like me or someone else who can provide solid guidance and the resources you need to move ahead with your plans.

If you have any questions about making a career change, discovering what type of career best suits your skills, or determining the key components of a career that fits, explore my website details below and then get in touch! I'd love to hear from you.

All the best for a rewarding and fulfilling career doing what you love!

Copyright 2006 Hallie Crawford. All rights reserved.

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Career Success - A Winning Career Game Plan

Build a career planning tool box to achieve career success.

We all have our favorite coaches, and if they coach our favorite athletic team, it's a plus. Tom Landry tried to measure the character of his players. Vince Lombardi expected and achieved excellence. Dean Smith brought out the best in his players while playing within the rules. John Wooden spent extra time in designing the best practices possible. Superior coaching is about being our best and beyond.

A significant number of Coach Lombardi's players, for example, achieved financial and personal success outside football. Coaching is about performance whether its career planning or on the athletic field. Effective career planning with an experienced job coach will help us get on the right career path to plan, manage and advance our career.

As a career planning guide the best coach to bring out your peak performance is the person you see in the mirror every morning. If you can't pay for a personal career coach, or maybe there's no one available or you aren't ready, why not be your own career planning coach? Here's a successful and winning game plan to follow:

1. Write out your Personal Career Planning Guide: Write out your career goals. Your career development plan should be specific and measurable. There is power in writing and planning your career goals. Put a copy up on your screen saver. Write out your career plan on 3x5 cards and place them where you can read them daily. Think about your career objectives and frequently bring them up to date. Celebrate whenever you reach a milestone. This step is the most important in your career planning tool box.

2. Focus on your Career Development: Eliminate distractions and keep your eye on your career goals. Life normally is full of frustrations and distractions. Successful coaches do not tolerate the things that drive most of us crazy - they take the time to stop, solve the problem and eliminate the distraction once and for all. Stay focused on your career plan.

3. Control your Surroundings: Top performers know that space management is as important as time management. They generally have neat offices, clean cars, orderly appointment books, and they plan for the unexpected, just in case. Make your space is as productive as possible and you can put your very best work.

4. Superior Performance Today: Don't dwell on the past. It can't be changed. Work your career planning strategy by doing your best today. Show up, be attentive, bear down and do your best. Your outstanding performance today will coach you to reach and exceed your future career plans. Many of life's most important achievements are about doing a superior job right now, on the work that lies right in front of you. Dwelling on the big game next month will only cause you to lose focus on you career plans; the job in front of you is to get the most out of today's work (practice) so when the big game arrives you'll be more that ready to excel.

5. Build daily reading into your Career Plan: As part of your career plan, set aside some time to read something useful, motivating or fun every day. If you enjoy reading science fiction, for example, make a deal with yourself for every science fiction novel you read you'll read two motivation or career related books. Plan on reading at least two books a month, build it into your career planning. Manage your other reading. Everything that comes across your desk or in your email does not have to be read. Use the delete button or the round file. You'll now have more time to read something that advances your career plan. Reading will make a world of difference in coaching you to reach your career goals outlined in your career plan.

6. Make the time in your car Productive: During your commute or when you're driving plan on listening to motivational, educational, learn a language, or just plain fun CD's. The radio is wall to wall commercials or the latest murder and mayhem; not productive use of your time. You'll be furthering your career plan by turning this unproductive time to into something useful. It's always good career advice to surround yourself with the best information available.

7. Develop a Career Coaching Group: As you advance in your career you'll come across people who can help you become successful. Stay in contact with them. Think of them as your "assistant coaches." Run ideas by them, ask for their advice and be open to let them coach you.

8. Build Play and Fitness into your Career Plan: Get fit. Go for a long walk. Use the basketball hoop in the driveway. Have fun, laugh, enjoy the day with friends and family. Build play and fitness into your career plan. Be balanced in your career life planning. Don't neglect the physical side of your career path planning.

10. Be Thankful of your Gifts: Look back on the past week. Ask yourself how many good days or events did you have in the past week. What made them good? Plan on doing more of the good stuff and less of the not so good. Be grateful and thankful to others. Practice a positive attitude.

Having a number of career planning guides like those listed above in your career tool box to assist you in your coaching will help keep you on your planned path. Having written career goals, with a career planning strategy and your books, CD's, friends along with your routine will all help coach you to career success.

Search out the best resources you can find. Build your career plan into your daily routine. Overall your career planning should not be expensive and you'll find it to be one of the best investments you'll ever make. Coach yourself to success.

John Groth

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careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

Career assessments and tests help you explore who you. Career books and web sites give you a glimpse of the world of work. Free career information is available on web sites. Some writers have written facts for children and teens. We would like to share some information with you. These web sites use graphics, multimedia presentation, activities, and other techniques to expand our knowledge of careers. We have written information on seventeen (17) web sites. Here are the four different types of exploring careers web sites:


General Career Information

Science Career Clusters

Specific Science Careers

Curriculum Web Sites

Curriculum web sites provide activities, tests, guidelines, as well as career information.

Resource One: Career Cruiser

Source: Florida Department of Education

The Career Cruiser is a career exploration guidebook for middle school students. The Career Cruiser has self assessment activities to match personal interests to careers. The Career Cruiser has information on Holland Codes. Careers are grouped into 16 career clusters. The Career Cruiser has information on occupational descriptions, average earnings, and minimum educational level required for the job.

Teacher's Guide is also available.

Resource Two: Elementary Core Career Connection

Source: Utah State Office of Education

The Core Career Connections is a collection of instructional activities, K to 6, and 7 to 8, designed by teachers, counselors, and parents. Each grade level has instructional activities that align directly with the Utah State Core. This instructional resource provides a framework for teachers, counselors, and parents to integrate career awareness with the elementary and middle level grade students.

Career Information Web Sites

Some web sites provide excellent career information. Some web sites list facts about job tasks, wages, career outlook, interests, education, and more.

Resource Three: Career Voyages

Source: U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Education

The Career Voyages web site is a Career Exploration web site for Elementary School students. The Career Voyages web site has information about the following industries:

Advanced Manufacturing




Financial Services

Health Care


Information Technology



Aerospace and the "BioGeoNano" Technologies

Resource Four: Career Ship

Source: New York State Department of Labor

Career Ship is a free online career exploration tool for middle and high school students.
Career Ship uses Holland Codes and the O*NET Career Exploration Tools. For each career, Career Ship provides the following information:



Career outlook





Similar careers

Career Ship is a product of Mapping Your Future, a public service web site providing career, college, financial aid, and financial literacy information and services.


Source: New York State Department of Labor

Career Zone is a career exploration and planning system. Career Zone has an assessment activity that identifies Holland Codes. Career Zone provides information on 900 careers from the new O*NET Database, the latest labor market information from the NYS Department of Labor and interactive career portfolios for middle and high school students that connect to the NYS Education Department Career Plan initiative. Career Zone has links to college exploration and planning resources, 300 career videos, resume builder, reference list maker, and cover letter application.

Resource Six: Destination 2020

Source: Canada Career Consortium

Destination 2020 helps youth discover how everyday tasks can help them build skills they will need to face the many challenges of the workforce.

Skills are linked to:

School Subjects

Other School Activities

Play Activities At Home

Work at Home

Through quizzes, activities and articles, they might actually find some answers or, at least, a direction about their future. There are more than 200 profiles of real people who are describing what a day at work is like for them.

Resource Seven: What Do You Like

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

What Do You Like is the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Career web site for kids. The web site provides career information for students in Grades 4 to 8. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most of the material on the site has been adapted from the Bureau's Occupational Outlook Handbook,a career guidance publication for adults and upper level high school students that describes the job duties, working conditions, training requirements, earnings levels, and employment prospects of hundreds of occupations. Careers are matched to interests and hobbies. In the Teacher's Guide, there are twelve categories and their corresponding occupations.

Science Career Clusters

Some organizations have created web sites that feature science careers.

Resource Eight: EEK! Get a Job Environmental Education for Kids

Source: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Eek! Get a Job Environmental Education for Kids is an electronic magazine for kids in grades 4 to 8. Eek! Get a Job provides information about:





Park Ranger

Wildlife Biologist

Park Naturalist

There is a job description for each career, a list of job activities, suggested activities to begin exploring careers, and needed job skills.

Resource Nine: GetTech

Source: National Association of Manufacturers, Center for Workforce Success, U.S. Department of Commerce, and U.S Department of Labor

Get Tech is a educational web site that provides CAREER EXPLORATION information.
Get Tech has information about the following industries:

New Manufacturing

Information Technology

Engineering and Industrial Technology

Biotechnology and Chemistry

Health and Medicine

Arts & Design

Within each area, there are examples of careers.

Each career profile gives:

General description


Number of people employed to job

Number of jobs available in the future

Place of work

Level of education required

Location of training programs: University Pharmacy Programs.

Courses needed

There is a Get Tech Teacher's Guide.

Resource Ten: LifeWorks

Source: National Institutes of Health, Office of Science Education

LifeWorks is a career exploration web site for middle and high school students. LifeWorks has information on more than 100 medical science and health careers. For each career, LifeWorks has the following information:


Education required

Interest area

Median salary

True stories of people who do the different jobs

LifeWorks has a Career Finder that allows you to search by Name of Job, Interest Area, Education Required, or Salary.

Resource Eleven: San Diego Zoo Job Profiles for Kids

Source: San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo Job Profiles discussed jobs for people who:

Work with animals

Work with plants

Work with science and conservation

Work with people

Work that helps run the Zoo and Park

There are activities listed under each area, for example:

What we do

What is cool about this job

Job challenges

How this job helps animals

How to get a job like this

Practice Being a ...

How to Become a ...

Resource Twelve: Scientists in Action!

Source: U.S. Department of the Interior

Scientists in Action features summaries of the lives of people involved in careers in the natural sciences:

Mapping the planets

Sampling the ocean floor

Protecting wildlife

Forecasting volcanic eruptions

Resource Twelve: Want To Be a Scientist?

Source: Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of the Agriculture

Want To Be a Scientist is a career exploration web site for kids about 8 to 13 years old. Want To Be a Scientist has a series of job descriptions, stories, and other resources about what scientists do here at the ARS.

These stories include information about:

Plant Pathologist


Soil Scientist


Animal Scientist


Plant Physiologist

Specific Science Careers

The last group of web sites is dedicated to providing information on specific science careers, for example veterinarians,

Resource Thirteen: About Veterinarians

Source: American Veterinary Medical Association

About Veterinarians has facts about:

What is a Veterinarian?

Becoming a Veterinarian

Making a Career Decision

What Personal Abilities Does a Veterinarian Need?

What Are the Pluses and Minuses of a Veterinary Career?

Veterinary Education

General Information

After Graduation From Veterinary School

General Information

School Statistics

Preparation Advice

Preveterinary Coursework

Where Most Schools Are Located

About School Accreditation

The Phases of Professional Study

The Clinical Curriculum

The Academic Experience

Roles of Veterinarians

Private Practice

Teaching and Research

Regulatory Medicine

Public Health

Uniformed Services

Private Industry

Employment Outlook

Employment Forecast

The Advantage of Specializing


Greatest Potential Growth Areas

Other Professional Directions

AVMA Veterinary Career Center

Becoming a Veterinary Technician

Your Career in Veterinary Technology

Duties and Responsibilities

Career Opportunities

Education Required

Distance Learning


Professional Regulations


Further Information

Resource Fourteen: Aquarium Careers

Source: Monterey Bay Aquarium

Aquarium Careers features careers information. For each Staff Profiles, there is Educational Background and Skills Needed. The Staff Profiles include:


Education Specialist

Exhibits Coordinator

Exhibit Designer

Research Biologist

Science Writer

The Aquarium Careers web site answers the following questions:

What should I do now to prepare for a career in marine biology?

Where can I find a good college for marine biology?

What should be my college major?

How do I pick a graduate school?

I'm not sure of my area of interest. What should I do?

Marine Science Career Resources include information on:

Marine Advanced Technology Education

Marine Mammal Center, California

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California

Scripps Library

Sea Grant

Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station

State University of New York at Stony Brook

Resource Fifteen: Engineering The Stealth Profession

Source: Discover Engineering

Engineering The Stealth Profession has a lot of information about engineers:

Types of Engineers

Aerospace Engineering

Ceramic/Materials Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electrical/Computer Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Industrial Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Other Engineers

True Stories


Education Required

Work Schedules

Equipment Used

Resource Sixteen: Sea Grant Marine Careers

Source: Marine Careers

Sea Grant Marine Careers gives you facts about marine career fields and to people working in those fields. Sea Grant Marine Careers outlines information on:

Marine Biology


Ocean Engineering

Related Fields

In each area, there is a detailed description of the type of the work that the scientists do. There are feature stories for different scientists in the career field.

The career profiles include information on:

What is your current job and what does it entail?

What was the key factor in your career decision?

What do you like most about your career?

What do you like least about your career?

What do you do to relax?

Who are your heroes/heroines?

What advice would you give a high school student who expressed an interest in pursuing a career in your field?

Are career opportunities in your field increasing or decreasing and why?

What will you be doing 10 years from today?

What is the salary range?

Resource Seventeen: Do You Want to Become a Volcanologist?

Source: Volcano World

Do You Want to Become a Volcanologist? provides the following descriptions:

The Word Volcanologist

Daily work

Traits for success



Career web sites help you build awareness of the different aspects of careers: the tasks, wages, career outlook, interests, education, knowledge, and skills. We know that you will be fun exploring careers.

Dr Mary Askew

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Senin, 20 September 2010

Creating a Successful Teacher Resume

It's arguably the most important job in the world, but just because you're a passionate, dedicated teacher doesn't mean that you can send in any old resume. You must be able to translate your skills, experiences, and credentials into a document that makes potential employers say, "I want to meet his person!" In fact, you're "teaching" employers about you.

Structuring for Success

These features must be included on your resume. Put them in the order below to maximize readability.

· Identifying information. Like other resumes, you must include your full name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of your resume. Make sure it's big enough to read easily.

· Objective. This is especially important when applying at large school districts because they receive hundreds of resumes and need to quickly identify which pile your resume should be added to. Many teachers-especially at the elementary level-are certified for a broad range of ages and subjects. If employers can't decide whether you want to teach sixth grade social studies or kindergarten, she may toss your resume and move on the next, clearer resume. Be precise: "Seeking a sixth grade language arts teaching position."

· Teaching experience. Start with your current or most recent teaching experience and work your way back chronologically. If you're a new teacher, your student teaching experience-as well as any substitute teaching experience-will make up this section.

· Education. Again, list this in reverse chronological order, and make sure to include any continuing education or professional development you've participated in. If you're a new teacher, put this section above teaching experience.

· Certifications. You can't teach if you aren't certified,and employing someone who isn't qualified is every administrator's worst nightmare. Make it easy for them by putting your certifications and endorsements front and center. If it's in the works, put the anticipated date of your endorsement.

· Career-related awards. If you've been honored with a Golden Apple teaching award or some other education-centered award during your career, make sure you include it. Outside validation goes a long way with school districts.

· Associations and memberships. List the professional organizations to which you belong. For new teachers especially, these associations demonstrate your seriousness about your career.

The following sections are potential add-ins, depending on your situation.

· Profile. If you're an established teacher, a profile section can help define who you are. Think about your qualities, experience, and skills. Example: "A very creative high school history teacher with 10 years of experience, I'm dedicated to eliciting high levels of classroom performance from every student.

· Other work experience. This is only for new teachers or those with a large gap between teaching jobs. Try to play up the "educational" aspects of any job you list. For instance, if you were a docent at a local museum, emphasize how you taught large groups of people about ancient Egypt on a daily basis.

· College honors. Again, this is primarily for new teachers, though if you were a Rhodes Scholar, you're never too far removed from college to include that tidbit!

· Special skills. Like every other employer today, schools are looking to maximize the usefulness of their teachers. If you're fluent in a foreign language, for example, a small district with no current foreign language offerings may give your resume more weight because they can use that skill, as well as your primary teaching area.

Other Tips:

· Incorporate buzz words. If possible-and if it's true, of course-demonstrate your knowledge of and experience with some of the most popular trends in teaching. Things such as "team teaching" (or learning), "hands-on learning," "whole language," and "inclusion" are going to set off happy bells for potential employers.

· Highlight your innovative spirit. Whatever your teaching experience-even if only as a student teacher-you've had to get creative in the classroom. Include a couple of examples of innovative techniques you've developed that are transferable to a new position.

· Emphasize your willingness to be a team player. Teaching is often collaborative, so if you're able to demonstrate how you've contributed your time and skills for the overall benefit of a school-not just your own students-your resume will outshine most others.

Jason Kay

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Part Time Jobs - Save Time and Earn Money Extra

First things first, why are you looking to take up a part time job? Is it because you want to break away from the routine and regularity that an every day job brings? Is it because you already have a job and are looking to earn extra money for whatever reason? Is it to constructively use your spare time? Is it because you are studying and want to earn your own cash on the side, or help your parents out with the finances for your family?

Generally speaking part time jobs are a type of employment where you only end up working for a small part of the day or as much/ little as you can afford to work around your existing schedule. Timings are not fixed in every case, and for the most part you get to choose whether you want to work nights, between 12 and 3 in the afternoon or whatever timing suits your convenience. Part time jobs almost always pay by the hour (per word or article if you're a writer, per page if you're doing a data online entry job, or in a sales and marketing job you could be paid a certain percentage/ commission of the income you generate, etc)
Surveys have shown that the people working most on part time jobs are none other than the housewives and homemakers. Taking the responsibility to keep themselves productive while managing life at home, these woman have been able to work at professional jobs - albeit from home - and hence, they can earn their families a steady stream of income. Tough or not, these women seem to be able to balance work and home life well.

There is of course the age factor with part time work. Senior citizens retire, and in an attempt to keep themselves and their minds busy, they take up a part time job. It is especially beneficial to the company in this case, as the senior person has years of experience that they bring with them to the job. It doesn't necessarily pay as highly as a full time job, but it is a dignified way of supporting themselves and staying busy.
You can find ads for available part time jobs online, in local classifieds and other job advertisement areas. Sometimes there will even be posting in local shops and supermarkets.
Perhaps one of the best benefits of taking up a part time job is that you can take several part time jobs simultaneously, or even alongside a regular full time one and thereby earn yourself or your family some extra cash.

This trend is no longer only unique to western countries. Indian citizens are not far behind in finding or posting part time jobs. Online data entry jobs are great for part time solutions. There is no end to the part time job vacancies in India. From IT jobs, to main frame jobs, to telecom jobs, to just about anything, you can find a part time job in just about every sector.

SC Mishra

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Job Search - Skip the Headache and Reduce Job Search Stress

Searching for your ideal job takes time and effort, as well as knowledge. To reduce the headaches associated with the job search, take a look at these suggestions before you begin to start looking for your next job:

1. Have an idea of what kind of job you are seeking. Signing up willy-nilly for job fairs that specialize in positions that are outside your area of competence is a time-waster.

Be aware of your personal interests, the hours you want to work and your willingness (or lack thereof) to relocate. Make sure that you do not waste time on pursuing a job on the late shift or in another state if that would not fit in with your personal life.

2. Make sure that you have copies (hard and soft) of your resume, clips, samples, portfolio, college transcripts and relevant certifications so you will be able to include them when required.

3. Be aware of where to look for job openings. There are several options, depending on your situation. Here are a few of them:

The Internet - Searching online for job openings is not only a time saver, compared to knocking on doors, it is also less expensive than many of the other available options. You do not need to buy newspapers or magazines to browse through their "help wanted" ads and you do not need to burn any gas in travel. The internet also allows you to cast a wide net (so to speak), searching for jobs all over the country or even in other countries.

Newspapers - Traditionally one of the most widely used sources for job openings, newspapers post ads for jobs that are generally close-by, within easy commuting distance for the paper's readers.

Career/Job Centers - In general, such centers are aimed at young people, especially teenagers seeking their first jobs. Most vacancies at job centers are best suited for those under 18 and are rarely aimed at 20-something college graduates. The vacancies are updated on a regular basis, so if a job center has the kind of work you are looking for, it is a good idea to visit often.

Magazines and Periodicals - Trade publications for a given industry are a good place to look for jobs, as companies are interested in hiring the sort of person who keeps up with their field by reading such publications.

Offices - Most offices have a bulletin board somewhere with job vacancies posted on it. And once you are there, if you have your resume and other documents handy, you can proceed directly to the part of the office where applications are accepted and processed.

John Glover

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Finding Jobs in Ireland During the Recession

Job Prospects in Ireland
Like many other countries in the European Union, Ireland is currently going through a severe economic recession. Conservative figures put the employment rate at between 12%-13%, almost double that of 12 months ago. Construction industry Jobs are down almost 40% and many other sectors are not far behind. Many people would automatically assume that there are no Jobs in Dublin or Ireland, given the fact that there are more people leaving the country than arriving. It is true there are far fewer jobs in Ireland during the present time, but it is still a great country to live in. Ireland is a beautiful place with an exceptional education system, a massive rural and community life and plenty to see and do. It is also the chosen location for some of the largest multinationals in Europe including Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Intel.

The National Job Agency Fas
If you have decided to live in Ireland or you are currently unemployed in Ireland, then your first stop off will be FAS. FAS is a government agency set up to help the unemployed find work and gain training to improve their future job prospects. They have offices in almost every major town, where you can go to search for recent employment vacancies. They also have a massive variety of training courses for almost every career path there is. More importantly, they are there to give you advice and suggestions for almost any problem you may come up against when searching for a Job.

Local Newspapers
Secondly, if you are based in Dublin your must search through the classified section of the Evening Herald, where you will find a selection of recent Job Vacancies to suit any career. Cork City also has the Evening Echo, a daily tabloid with a variety of job listings. Both these newspapers usually contain hundreds of job vacancies from all over Ireland.

The Old Fashioned Walk In
In Ireland, especially in the service industry, it is quite acceptable to make a personal call into a Hotel or Restaurant in order to find a Job. This gives you a good chance of meeting the owner or manager. Irish people like to know how they are hiring, they like to get a feel for the person rather than a quick look at a CV. Remember, Ireland went into recession fast and it can come out of it pretty quickly.

Sean. C 

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Job Search Online Can be a Quick and Easy Experience

Whether you love them or hate them, at some point in our lives, all of us have to go through the dreaded job search. Have you noticed how difficult it becomes finding work as you get older too? I found myself unemployed at 39 and thought I'd walk into another job within a couple of weeks. Well, there were plenty of vacancies around but despite my carefully prepared resume and well written cover letter, I got but 1 reply to 25 applications over a 3 month period and that was just a simple thanks but no thanks.

Of course, this was a good few years ago now and the medium for finding new work was via the employment agencies, the local rags, or word by mouth. It's so much different these days with the opportunities unveiled with that information super highway. I could have done with a bit of electronic assistance back when I was out of work. It's so much faster than the postal service and much easier to research and follow up too.

Despite this, a job search is still seen as a necessary evil to many folks. A painful and humiliating process that makes them despise themselves with each rejection or ignored application. There are some people, however, that love a good job search. Some employment seekers just can't resist bouncing in and out of different jobs and positions, as they continue setting themselves up for new challenges and or promotions. It is possible to take the sting, the monotony, and the fear out of a job search. Here are a few suggestions on turning this loathing task into one you love.

Okay, so just how do we turn a job search into a less disturbing or intimidating prospect. Well, provided you follow a few basic instructions and guidelines, you can make your job search one heck of a lot more exciting and interesting.

The first big tip of a successful job search is to network. It might be the buzz word of the day, but networking should not be underestimated as a valuable string to your job search bow. You need to get to know as many people in the industry you are targeting as well in allied industries. This way, you will be more likely to hear about your dream job much sooner than anyone else does.

It's a fact that many jobs advertised in publications and on company notice board are taken even before the positions even go puublic. Statistically, it's something like 80%. The reason they are still advertised is a legal one. By law, a new job vacancy should be advertised fairly and for duration before it is filled. Even though a company will know who's filling the position before hand, they still have to go through this procedure to keep the workers rights brigades off of their backs.

The great thing about networking is that it's simple. You just need to join up with a number of clubs and associations that are related to the industry in question. As an example, if say advertising is where you want to be, find out more about the eligibility requirements of the Ad Club in your region. If there are frequent informal meeting of the ad crowd in certain restaurants/pubs in your locality, try to get invited and if you can't, invite yourself somehow. You can also attend seminars and conferences of interest to people in your targeted profession and this way, you could make your job search not just interesting, but fulfilling as well. I'm assuming you're looking for a job that you have a genuine interest in and not just a job for the sake of making a few bob of course.

But there's not just networking. If networking doesn't work for you, you can rely on the proficiency of good consultancy firm to help you land your dream position. Consultants can really be an essential element of any good job search as they work closely with the various industries.

A final tip is to comb online world of classifieds for temporary jobs vacancies. Most companies start off by offering smaller, part-time gigs, and short-term contracts, but if you get in and prove yourself as an asset, you will often be offered a full time post after a period of time.

Whichever method you go for, remember that a job search is only as interesting as you make it. If you convince yourself it's going to be nothing but stress and strife from the outset, then that's what you'll get. Concentrate your time and effort into a smart job search as opposed to a conventional job search and you will surely see the difference.

Andy Maingam

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Cleaning Job Vacancies

If you are searching for cleaning jobs then you have come to the right place. The information in this article has been put together to give you an understanding of the range of positions that fall into this category. There are actually many types of cleaning jobs. To find the latest openings the best approach would be to look online or sign up with an agency. It should not take you long to find a large number of positions you can apply to.

The following options are the most well known cleaning jobs that need to be filled on a regular basis. Before you apply to any position you should be clear on whether it is full time or part time position that you are interested in.

Falling under the category of full time cleaning jobs, the role of a general maintenance technician in a company or business would involve ensuring that sanitation is thorough at all times. This may include cleaning washrooms, floors, windows, and emptying any trash or rubbish. Occasionally an individual with this role would also be responsible for basic repairs such as to ensure bathroom fittings are fixed when broken.

A housekeeping job would primarily involve being accountable for certain daily chores alongside sanitation based activities. For example a housekeeper in an office would be responsible for cleaning the complete work-space on a daily basis. If the role is for a private home then the actual activities would be similar, though instead of cleaning office dirt, a kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms would be where most of the tasks lie.

There are companies that specialize in offering cleaning services. The duties may involve a wide range of sanitation based work. The great aspect of being employed by a cleaning firm is that the work can be varied and also you can enjoy being alongside other like-minded people.

Today there is a high demand for people who have some experience of working in the cleaning industry. Though not thought of as a prestige position, most cleaning work offers wages higher than the national minimum wage. They are a satisfying career for individuals who love to be tidy and encourage cleanliness in others.

When it comes to applying for any position make sure you tailor your resume to each and every opening. It would be a mistake to use the same generic cover letter and CV for each position that is applied to.

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