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Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Men and Women at Work: Can We All Get Along?

by : Teena Rose

It may be true that men are from Mars and women from Venus. That doesn’t mean the two sexes can’t effectively work together here on Earth.

John Gray’s New York Times bestseller “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” was a lighthearted look at differences between the sexes. It seems silly that it took a book to figure this out. As if it wasn’t obvious enough. But Gray’s work helped men and women develop better communication skills by pointing out that they have varying emotional needs. And there’s no more important place to understand this reality than at the office.

Once the political correctness is pushed aside, it’s plain to see that women and men simply approach work differently. And it has nothing to do with qualifications. After more than 30 years of the women’s movement, the workplace has been filled with highly skilled and accomplished women, whose educations and backgrounds have been on par with their male counterparts. However, the overwhelming majority of senior and CEO jobs in corporate America still remain in the hands of men. While gender bias, mostly in a covert fashion, continues to play a role, some researchers feel that the difference can be attributed to how women and men approach work.

That key difference? Competitiveness. There are, of course, women who can be just as, if not more, competitive than men. But as a whole, workplace studies have found that men put in longer hours, endure more hardships, are apt to relocate, and are willing to sacrifice family obligations more than women. If those are indeed the conclusions, it seems that women have a much smarter and healthier approach to work, even if they don’t occupy as many corner offices.

The workplace hasn’t become an all-out, battle royal of the sexes. In most professions men and women have gotten used to working together. But it stands to reason that the contrasting styles can lead to a breakdown in communication, a vital component in any successful business. But not to fear, men and women are more alike than different. Some may find that hard to believe, but it’s actually possible to improve cross-gender communication and smooth out the rough edges.

If you’re a woman who has frequent interactions with a men at work, you will be overwhelming successful if you recognize one simple rule: men think differently. And with that knowledge comes power.

One of the first places to start is recognizing that men typically talk to get information. While women do the same, there’s the added component of personal interaction in their conversations. An easily recognizable example of this in everyday life is the phone conversation. Guys call other guys get relay information or set up meetings. It’s rare that a man will call another “just to chat.”

Another striking difference is that women tend to ask more questions than men. Women typically want more details and a deeper understanding of an issue. Men sometimes see excessive questioning as a weakness and want to give the impression that they already have the information they need and can carry out the task.

An obvious distinction is that men tend to have a looser tongue than women. Offhand comments that can be offensive filter out of men’s mouths more than women. Most of the time it’s not an effort to harass a female employee, but a lack of judgment in telling a sexual or offensive joke. If a woman faces this situation, it’s wise to evaluate it on its merits and intention before reacting.

Everyone knows that men hate asking for directions, and that can go way beyond the map. It’s on commercials, television shows and movies constantly. You have a lost couple, a woman imploring the man to ask for directions, and the man outright refusing. What’s that guy’s problem? It’s a sign of weakness and men just hate that. Women can’t understand this phenomenon because they’re more intuitive than men and have no problem asking for help. To deal with this touchy subject at work, women can approach this in an easy-going manner and offer a man help “if he feels he needs it.”

When men and woman want to convey trust either at work or in a relationship, they, not surprisingly, do it differently. A woman who shares her feelings with a male co-worker is displaying trust, while men look more toward consistency and reliability as a marker. Because it’s so important to create bonds at work, a woman can win points with a male co-worker just by simple things like showing up on time, following through on a project or troubleshooting a problem.

While getting along with a man at work may feel like tip-toeing through a minefield sometimes, the bottom line is to maintain a professional relationship. Understanding why the opposite sex acts and reacts the way it does will go a long way in bridging the cultural gap in the workplace.

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Is It Time For A New Career Change

By: James Copper

Career change is one of the most important decision and the most important step in ones life. This career change can alter ones life completely and change it for ever. People change careers because they find their current careers boring, monotonies, and unchallenging. There are people who change their careers because they want to try out something new. There are many career changing options available. The industries have become more flexible and are welcoming multi tasking individuals. There are many examples of people who have changed their careers and have been successful at it.

A few important things that one should consider before changing one career are that The fore most thing is to identify the correct reason for which you are changing your a career. There can be many things like friend's influence, monotonous job, lack of growth opportunities, lack of passion, lack of incentives, etc. Once you understand the basic reason why you want to change your career then you will be in a position to think of the new career options.

The second most important thing is to choose a new career. The choice of the new career should be made according to the job opportunities, the growth option, and the pay packages and last but not the least your passion for the new career. There is no point in changing ones career just for the sake of changing it. One should have a strong enough to change his or her career and then also should be confident of doing well in the new career. Then one should also check out the courses that are on offer for the new career. Taking these courses will help you get a better job in that field and will also be helpful for your growth.

There are many part time courses that are available and can help you change your profession. For, example if an IT professional undergoes a part time course for fashion designing and if he is good at it, then he can change is career and become a fashion designer. If there is commerce graduate and he undertakes computer language courses then he can turn into an IT professional. There are no limitations on which course you can undertake or which sector you can work in, each and every career has some pros and cons. There are also career options like modeling, acting singing, drawing, carpentry, sports, business, stock brokers, etc.

While making a career change decision, you must ensure that you have some financial back up, in case you have to wait for a while before you land the new job. This financial savings back up will also allow you some time to deliberate over the various options and will not force you into making a decision in a hurry. After all, your first career choice may have been influenced by peer pressure, parental insistence or simply something random you thought you would like to try. A career change may be a way to correct some such mistakes or simply a way to experience something new.

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Take A Close Look Then Work To Change Wrong Views And Actions

By: Donald Mitchell

Our daily lives are filled with reports of tragedies: Children are abandoned, parents are murdered in senseless crimes, terrible tenement fires kill whole families, and children die of starvation with horrible frequency. People often wonder why these things happen, but they keep happening.

Wouldn't it be great to find ways to avoid some of these tragedies? That thought first got my attention as a college senior. Shocking assassinations changed the American political scene in 1968 when first Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and soon after Senator Robert F. Kennedy was also killed. Two great leaders were removed at a time when new trails to social justice and international peace needed to be blazed.

As upsetting as those killings were, I was almost as shocked when my university invited the Shah of Iran to speak at my college commencement exercises where he announced an international peace corps. Even in those days, the Shah was well known for stifling his political and religious opponents, even to the point of spying on dissident students enrolled in American universities. Rougher tactics were employed against opponents in Iran.

Fortunately, my class was also allowed to invite a speaker. We chose Ms. Coretta Scott King, Dr. King's widow, to address us on Class Day, the first woman ever invited to do so. This was one small step in her achieving more prominence in the non-violent search for civil rights.

Recently reviewing the events of 1968, I was struck by how often the "official" actions support injustice. As a result, it's good to think carefully about how far we should support "official" positions as opposed to looking independently for the truth and then acting on it.

My thoughts turned to those long ago days while considering the path towards social justice followed by Dr. Hossein Sheykholya, a former Iranian Air Force fighter pilot who later became a political prisoner in Iran. As a child, Dr. Sheykholya lived in a tough, violent working-class neighborhood in Iran. Around him were frequent reminders of the Shah's social and political repression. At the same time, poor people didn't get the medical attention they needed . . . despite the country's great wealth. Great prejudice existed against the poor; favoritism, corruption and crime were among other social ills.

Convinced that the "official" approach was wrong, Dr. Sheykholya became a social activist, a dangerous thing to do in Iran at that time. He also decided to use social science to find the causes of oppression, poverty, prejudice, drug addiction, and other ills. This determination went against the grain of what many believed at the time: these social ills were predetermined by biology or mental illness.

In examining these problems, Dr. Sheykholya learned something else: Prestigious universities often encouraged thinking about these problems that came no closer to finding causes for these afflictions than did believing in the prejudices of the uneducated. As an example, he reminded me of Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, long considered to be one of the world's leading authorities on how to help poor nations to improve their circumstances through economic policies.

Professor Sachs noted the following reservations about his past advice around the world: "It has taken me 20 years to understand what good development economics should be, and I am still learning." Clearly, earning a doctorate alone wasn't enough to equip Dr. Sachs with the best solutions; only getting his hands dirty in country after country provided his real education.

When the time came to earn his own doctorate, Dr. Sheykholya wanted to avoid the pitfall of studying under those who only knew the "official" answers to problems of social justice. Instead, he looked for a university that emphasized building new knowledge through independent study.

He found what he was looking for at Rushmore University (an online school) where all courses are conducted as individual tutorials in which students work one-on-one with a world-class faculty of experienced practitioners and scholars. Students are also permitted to design their own courses, majors, and degrees. Such flexibility provides the opportunity to gain new knowledge from wherever it is needed.

Dr. Sheykholya did exciting work at Rushmore and earned his doctorate from that university, based on much field study of the causes and cures for the social ills he first observed in Iran as a youngster. He now uses his new knowledge to help provide those cures in a country outside of his native homeland.

When asked why he didn't return to Iran, Dr. Sheykholya observed that the country still suffers from oppression and injustice . . . but from a different "official" source. He observed, "I decided for self exile again. I shall struggle for a free society and an advanced country that will promote freedom, democracy, and social justice in its society."

Education has value to society as well as to the individual. But no educational method can hope to instill a strong desire to do the right thing in seeking and applying important new knowledge: Universities can only hope to encourage independence of thinking and action that lead to making better decisions.

Has your education equipped you to seek out the truth in new ways and to advance the application of that truth to avoid tragedies?

If not, perhaps you should seek out new forms of learning that better prepare you to challenge the "official" views.

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Some Common Problems Of Health Care Professionals At Work

By: Brent McNutt

Health care professionals see to it that people are given the proper advice with regard to their health. People go to the hospitals to seek medical treatments or to have their diseases cured. Everyone's life and sanity seems to be dependent on these health care professionals. That is why too much pressure has been put upon them. Hence, it is very important that we are provided with the experts that are truly competitive and knowledgeable. However, with all the pressure at work, they still encounter some problems that hinder them from giving their best at work. Let us look into the world of these health care experts and we will understand better how hard it is for them to maintain excellence.

The common problem that these health professionals encounter is the workload. Of course, there are only limited numbers of doctors and nurses in a hospital and patients seem to be coming every hour of the day. Sometimes, it takes a while before they could finish checking their patients and providing for the right medications. They also have to make sure that they are giving the right medicines and they are not taking for granted even those simple symptoms. A life is on their hand and all of the tasks are really tiring. Sometimes, they are working two consecutive days and after removing their landau mens scrubs they have to run again in the emergency room for another patient. Everything is fast paced at the hospital hence, they don't have the time to relax and even take a breath for a while.

Another problem is the competition. Of course, with the kind of work, it is expected that everyone will give their best. Everyone is expected to perform his best in everything. This puts too much pressure on health care professionals. They always see to it that their work is perfect and there is no room for errors. With this kind of work place, it would be a battlefield of great minds and industrious experts.

Of course, the problem of individuality and identity. There are so many health care experts who wants to maintain their own style and individuality. They want to be seen above all. They wage for a different suit scrubs and wont settle for the ordinary discount landau scrubs that hospitals provide. Of course, there are company rules which must be followed. However, this put strain on the individuality of this workers.

Personal problems also take a toll on their performance. Even though it may not seem obvious that they are carrying the problems they have at their work place, it is undeniable that these problems are actually at the back of their mind affecting their work. This adds to the pressure of work and the competition around them.

Now that you know the different concerns facing these health care professionals at work, you will realize how hard they are working to maintain their competitive edge and at the same time see to it that they are giving their best at their work.

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New Job Search Offer A Bonus

By: Zaiful Zin

As with many, starting a new job search is tough. As with myself, a lot of times, I submitted to pleny of job sites and waited for results. It feels a little awkward. You submit, then wait. Within hours, you may get a lead, but as it turns out, it may be a work from home scam, or a job you would not even want. So, how do you separate yourself? What makes you different, besides you're the best?

What do you think about offering someone a free dinner? or maybe a free gift certificate? Recently, there have been articles in several of the highly viewed news sites where people are willing to give a prize or offer to someone that helps them find a job. Why not? Times are tough, we'll do what it takes to get noticed.

Would the recruiter pay attention to a bonus? Well, we'll never know. Put yourself in the hiring manager's shoes for a second. I'm looking to hire someone. There are a lot of resumes, I'm tired and I have a lot of work to do. Your resume says "Hiring Bonus". Well, I'd like a bonus. Let's take a look at that to see what it is. Immediately, you have grabbed their attention for a couple of seconds longer. Maybe that's all it takes. Maybe deep down inside we wouldn't want to think it would affect someone's thoughts of you, but, in reality, a nice dinner or gift certificate would be nice.

So, the idea is to separate yourself from the rest. Maybe you could put the hiring bonus on your resume? Well, that may be a little cheesy. But, there are sites, for free, where you could post your resume and show that you are offering an incentive to hire you. This way, you are indirectly letting them know you give a bonus. Sure, it may cost you a dinner, but now that you have a job, a dinner is a lot more affordable.

So, if you are submitting your resume, don't forget to put in links to sites that tell about you. Maybe it's Linked In, PayForJobs, or others. As always, make sure everything about you on the site is good! As always, best of luck when searching for that new job!

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5 Untold Secrets For Newbies To Succeed In Internet Home Based Business

By: Debra Gould

As a newbie, you may feel that the internet marketing world out there can be pretty daunting. You are not sure if you will ever make it. After all, you may have read somewhere that about 95% of newbies don't make any money in their first six months in their internet home based business. You then wondered how many of them quitted. You also wondered if you will follow their footsteps. But don't lose hope as I am going to show you how you can not only survive as a newbie but make money online too.

Find A Mentor

It would help you greatly if you can find a mentor to help you get started. I have come across sponsors with refreshing ways in signing up new prospects to join their internet home based business, offering new ideas. They offered to be their personal coach with some sharing of profits arrangement, or pay for newbies' cost of website upgrade to web2.0. Having a mentor in your initial phase of your internet home based business can be both rewarding as well as a real relief too and you should welcome such opportunities. Similarly you can be proactive too in the search for your mentor. A good idea is to join and surf a few good traffic exchanges so as to get more options for such offers or sign up for free newsletters too to read up on what some successful work at home businesses have to offer newbies.

Before You Write Your First Article

You may have found out the benefits of writing good content articles and especially if you have an interest in writing, you may be very eager to get started on your very first article for your home business. But don't, not just yet anyway. Do not start writing your first article for your internet home based business until you learn about keyword optimization.

When you write an article, it is very important to pay attention to the keywords on-demand in your niche. In article marketing, the SEO aspect is very important. You have to optimize your articles with the correct keywords if you want to get higher search engine placements.

Get A Proper Blog

I really recommend that you spend a little money to install wordpress blog on your own site. It has the best available plugins making the most of your new blog, with search engine optimized from the start. It also gives you plugins that optimize each new post and a lot more features. I am not trying to sell you any blog installation service, but just sharing my good experience I had with wordpress after migrating from blogger. I have also received many backlinks too, not only from my blog posts, but blog tags as well. As a newbie, trying to absorb so much information about building your business can be quite overwhelming. So getting a great blog started can only make things a little easier for your internet home based business.

Learn Basic Search Engine Optimization

You can take my word for it that before you start to make a decent amount of money from your business; you need to first learn at least the basics of search engine optimization. I know that these words look intimidating to you and you probably want to put it away and start focusing on your internet home based business. But before you do that, one way to convince you is this. As a newbie, you will be interested to get familiar with your new website and start to add lots of information, banners, images, even write a killer feature on the homepage about your business. But do you know that by just blindly adding more text alone without consideration for additional keywords into your webpage, dilutes your keyword density on your main page. Or did you know that there is an ideal maximum number of words your homepage should have if you want to maintain a good level of keyword density for best search engine optimization?

Understanding the basics of SEO starts now for your new internet home based business. Do not ignore this to focus only on the money making aspect of you business. As a newbie, you should read lots of articles on SEO from article directories, SEO forums, SEO blogs and start to apply what you have learned on your website, like some simple on-page optimization factors. They are not hard to learn and easy to apply immediately on your website.

Have Patience

The fifth secret I am sharing with you is patience. Do not expect to make money overnight. It does take some time to build a real legitimate business, especially if you do not have any prior business or marketing experience. Many people who failed their business often belong to this category. They look for short term gains rather than long term stability and do not follow a marketing plan to build a strong and reputable internet home based business.

To summarize this article, starting a home business is simple. To grow and build up this business takes time and effort and you have to invest your time to learn from mentors and other experts in the areas of SEO if you want to succeed your home business. Focus on keyword optimization both in article marketing and your website and install a good blog and don't forget to have fun doing all this work for your internet home based business.

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Career Education for Improving Employment Skills

David R. Wetzel

Continuing education is necessary to improve work place skills and knowledge, along with establishing an action plan to achieve career goals.

Career education prepares adults for improved job skills in all sectors of career fields. This type of continuing education supports the lifelong learning efforts of employees in professional, managerial, sales, service, clerical, trades, and labor. This education for adults comes in many forms such as college courses, workshops, community education, continuing education units, and on-the-job training.

Career education is often referred to as technical education or vocational education, because adult learners develop expertise in a particular set of job skills or technology applications within a career field. These work related programs and courses are typically offered in classroom instruction settings or via online learning. Adults who enroll in these programs or courses do so for a variety of reasons to meet career goals and objectives.

Interesting Facts: Career Education and Work Related Courses

Career development is designed to support adult learners who enroll in vocational schools to improve their employment skills and knowledge. The following is a statistical summary of facts regarding adults who enrolled in career education courses (National Center for Educational Statistics, Career and Technical Education Statistics, 2009).

Occupational Reasons

  • Because Employer Required Courses – 63 percent
  • To Maintain or Improve Skills or Knowledge – 95 percent
  • To Learn New Skills or Methods – 83 percent
  • To Earn a Raise of Advance in a Job or Career – 19 percent
  • To Change Job or Career – 10 percent


  • Basic Education or self improvement – 8 percent
  • Business – 34 percent
  • Computer Science – 15 percent
  • Education – 9 percent
  • Health – 32 percent
  • Science – 10 percent
  • Social Sciences and Services – 6 percent
  • Vocational Trades – 10 percent
  • Other – 10 percent

Online Learning – 31 percent of adults enrolled in continuing education use the Internet to complete courses

Note: The total does not add to 100 percent in any heading area, because respondents to the survey were able to select more than one category to explain their reason for enrolling in education courses.

Vocational Schools: Career and Technical Education

Vocational schools are designed to provide adults with methods for improving their employment or knowledge skills through career and technical education. The following are characteristics of well designed schools, which adults must consider prior to enrollment.

  • College courses taught with relevance to the work place requirements, not general knowledge courses.
  • Development of employee skills, which range from job skills improvement through workplace ethics.
  • Career pathway courses that link work place skills with advancement to management skills.
  • Education for additional training and degrees; especially courses related to workplace training, skills upgrades, and career advancement.

When enrolling in vocational schools, verification of accreditation type is essential. These career schools are typically accredited two ways, national or regional accreditation.

  • Regional Accreditation – these schools are normally academic oriented and non-profit, such as community and junior colleges.
  • National Accreditation – these schools are normally for-profit schools, which offer vocational, career, or technical programs.
Accreditation type is important for adults who may want or need to transfer between schools. National accreditation school credits typically do not transfer to other schools. Regional accreditation school credits will typically transfer to other regional accredited schools. Transfer of credits is always on a case by case basis and final decision resides with receiving school.

Career Development: Planning for Success

A career development action plan is considered by many to be a road map of how an adult moves up the ladder in a career field through continuing education. This plan must be in writing to allow an individual to view actions necessary to advance with a chosen career field. An important point to remember is that the action plan is not written in stone. There must be room for amendments as time passes and new opportunities present themselves.

When developing a career development action plan, there are certain areas which must be considered and include:

  • Short Term Goals – to be accomplished within the next year and five years.
  • Long Term Goals – to be accomplished beyond five years.
  • Barriers to Achieving Goals – things which must be overcome to achieve goals such as arranging for transportation, child care, financial aid, and employer assistance.

Making Connections Between Career Education and Improving Work Skills

Adults considering enrolling in career or technical schools to maintain or improve their employment skills are not alone. There are millions of adults enrolled in continuing education programs and courses around the country today who all have the same goals in mind, maintaining or improving work skills and knowledge. Successful adults are those who plan how to complete courses and have developed specific career goals.

Seven Characteristics of Highly Effective Entrepreneurial Employees

Copyright 1994-2005, Joseph G. Hadzima Jr., All Rights Reserved.

Fast growing, entrepreneurial organizations need employees who regularly demonstrate entrepreneurial characteristics and work habits. Management of entrepreneurial companies must work diligently to recognize, identify and attract this type of employee during the recruitment process to assure a steady stream of the people with the "Right Stuff" to fuel growth of the venture.

Employees come in all shapes and sizes with all sorts of different skills and quirks. Their outlook and approach has been tempered by past experiences, good or bad. In the relatively short period of time that you have to do hiring, you have to cut through the prospective employee's resume and verbal statements and figure out if he or she has the "Right Stuff". This is really important because just as "a bad apple will spoil the barrel", an employee with the "Wrong Stuff" will drag your whole effort down. It would be one thing if a Wrong Stuff employee simply didn't contribute, but it is worse than that-he usually sucks up scare management time, creates diversions for Right Stuff employees- you get the picture.

So what are the characteristics of highly effective "Right Stuff" entrepreneurial employees? Here are a few to keep in mind as you interview potential new hires, you probably can think of others.

Ability to Deal With Risk. An entrepreneur has to operate effectively in an environment filled with risk. The Right Stuff Employee can deal with risk and uncertainty. He is able to make progress towards goals and is able to make decisions when lacking one or several critical resources or data.

Results Oriented. The Right Stuff Employee is results oriented, she takes ownership to get the task done. She is a "can do" person who demonstrates common sense in her decision and actions and is able to cut through and resolve problems that divert others. Her business judgment is sound and becomes stronger with each experience, decision or recommendation. While supervisors and managers may disagree with her ultimate recommendation, they usually agree that the alternatives she presents are reasonable for the situation at hand.

Energy. The Right Stuff Employee has high levels of enthusiasm and energy; he consistently generates output that is higher than could be reasonably expected. He is fully committed to the organization, its goals and overall success.

Not only does he desire to make a contribution to results, he needs to see the results of his contributions quickly, not measured in years! He will seek out an organization that solicits and acts upon his ideas, gives credit where credit is due and points out errors and poor decisions quickly and clearly. He performs effectively with limited supervision and is able to self-motivate and set priorities with minimal guidance.

Growth Potential. The Right Stuff Employee's reach exceeds her grasp today. Today's Right Stuff Employee is often next year's supervisor and a department manager soon thereafter. She is willing to accept much higher levels of responsibility that is the norm for her position, title, experience level or salary. She acts as a strong role model, trains and coaches others, and soon begins to assume supervisory responsibilities, again much earlier than would be expected in a normal corporate environment.

Team Player. The Right Stuff Employee is a true team player, she recognizes how her role contributes to the overall effort and success of the organization. She accepts accountability and ownership for her area of responsibility and expects others on the team to do the same. She also recognizes the roles and contributions of others and applauds their efforts sincerely.

Multitasking Ability. The Right Stuff Employee is flexible to accept new duties, assignments and responsibilities. He can perform more than one role until the incremental duties and functions assumed can be assigned to co-workers in newly defined roles. He is also willing to dig in and do grunt work tasks which eventually will be performed by lower level employees.

Improvement Oriented. The Right Stuff Employee is more than willing to challenge in a constructive way existing procedures and systems; to her the status quo is temporary. She suggests changes and improvements frequently and encourages others to do so also.

Right Stuff Employees are easier to manage in some ways but require a higher level of management involvement in others. Ordinary (average) employees will not produce extraordinary results over time; Right Stuff Employees will generally produce extraordinary results consistently over time. Unfortunately, unless properly motivated, managed and rewarded, Right Stuff Employees could perform at lower levels and only produce ordinary results. So what makes a Right Stuff Manager?

First of all the Right Stuff Manager must herself have the characteristics of the Right Stuff Employee. Beyond that she must have the basic skill set of sound business judgment, practical hands-on experience, general management skills and common sense. She must be committed to and contribute to the organization's vision and mission and must convey this commitment in multiple ways: written, verbal and by actions. She needs an awareness, understanding and interest in the technology trends what affect the venture and its customers.

Externally, the Right Stuff Manager must be able to identify and build creative strategic relationships, especially for partnering opportunities in areas of limited resources.

Internally, he must effectively produce and manage change as the organization evolves, gaining enthusiastic support for change and improvements from the Right Stuff Employees in the ranks.

So when you interview each new employee or manager, look beyond the mere facts of the resume and ask yourself is this a "Right Stuff" person? You are most likely interviewing the person because of the resume. Now is the time to put the resume aside and focus on the "Right Questions".

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Five Tips for Effective Employee Recognition

How to Reward, Recognize, Award, and Thank People Successfully

By Susan M. Heathfield, Guide

Employee recognition is not just a nice thing to do for people. Employee recognition is a communication tool that reinforces and rewards the most important outcomes people create for your business. When you recognize people effectively, you reinforce, with your chosen means of recognition, the actions and behaviors you most want to see people repeat. An effective employee recognition system is simple, immediate, and powerfully reinforcing.

When you consider employee recognition processes, you need to develop recognition that is equally powerful for both the organization and the employee. You must address five important issues if you want the recognition you offer to be viewed as motivating and rewarding by your employees and important for the success of your organization.

The Five Most Important Tips for Effective Recognition

You need to establish criteria for what performance or contribution constitutes rewardable behavior or actions.

  • All employees must be eligible for the recognition.

  • The recognition must supply the employer and employee with specific information about what behaviors or actions are being rewarded and recognized.

  • Anyone who then performs at the level or standard stated in the criteria receives the reward.

  • The recognition should occur as close to the performance of the actions as possible, so the recognition reinforces behavior the employer wants to encourage.

  • You don't want to design a process in which managers "select" the people to receive recognition. This type of process will be viewed forever as "favoritism" or talked about as "it's your turn to get recognized this month." This is why processes that single out an individual, such as "Employee of the Month," are rarely effective.

A Working Example of Successful Recognition

A client company established criteria for rewarding employees. Criteria included such activities as contributing to company success serving a customer without being asked to help by a supervisor. Each employee, who meets the stated criteria, receives a thank you note, hand-written by the supervisor. The note spells out exactly why the employee is receiving the recognition.

The note includes the opportunity for the employee to "draw" a gift from a box. Gifts range from fast food restaurant gift certificates and candy to a gold dollar and substantial cash rewards. The employee draws the reward, so no supervisory interference is perceived. A duplicate of the thank you note goes into a periodic drawing for even more substantial reward and recognition opportunities.

More Tips About Recognition and Performance Management

  • If you attach recognition to "real" accomplishments and goal achievement as negotiated in a performance development planning meeting, you need to make sure the recognition meets the above stated requirements. Supervisors must also apply the criteria consistently, so some organizational oversight may be necessary.

    The challenge of individually negotiated goals is to make certain their accomplishment is viewed as similarly difficult by the organization for the process to be a success.

  • People also like recognition that is random and that provides an element of surprise. If you thank a manufacturing group every time they make customer deliveries on time with a lunch, gradually the lunch becomes a "given" or an entitlement and is no longer rewarding.

    In another organization, the CEO traditionally bought lunch for all employees every Friday. Soon, he had employees coming to him asking to be reimbursed for lunch if they ate lunch outside of the company on a Friday. His goal of team building turned into a "given" or an entitlement and he was disappointed with the results.

  • There is always room for employee reward and recognition activities that generally build positive morale in the work environment. The Pall Corporation, in Ann Arbor, MI, has had a "smile team" that meets to schedule random, fun employee recognition events. They have decorated shop windows, with a prize to the best, for a holiday.

    They sponsor ice cream socials, picnics, the "boss" cooks day, and so on, to create a rewarding environment at work. Another company holds an annual costume wearing and judging along with a lunch potluck every Halloween.

Rewards and recognition that help both the employer and the employee get what they need from work are a win-win situation. Make this the year you plan a recognition process that will "wow" your staff and "wow" you with its positive outcomes. Avoid the employee recognition traps that:

  • single out a few employees who are mysteriously selected for the recognition,
  • sap the morale of the many who failed to understand the criteria enough to compete and win, and
  • sought votes or other personalized, subjective criteria to determine winners.

Your degree...what next? : Skills gained

Why do I need to identify my skills?

  • It helps you to see what you have to offer and plan your next move.
  • It will aid you in seeing beyond the degree title and module content.
  • Many application forms ask detailed, skills-specific questions.
  • Greater skills knowledge will help to boost your CV and application forms.
  • The interview process often involves competency (skills-based) questions or scenario questions where examples of your skills in practice are required.

What skills do I have?

Studying for a degree develops a range of skills including:

  • critical and analytical thinking;
  • planning and organisation;
  • research methods;
  • time management;
  • project management;
  • advanced IT skills;
  • presentation skills;
  • group/team working.

To effectively understand the skills you have you should start with a skills audit. A skills audit involves reviewing what you have done and where you want to go. It can help boost your confidence and see where your strengths and abilities lie.

Start an audit by taking each of the skills required by an employer and thinking of an example of that skill in practice. As a graduate you will have lots of different areas of your life with which to draw upon for your skills audit. These include:

  • your degree - think about course work, specific modules and project work;
  • work experience - think about work placements, project work as part of your degree and part-time jobs;
  • volunteering;
  • previous employment before you came to university;
  • hobbies, interests, out-of-university activities, clubs, sports, etc.

Another good resource when identifying your skills is the Windmills programme.

Skills in context

Once you have reviewed your skills and experiences, you should have a clearer picture of what your skills are and if there are any gaps in skills that need to be addressed. There are many opportunities available for graduates to further enhance their skills and experiences. Further study, employment, internships, voluntary work, travel and time out are all great ways of building up ones experience and skills. See action plan for more ideas.

You should also consider your skills in relation to your interests and personality. To find out more, ask your higher education (HE) careers service if they have access to personality questionnaires or try the assessment tools and personality tests in psychometric tests.

Marketing your degree to employers

Employers will value your qualifications as well as any skills and experience you have acquired. It is essential that you demonstrate how your degree can be of use in the particular job you are applying for. Ensure your transferable skilled are clearly highlighted in your CV and covering letter.

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Job application advice : Selling your skills

What do employers want?

Employers ask for evidence that you have:

* motivation for the role;
* the ability to adapt to and share the organisation’s vision and ethos;
* relevant skills and competencies.

Many roles are open to graduates of any discipline as employers are often interested in your potential rather than your existing knowledge. Even for those jobs that require specific technical or scientific expertise, the successful candidate will be the one who demonstrates motivation and the personal and transferable skills needed to succeed.

The application procedures of many major graduate employers have become explicitly focused on motivation, organisational fit, and competency. It is not uncommon to find that a personality profile is a part of the initial application process and to be asked to provide very detailed examples of competencies such as ‘teamwork’ or ‘problem solving’ on the application forms.

For information about the graduate recruitment cycle in the UK, see finding vacancies.
Transferable skills

The competencies or transferable skills that are particularly popular with graduate recruiters include:

* communication - ability to communicate orally, in writing, or via electronic means, in a manner appropriate to the audience;
* teamwork - being constructive and willing to take on less attractive tasks, contributing practically to the team’s success;
* leadership - being able to motivate and encourage others, whilst taking the lead;
* initiative - ability to see opportunities, to set and achieve goals and act independently;
* problem solving - thinking things through in a logical way in order to determine key issues, often also including creative thinking;
* flexibility/adaptability - ability to handle change and adapt to new situations;
* self-awareness - knowing your strengths and skills and having the confidence to put these across;
* commitment/motivation - having energy and enthusiasm in pursuing projects;
* interpersonal skills - ability to relate well to others and to establish good working relationships;
* numeracy - competence and understanding of numerical data, statistics and graphs;
* IT knowledge - a basic understanding of common office equipment and programs and the ability not to be daunted by a change in the technology.

In addition, private sector employers like applicants to have some commercial awareness and knowledge of the business world and its relevancy to their organisation. You should therefore research the companies you apply to. Knowledge of their competitors can also provide you with a deeper level of understanding.

It is not enough to mention that you are a good communicator, or a team player, on your CV - you need to qualify it with a description of relevant experience. For further information on competencies, refer to what do graduates do?

Employers often have set criteria when selecting applicants. These may be laid out clearly in the person specification or be identifiable from the job description, advertisement or the organisation’s web pages.

Alternatively, if there is little information about the role, you could draw up your own list of the competencies likely to be required. The job profiles in types of jobs, have useful sections on the skills and qualities usually needed for entry into particular careers.
Relating skills to opportunities

How do you know what skills to highlight when compiling a CV, covering letter or application?

You should focus on presenting evidence of the skills and qualities that the employer is seeking, including your academic projects and achievements and also responsibilities you have held during work experience or voluntary activities, involvement in societies, or management of sporting activities.

Recruiters want to see skills and qualities that match their selection criteria. When examining your past involvements more closely, consider:

* What exactly have you done?
* What were you responsible for?
* What were the outcomes?
* How did you achieve success?
* Is there evidence of ‘how’ you have demonstrated relevant skills?

Although it is important to be concise, it is not enough just to list your skills. Where is the evidence? Employers cannot simply take your word for it.

Thinking about how to express the evidence for your experience can also be a challenge. Focus on active verbs. Go to power words for descriptors of responsibilities and language suggestions that may help.

* Consider how your motivation, personal qualities and aspirations reflect the ethos of the recruiting organisation and the post you are applying for.
* Understand the skills and competencies required for the role. This will be transparent where a job specification is made available. It may be more difficult when there is only an advertisement to go on, as is more commonly the case with small to medium-sized employers.
* Decide on the best way to sell your skills. Which CV format will you use? What should you to put in your covering letter? See CVs and covering letters for advice on making effective appl

Analysing job adverts

The following two advertisements are typical of the opportunities you’ll see advertised in graduate directories. Imagine this is the only information you have on which to base your CV application. See beneath each vacancy how they can be analysed in terms of skills, attributes and qualities.

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5 Tips for Spreadsheet Finance and Budget PlanningAndrew Knowles Spreadsheet planning is a powerful and effective aid to personal finance management,

Spreadsheet planning is a powerful and effective aid to personal finance management, potentially bringing focus and control to personal budgeting.

The spreadsheet is a powerful tool for people who want to take control of their financial planning and personal budgeting. Templates for personal financial management on spreadsheets can be downloaded from a variety of websites or people can create their own from scratch.

However, effective spreadsheet finance management does rely on the ability of the user to input good quality information and interpret the output correctly. A spreadsheet is simply a software program that behaves in a way defined by the person who set it up. By itself it cannot provide a solution to personal finance issues - but spreadsheet planning can be a great help.

Here are some tips on how to get the best from spreadsheets in personal finances.

The Fundamentals of Spreadsheet Finance Planning

1. Be clear about the objectives of the finance planing. Without knowing the exact reason for stating a financial planning project, it is hard to know how to approach it.

Different people plan their finances for different reasons. Some want to form a clear understanding of their income and expenses, to help them identify opportunities for saving money. Others want to know whether they can afford to take on extra costs, such as increased mortgage repayments.

Finance planning can be over different time periods. For some it is important to analyse finance weekly, or even daily. Others may be planning for the long-term and looking years ahead, perhaps to see how they might pay off their mortgage or live off a pension.

Whatever the reason, be clear about the objectives before even opening spreadsheet software. With the desired result in mind it is then possible to work towards it.

2. Consider using pre-defined templates for spreadsheet finance. There are no shortage of mortgage calculator and personal cash flow spreadsheets available for download from the internet. The advantage of these is that they can save time and suggest new ideas to the user. The disadvantage is that all their formulas are written by someone else and it is possible to mis-interpret the information being given.

Anyone who uses a pre-defined template should make sure they thoroughly understand what the spreadsheet is doing with the information they are putting into it. They should also be alert to the possibility of errors by the original designer of the spreadsheet. A small mistake in a formula can lead to errors in the results but these may not be apparent to the user unless they double check the figures.

Good Housekeeping for Spreadsheet Finance Planning

3. Remember to back up regularly. This is very simple to do and yet is so easy to overlook. When someone is working hard on a financial planning spreadsheet they can forget to save it regularly. Ideally the auto-save function will be switched on, ensuring that a copy is stored every few minutes.

But even if the spreadsheet is being saved frequently, it should also be backed up to another location, such as different hard drive or cloud storage. A finance planning spreadsheet can represent many hours of work and contain very important information, so measures should be taken to minimize the risk of it being lost.

4. Do not include personal details on the spreadsheet. A file full of finance forecasts can become extremely valuable in the wrong hands if it also contains information such as bank account codes, names and addresses. For security, the information should be kept as generic as possible.

The user of the spreadsheet should look at it from the perspective of a third-party. If somehow it got into the wrong hands, what information could they glean from the data that would allow them to identify whose finances were being recorded? How easy would it then be for them to abuse that knowledge in some way?

5. Update the spreadsheet finance model regularly. The most effective users of personal finance spreadsheets are those who take the time to keep them up to date on a frequent basis. What is the right frequency depends on the purpose, but leaving long gaps between using the spreadsheet will make it harder to remember how it works. This is particularly relevent if the spreadsheet is relatively complex.

Spreadsheet planning is a great way to remain in control of personal finances. It helps the user to remain focused on their financial objectives and gives them a good view of their current and future situation. However, it must always be remembered that the quality of information provided is only as good as the quality of data that is input and the design of the speadsheet itself.

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How to Communicate Effectively in the Office

Stephanie Cox

Clear office communication is easily hampered when office workers ignore a few simple techniques.

Nothing frustrates workers more than unclear instructions and poor communication. In fact, in an article called “Ten Things Employees Dislike Most About Their Employers” author Jan Stringer, PhD lists poor communication as the number 1 complaint by office workers.

Putting extra thought into written communication gives employees more confidence in themselves and their managers. Avoiding some common mistakes will clarify written communication. When emails, memos, job descriptions or other office documents, avoid:

* Weak Subject and verb
* Passive Voice
* Stacked Nouns
* Unnecessary Words

All these writing mistakes are common for those who don’t write professionally. It’s amazing how simply correcting these mistakes makes a worker appear as though he or she has been a technical writer for years.

Weak Subject and Verb

Without going deep into a grammar lesson, here are a few examples of how to clarify written communication by keeping the subject and verbs strong and clear.

Bad Example:
Progress will be made by the marketing team to meet this quarter’s goals.


The marketing team is progressing toward meeting this quarter’s goals.

This puts the main subject of the sentence as the strong subject and it provides a strong action verb for what the subject is doing.

Passive Voice: Bad Office Communication

Nothing is more tempting for many office workers than using the passive voice when writing memos or emails. The passive voice keeps things sounding vague and hopeful, leaving the writer as seeming noncommittal should things change. And it also leaves the writer seeming like a bad communicator. A strong, active voice in writing gets straight to the point, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

Bad Example:

The report is turned in by marketing every Monday. The report is then reviewed by accounting, and a response email is given.

The strongest indicator of when the passive voice is being used is too many is, was, or have beens followed by a past tense verb, like performed or reviewed. This makes for sloppy writing. Instead, use present tense writing to make writing clear and easy to comprehend.


Marketing turns in the report every Monday. Accounting reviews the reports on the same day then sends out a response email.

See how the solution flows? An active, present tense voice is imperative for successful written communication.

Stacked Nouns, Too Many Word Lead to Confusing Office Writing

Sometimes poor communication comes from an attempt to be too thorough in writing. Too many words or a noun structure leads too more confusions instead of less.

Bad Example:

The marketing group recently reviewed and purchased speaker performance enhancement (SPE) software and hardware which will be a great, positive and valuable asset to our company.


The software purchased by the marketing group will enhance our team’s speaking performances and be an overall asset to the entire company.

Cleaning up the wording makes the message stand out clearly.

By avoiding weak verbs, passive voice and unnecessary words, anyone can make their office writing clear and concise.

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