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Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

How To Negotiate A Starting Salary For A New Job

When you are negotiating a starting salary for a new job, knowing the appropriate starting salary and successful negotiating techniques is invaluable . We've teamed up with acclaimed salary negotiation expert and author, Jack Chapman, to bring you practical advice on negotiating a starting salary for a new job.

Five simple starting salary rules:

Rule #1) Postpone talking about starting salary until there's an offer on the table
Rule #2) Let the other person name a figure first
Rule #3) Repeat their starting salary offer and be quiet
Rule #4) Share your researched starting salary range and establish your individual value
Rule #5) Clinch the deal and deal some more

Starting Salary Rule #1 - When to Discuss Starting Salary

There's not much point in discussing starting salary unless you're sure you're going to get an offer, make sense? But more than that, it's not to your advantage to talk about your starting salary. When an employer asks "what are your salary requirements?" or "what are you currently earning?" they are gathering information on your likely expectations. There are maybe two or three right answers to this question and more than 20 wrong ones. Too high and you're screened out, too low and you'll lose money in the initial offer, or you'll be eliminated as under-qualified based on your low salary requirements.
The proper time to discuss your starting salary is after the job position has been defined and you are sure the employer understands what you are bringing to the table.

Until then, a good postponing phrase would be, "All I'll require is a competitive salary. I will likely be using PayScale and other resources to help determine that -- as I presume you will, too. So I'm confident the starting salary will take care of itself, if I'm the right person for the job."

Starting Salary Rule #2 - Who Goes First

When they're ready to make an offer, here's a second piece of timing advice: don't haul out your research too soon! When it comes to discussing your starting salary, let the employer go first. That way you have a firm starting point that you can be assured of, when it is your turn. Generally, you'll want to bump the starting salary up 5-10% or more. But, in the worst case scenario, if they go first, you certainly won't get less than their initial offer. Additionally, there is always the chance that they will exceed the starting salary figure you were planning to mention.

NOW do you show your salary research? NO.... Not yet.

Starting Salary Rule #3 – Repeat The Offer And Be Quiet

Once they go first, you respond by repeating their starting salary offer and remaining silent. If they have given you a low-ball offer, and they know it, now is the time for them to increase their offer. Okay, I’ve heard the offer, I’ve greeted it with silence, now do I get to use my salary report?


Starting Salary Rule #4 - Share Your Researched Range and Establish Your Individual Value

If you are reading this article, you have probably done some research about what your salary should be. If you haven't or want more accurate and reliable salary information, complete our brief salary survey to determine what the average salary and salary range is for your new position.

Now that you have the salary information necessary for negotiating, I want you to learn the value of having PayScale salary report in hand. The best way to leverage a PayScale salary report for a successful negotiation is to set your own expectations about how you will use your report. Know what information your report contains, and especially know what the data represents - what is behind the numbers - before taking it to the boss or a potential employer.

When you compared your research with your offer, you were either under market, over market, or right in the range. If your salary research indicates that the offer is below the range for your specific job and responsibilities, now is the time to share your research with the employer and discuss how the employer arrived at his/her estimates. Often you will find some points of disagreement on which to negotiate an increase.

Keep in mind that the employer will likely view compensation data differently than the employee. Two common points the employer may wish to discuss are the sources used to obtain the data in the report, and whether the data in the report matches your job profile, the company profile, and job location.

Finally, when a company wants to buy your time and effort, remember it's a human being who makes the decision. It isn't a cut and dried assessment; it's a rational-emotive process that takes into account many factors that aren't always fair or logical. Your awareness of these factors can greatly improve your chances for improving your salary.

Starting Salary Rule #5 - Clinch the Deal and Deal Some More

Finally, you receive a salary that you can live with and is fair. Do you sign it then? Well, yes and no. Yes, you now have a firm base to agree to, that you know you will be happy with. But, don't stop! It is now time to put your attention on the other factors of the salary-equation gold mine.

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Mengelola Kemarahan di Tempat Kerja

by RO
Banyak alasan pekerjaan yang bisa membuat Anda kehilangan kontrol akan emosi Anda dan ´meledak´ di tempat kerja. Tekanan pekerjaan, stress yang berkepanjangan, rekan kerja yang tidak kooperatif adalah sedikit dari banyak sebab yang bisa memicu kemarahan Anda.
Marah mungkin adalah reaksi awal yang paling mungkin timbul ketika Anda menemukan hal yang tidak sesuai dengan standar atau harapan Anda terhadap hasil kerja tim atau rekan kerja bahkan atasan Anda sendiri. Gejala yang muncul ketika Anda marah adalah detak jantung yang meningkat naik, wajah terasa panas dan rahang menjadi tegang. Beberapa orang melampiaskan kemarahan dengan memukul meja, membanting pintu. Ada juga yang menuliskan angry email yang isinya unek-unek kepada yang bersangkutan atau bahkan sangat mungkin mengkonfrontasi langsung kemarahan kepada orang tersebut.
Apapun trigger dan bentuk pelampiasan kemarahan Anda, hal pertama yang harus Anda sadari adalah bahwa kemarahan tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah yang sudah ada. Malah cenderung menciptakan masalah yang baru karena tanpa disadari Anda bisa saja mengeluarkan kata-kata tidak sepatutnya.
Marah, sama dengan bentuk emosi lainnya bisa dan sebaiknya dikontrol. Apalagi bila emosi ini yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan dan rekan kerja. Selain timbulnya masalah baru yang muncul, marah juga menimbulkan stress yang pada akhirnya berdampak pada produktifitas dan performa kerja Anda.
Tips apa yang bisa membantu mengelola kemarahan Anda?
1. Breathing technique
Ketika Anda merasa dorongan untuk marah, jangan segera bereaksi atau defensif terhadap pemicu kemarahan. Cobalah untuk diam dan bernafaslah perlahan-lahan. Rasakan setiap tarikan nafas Anda dan hitung perlahan-lahan. Cobalah untuk merilekskan tubuh dan pikiran Anda sebelum menganalisa masalah yang ada. Tekhnik ini memberikan kesempatan untuk meminimalisir dampak dari kemarahan yang mungkin timbul nantinya.
2. Dalam pikiran cobalah visualisasikan tempat yang bisa menenangkan.
Seperti tepi pantai yang tenang, padang rumput yang luas. Setiap orang umumnya mempunyai visualisasi yang berbeda tentang tempat dan situasi yang menenangkan.
3. Analisa pemicu kemarahan Anda dengan mengajukan pertanyaan ini; apakah kesalahan ini memang disengaja untuk membuat saya marah? Kemungkinan besar jawabannya adalah tidak. Masalah yang ditimbulkan biasanya karena ketidaksengajaan atau kecerobohan. Daripada menghabiskan energi untuk melampiaskan amarah, lebih baik Anda menggunakan energi Anda untuk memperbaiki dampak dari kesalahan tersebut.
4. Bayangkan jika Anda yang berada di posisi orang yang telah membuat Anda marah.
Apakah Anda akan marah kepada diri Anda sebesar kemarahan Anda pada orang tersebut?
5. Pikirkan konsekuensi terburuk yang Anda terima jika Anda melampiaskan kemarahan Anda sekarang.
Jika ternyata membahayakan posisi dan kredibilitas Anda, maka pikir masak-masak sebelum Anda ´memuntahkan´ amarah Anda.
Marah adalah hal yang manusiawi, tapi kalau Anda selalu marah, atau gampang marah bahkan selalu marah dan seringkali tips diatas gagal untuk mengendalikan kemarahan Anda, maka sudah saatnya Anda melihat ke dalam diri Anda sendiri dan mempertimbangkan untuk berkonsultasi dengan ahlinya.


Work and Heart

by Johannes Siegrist, Ph.D.

Work gives people opportunities to receive many rewards. Some rewards include job satisfaction, whereas others are outward societal rewards, i.e., money, esteem, and status. There is, or should be, reciprocity between the effort expended to accomplish work and all the gains realized.
It has long been recognized, however, that a discrepancy exists between work and reward. That discrepancy leads to psychological stress that frequently finds expression in somatic symptoms, including heart risk and cariac health.
In an exhaustive review discussing the links between psychosocial occupational stress and health, Johannes Siegrist, Ph.D., concludes that high-cost/low gain employment must be considered a risk factor for cardiovascular health.
In his review, Siegrist measures high cost by extrinsic forces such as the demands of the job and intrinsic sources such as the motivations of the worker in a demanding situation.
He measures low-gain conditions by salary, the workers perceived esteem of colleagues and supervisors as well as availability of help from those sources and degree of status control the worker perceives as having relative to the work, i.e., control over the type of work done, whether or not relocation was required, prospects for promotion.
The review addresses three relevant questions concerning the links between psychosocial occupational stress and health:
1) How to identify those components within the global psychosocial occupational environment that are of critical importance to health.
2) How chronically stressful experience is maintained in individuals who are exposed to the psychosocial stressors identified in theoretical models.
3) The relationship between adverse health effects of chronically stressful experience in terms of high effort and low reward.
Although Dr. Siegrist concludes that high cost/low gain conditions at work must be considered a risk constellation for cardiovascular health, he defines some of the numerous questions that still remain and should be addressed in future research.

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