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Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Ac Bertenaga Mayat Manusia

Pernahkah membayangkan bahwa hawa sejuk yang dihasilkan mesin pendingin ruangan atau AC berasal dari pembakaran mayat? Daur energi itu nyata terjadi di kota Taipei, Taiwan. Panas yang dihasilkan saat proses kremasi diolah kembali untuk membangkitkan energi listrik.

Ide itu bermula dari banyaknya keluhan masyarakat yang merasa kegerahan saat menunggu kremasi anggota keluarga mereka yang meninggal. Di Taiwan, masyarakat umumnya membakar jasad anggota keluarga yang meninggal. Ide ini juga sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap program ramah lingkungan yang dicanangkan pemerintah setempat.

“Penyejuk ruangan itu kami nyalakan dengan energi daur ulang dari panas pembakaran mayat. Kami meyakini ini sebagai suatu niat baik di balik kematian seseorang,” kata Direktur Krematorium setempat, Hung Ying-hui, seperti dikutip dari laman Taipei Times.

Hung mengatakan, dalam sehari, satu-satunya krematorium di kota Taipei itu melayani sekitar 52 pembakaran mayat. Dengan jumlah itu, ia yakin energi panas yang dihasilkan sangat cukup untuk mengoperasikan sistem penyejuk ruangan di rumah duka.

Namun, ide kreatif itu menuai kontroversi. Sejumlah kalangan menilai daur energi di krematorium itu sangat tidak etis. “Saya kagum dengan ide kreatif itu, tapi bagaimana dengan keluarga yang berduka. Sungguh mengerikan menikmati dinginnya AC yang tercipta dari hasil pembakaran jenazah keluarganya,” kata Chuang Ruei-hsiung, anggota dewan setempat.

Ide serupa juga tengah dikembangkan sejumlah ahli di East Sussex, sebuah kota kecil di Inggris. Mereka tengah mengembangkan teknologi pembangkit listrik melalui daur energi mesin pembakaran mayat. “Energi yang kami daur ulang bukan berasal dari mayatnya, tapi dari mesin pembakarnya,” kata manajer humas dewan kota, Peter Mead, seperti dikutip dari laman Telegraph.

Peter mengatakan, mesin pembakaran mayat membutuhkan energi yang sangat besar. Sebab itu, strategi daur ulang penting dilakukan untuk penghematan. Energi yang tercipta akan difungsikan untuk membangkitkan generator. “Yang nantinya bisa untuk memasok energi listrik,” ujarnya.

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Job Not Working? How To Fix It

What if your daily life habits were actually secret clues that held the key to reconstructing your work-life or business to make it fit you? How would it change your happiness meter if you looked forward to going to work every day?

I had a client who began to notice that he dreaded going to work. This was perplexing to him because he generally enjoyed his job. His energy and enthusiasm were dwindling and he was ruminating about quitting even though he knew he needed to keep working.

He tried several changes to reverse his downward slide. For example, during the morning commute he switched from listening to news to singing along with his favorite tunes, he tried changing his exercise routine, even driving a different route to work to shake things up. No luck. Walking up to his office building every day was beginning to resemble walking the plank.

As I listened to him describe his job, it was clear that he did not dislike what he was doing. We decided that rather than developing more surface, fix-it strategies we would look for clues to uncover what was working well in his life. Finding the right clues would yield strategies that he could apply to his work life.

I asked him to think of the first event that happened during a typical day that brought him a positive feeling. He puzzled for a moment and then began to smile as he described his first cup of morning coffee. He talked about sitting on his back deck viewing a small pond that he could just make out in the distance through the morning fog. He could usually hear birds singing and see sunlight filtering through the trees.

We examined his story in detail to figure out what it meant to him. He listed his clues as: being alone, sense of clarity, having plenty of time to think and viewing a powerful scene in the distance.

What began to emerge was his need for solitude, visioning time and feeling calm. I asked him to describe what happens as he enters his office each day.

He grimaced. It turns out that as soon as he got to work the staff was waiting almost hungrily for him. They tended to pepper him with questions as he walked past their desks to reach his large, windowless office. His motivation to produce his best work took a nosedive before he could even start the day.

Many of my client’s worst moments occurred when other people dictated his pace at the start of his day. He realized if he was going to stay at this job, he had to create a workspace that allowed him to work his way.

To be effective, he needed to control his ‘ease in’ pace so that he could maximize his natural strengths. It was as if he was coming to work and started writing with his left hand even though he was right handed. It immediately made him uncomfortable and his performance suffered.

A new plan emerged. His idea was to arrive at the office thirty minutes before his staff came to work. This allowed him to plan his day at his pace. With the full support of his boss, he was able to add 30 additional minutes to his lunch break and take a long walk at lunch allowing him to think and experience the outdoors each day.

This was a winning solution for both my client and his employer. My client was able to produce the quality of work in the way he wanted to resulting in a positive upward spike in his feelings about going to work. The employer was able to keep a very valuable contributor.

How to Make Your Work Fit You:

1. When in your day are you at your best?
2. What exactly are you doing? Thinking, doodling, talking to people, reading, exercising?
3. What is the hardest part of your day? What exactly are you doing?
4. Take what you discover in step 2 and incorporate it into the hardest part of your day to customize your day to fit you so you can be at your best.

Never underestimate the difference one small change can make if you make the right change.

Elizabeth Partin works with career professionals expanding their options by adding solo entrepreneur to their resume. Visit and for resources and contact. "

By Elizabeth Partin

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Career or Life?

Everyone wants achieve some success, to do something important for humanity (if lucky enough), and still have a normal family, bring up children and do what one likes at least sometimes. But the children should be provided with all the necessary things and there are a number of divorces because of the financial instability. Is it a dead end? Hardly so.

The main rule is not to get panic-stricken. If you sacrifice your relations with a beloved person or the desire to create something for moving up the career ladder, you risk failing to achieve any harmony in your life. Of course, there are some guys working from sunrise to sunset and feeling perfectly. But this is rather an exception. Usually, a person sooner or later still wants to find the dearest one beside him/her. And being a working fanatic, you may fail to find one.

On the other hand, family is great but you’ll certainly have to be a support and a "bread-winner". So, what to do? The answer is clear and transparent: to live and to work. And try to make these processes not incompatible but mutually complementary ones. Work is supposed to be an important and pleasant part of life but not substitute for a great number of other things, united by the notion of life.

The key problem here is the wrong time organization. There were several times I tried working during the day not getting distracted from what I was doing, the time I spent on my immediate duties and responsibilities was reduced twofold.

Apart from this, it is also important to set your priorities, strategic and tactic goals. If your sweating the guts out is sure to bring decent dividends, then it’s natural you’ll miss a couple of traditional beer parties or a date with a girlfriend. The point is, these periods shouldn’t be regularly repeated and too long. You should be able to stop in time. It’s hardly possible to work all the money of the world (no matter how much you want to do it). Just imagine yourself, say in10 years, with a heap of money in a great house or driving something like Ferrari but… alone. Right, it’s much better to be with this heap of money, a house and Ferrari but with someone you love next to you.

To sum it up, there are no two identical situations. Listen to yourself and check this information. If you want lot make a lot of money – make. Want to become famous – do everything whatever it can be. Want just to work with pleasure and after it spend time with your friends and family – what’s the problem?

One day you’ll come back home early, kiss your beautiful wife, play with your little daughter and go to play golf with your friends. And on your way there you’ll just look through the article devoted totally to you and your success in the Forbes.

Utopia? Hardly so.
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By George Brown

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Career Booster: 5 Attitudes In The Workplace to Get You Ahead

You are looking for attitudes in the workplace to become your career booster. You are possibly past your first year mark at work. You have somewhat learned the ropes of your position but you feel you are slowing down.

So, what are some of the attitudes in the workplace that can help you get ahead at work? These are many positive attitudes that can help you do that. In fact, the value of these attitudes is that they make you more motivated and hence, give you a career boost.

These are the 5 career booster attitudes in the workplace to get you ahead:

1. Enthusiastic
I know, how can you ever feel enthusiastic about work especially when you already feel sluggish with the same work after a few years? It is precisely this reason that I ask you to be enthusiastic. To be enthusiastic at work is about a mental state. You need to make the decision to be enthusiastic. Start by saying I will be an eager participant in this project or task.

Attack your task with energy. Do not drag your feet. The more you tell yourself, "This is so boring", or whatever the excuse maybe the worse you will feel. Get interested in the work and the energy will come naturally. Then decide to be eagerly involved. Being enthusiastic and energetic are attitudes in the workplace that can get you ahead. You cannot get ahead without energy.

2. Efficient
Strive to be the most efficient worker in your team. According to Webster’s Universal College Dictionary, to be efficient means "performing or functioning effectively with the least waste of time and effort." When you are effective, you are producing the intended result. When you are efficient you do it with the least waste of time and effort. That means you are capable and competent.

If you carry with you the attitude in the workplace of constantly striving to be the most efficient worker, then you will sooner or later get ahead in your career. You will get a career booster because you are the most capable and competent on the team.

3. Excellence
Of the 5 attitudes in the workplace, this one probably calls for you to give yourself some pressure. A little pressure is good since it makes you push yourself harder. Strive for excellence in everything you do. Do not be contented with good. Go for great.

Exceed expectations by knowing that good is sometimes not good enough. Give everything your utmost best. You will naturally see how this becomes your career booster. When you strive for excellence in everything you do, you quite naturally surpass others in your work. That gets you ahead.

4. Early
Have you ever thought about being early as an attitude in the workplace that can get you ahead? Yes, especially when your workplace practices flexi time. Many people take flexi time for granted. They stroll in and out at their own pace, not knowing they have probably wasted productive time.

Start early at work. Some of my most productive days are those that I start early before the phone rings and before my staff walks in with questions. Clear your emails from last night, craft that important email when there are no disturbances.

5. Easy
Make every effort to be the easiest to work with in the office. Now, I am not saying compromise on your need for excellence. For example, this means not to complain and grumble each time there is a team meet. No one likes to work with someone who nags all the time. When you are easy to work with, you make working enjoyable for the rest too. Such attitudes in the workplace is welcomed everywhere and you make yourself a competitive edge of any team. This competitive edge is your career booster.

There is no need for complicated plans to get a career boost. Simple steps with these attitudes in the workplace can get you ahead in your career.

About the Author
Long as he is popularly known - went through a period of disillusionment many moons ago. 'A slap and a kick' from a good-hearted cousin then woke him. He found himself graduating and having a good career. In his free time he runs with his wife Dorena as their way of paying it forward. Download these free eBooks - Career Success Recipe for Newbies and SHINE At Work: Your 30-Minute Guide at the website now.

By Long Yun Siang

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Career Development: 20 Tips for the Young

After watching careers for almost forty years, I've got a clear idea of what you should do to build yours. Here's some advice if you're starting out.

1. Seek and use feedback. Feedback will turbocharge your career and put you on the path to continuous improvement.

2. Get help. You can't know it all yourself. Get help from mentors, friends, peers, books, classes and role models.

3. Seek out challenges. That's how you grow.

4. At some point you will fail. It will be painful. Instead of sitting in the ashes of your life and shaking your fist at the sky, pick yourself up, learn from what happened and keep going. Ask my mother's favorite question for all challenges: "What good can we make of this?"

5. Build on your strengths and help others build on their strengths. Figure out what you do both well and joyfully. Do the same for your team. Spend your time on developing and using strengths. Make weaknesses irrelevant.

6. Admit your mistakes, graciously. Forgive the mistakes others make. Figure out how to move on and learn from experience.

7. Say "Thank you." Write thank-you notes. Send thank-you emails. People will remember you.

8. Learn to write lucid memoranda. You can't communicate if you can't write.

9. Learn to make good presentations. In today's world this is a requirement. Learn to marshal the research. Learn to tell relevant stories.

10. Help your boss and your employer look good. That's part of your job and it pays dividends over the course of a career.

11. Learn to keep your mouth shut when it's important. Don't discuss sensitive issues or your customer's business on your cell phone in a public place. Don't gossip. Keep sensitive documents secure.

12. Clarify expectations until they are crystalline. Make sure you understand what your boss wants from you. Make sure the people who work with you understand what you want.

13. Fight for the important stuff and give in gracefully otherwise. There are very few things in business or in life that are worth messing up a relationship for.

14. Develop habits and checklists that help you get the routine work done routinely and well. You will develop a reputation for reliability.

15. You don't know when an opportunity to stand out from the crowd will appear. Read and study and listen so that you're ready when a big opportunity comes your way. Create learning programs for yourself.

16. Ambition can be a driving force but it needn't be obvious and self-serving. It certainly needn't be aggressive. Let others become known for their ambition while you build a reputation for excellence.

17. Keep your promises. Nothing can destroy a career faster or more thoroughly than a reputation as untrustworthy.

18. Every day identify the most important thing you need to do. Then do it.

19. Work hard. Some people succeed without working hard, but some people win the lottery, too. Very few people achieve meaningful and lasting success without working hard.

20. When in doubt about what to do, act like the person you want to become.

Remember that careers are built from the things you do every day. You're more likely to succeed in the long run if you take every opportunity to develop yourself, your skills, your friends, and your relationships. Good luck.

Wally Bock helps organizations improve productivity and morale by selecting and developing great leaders at all levels. He coaches individual managers, and is a popular speaker at meetings and conferences in the US and elsewhere. This article first appeared in the Three Star Leadership Blog ( ). Check out Wally's Working Supervisor's Support Kit ( ).

By Wally Bock

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Seven Calculated Choices to Make Your Career Leap Like a Geyser

"Life leaps like a geyser for those willing to drill through the rock of inertia." - Alexis Carrel

When I was 10 years old, our family vacation was to Yellowstone Park in Wyoming. I remember watching in awe as the Old Faithful geyser of its own free will and choice erupted out of what appeared from a distance to be solid rock, sending hot water and steam high in the air.

This experience made it possible for me to visualize the above quote by Alexis Carrel, "Life leaps like a geyser for those willing to drill through the rock of inertia."

Inertia is that quality keeping us at rest, or at the same level of achievement you had last month. To go from rest to action, to go from lethargic to energetic, to go from procrastination to productive work, requires an external force.

Just like Old Faithful, the desire for more success and achievement can erupt inside of you. When it does, take the time to reevaluate, reexamine, rethink, and reorganize – all activities geared to help you drill through the rock of inertia and heat tepid attempts at success into the sizzling, boiling actions that will send your career dancing like a geyser, erupting by its own free will and choice.

These seven calculated choices will help you drill through the rock of inertia to the success you have always wanted. Be bold and choose to:

1. Reevaluate and reexamine your purpose. By reevaluating and reexamining your life will you receive the gut feelings, the inspirations, and the revelations to take you to the next level you long for in your soul.

2. Believe in your abilities. You are not human if you have not had the desire to do, then immediately had distinct feelings of inadequacy. For some strange reason, we doubt ourselves before we believe in our abilities. As your true potential is unknown, keep discovering who you are by unwavering belief in yourself.

3. Plan, visualize, imagine, and "picturize" your future. The majority of individuals want success but expect it to come through the hoping and wishing process. However, the attainment of your personal dreams with great triumphs over the rock bed of inertia do not happen without detailed planning.

With detailed visualization, your subconscious mind becomes an efficient partner in your quest for such a property. For instance, instead of thinking, "I want a new home" visualize an estate with a 6,000 square foot house and a view from the top of a mountain that can't be duplicated anywhere in the world.

4. Use ink, the missing link. After your visualization process, you may wonder why you are not on target. Your visualization process no doubt had you reaching the goal in record time. You may have omitted the "inking" part or the writing component of the planning process. By "inking" the goal, you embed permanent pictures in your subconscious mind for you to access any time you choose, permitting you to renew your passion and energy.

5. Move into motion. Individuals often miss opportunities because opportunity is disguised as work…work that requires exertion and perspiration. American Industrialist and founder of Getty Oil, J. Paul Getty said, "Rise early. Work late. Strike oil." You can't read that statement without envisioning hard work and the rewards of persistent toil.

6. Be resolute and determined. As you work through the year, you will hit snags, have setbacks, miss promotions, lose sales, etc. Your personal resolve is more important than any New Year's resolution. Resolve is the personal power to follow through on the goals you committed to mentally and emotionally, to continue to pursue the purpose and objectives you visualized and "picturized" when the New Year dawned. It is the personal power to stay the course in spite of opposition or resistance.

7. Do it daily! As a teenager, I remember reading that the key to self-mastery was to do something you didn't want to do every day. If you counted going to bed at night, then I could check this off daily. In achieving any worthy objective, there must be consistency in the amount of hard work you put in; an hour here and a day there just isn't going to do it. Even a week of sustained effort doesn't bring results. You need months and years of daily, sustained sweat equity.

One of my greatest irritants is to have worked hard on a project that didn't bring me the results I visualized. It is very painful to me have spent precious time on tasks that have no effect on my success. If you have felt the same sense of despair, then follow closely these seven calculated choices which will focus you on what is of the utmost importance to you both personally and professionally. As you make these calculated choices on a daily basis, you will drill through the rock of inertia and life will leap like a geyser for your success!

Karla Brandau, CSP, is an expert in change, leadership and team building in the flat world. She offers keynotes and workshops to move your organization forward. Sign up for her monthly newsletter, from the Desk of Karla Brandau and download free articles by going to

By Karla Brandau

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