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Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Taking Charge of Your Career - Small Changes Reap Great Rewards

Taking charge of your career has never been more vital than it is now. In the past, employers used to reward employees who had worked with them for a while. People were promoted based on job experience and company loyalty, but not anymore. If you want a promotion, you have to work for it. You are the one who has to take charge if you want to move up the corporate ladder.

Create a Smart Strategy

Hard work is important, but hard work alone will not get you anywhere. You need to be creative. Employers want skilled employees, so you need to enhance and add to your skill base regularly.

Before you choose a career, make sure that employment opportunities are expanding for that particular field. Choose a position that lets you use your talents and offers plenty of opportunity to add to those talents. Confirm that there will be opportunity for advancement before you accept any position.

Be Open to Change

If you're stale, your career will become stale. Taking charge of your career means that you need to be willing and ready to learn new skills. Be the first on your team to welcome new policies. This will prove to your company that you are willing and able to be flexible in your work habits. Let's face it; technology changes minute by minute. If you're not willing to change along with it, you could become obsolete.

Strive to be a leader. Companies progress because they employ individuals who are not afraid to take the initiative and develop innovative solutions. Be that employee.

Do not back down from challenges. Challenges are obstacles that are meant to be surmounted, but you have to have gumption. Nobody said success was easy; you have to be willing to work for it.

Become a Self Promoter

Companies reward those that stand out from the rest and those who are not afraid to put themselves in the lead. Avoid looking to others for help. Sometimes, it is more beneficial to make a mistake and learn from it than it is to always lean upon others. Dependency will only hinder your success. You have to create your own opportunities.

Work Well With Others

Taking charge of your career also involves being a team player. Participate in meetings and do not be afraid to offer advice. Hone your leadership skills and help out others whenever you can.

If you want to succeed, you have to take charge of your career today. Nobody is going to hand you a promotion on a silver platter. If you follow the advice contained in this article, you will reap great rewards.

By CK Tan

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Working Towards Getting a Promotion

For the professional employee, receiving a raise or promotion in their career is often a top priority. Here are a few tips to help you reach that goal faster.

Get Onboard with an "In it to Win it" Attitude
Learn all there is to know about the company, your position and positions that are higher than yours. Learn the ropes quickly, but never act as if you know everything. Be open to learning whatever is being taught to you. It will all benefit your career later on.

Improve Yourself

The skills you have now may have gotten you the job, but they won't get you a raise or promotion. As your company grows, so should you. If possible, take courses that relate to your career, acquire new skills and stay on top of changes in the company or field.
Show Interest in the Open Position

Don't simply sit back and hope your boss chooses to promote you. Make your interest in open position apparent by asking questions about it and the qualifications required.

Show Initiative

Leadership skills as well as an ability to take directions are especially important in higher level career positions. Attempt to handle situations on your own before asking your boss for help. Volunteer to take on tasks, even if you aren't fully knowledgeable. Take the opportunity to show your employer you are easily trained and fully capable.

Be a Friend
Be personable, attitude goes a very long way. Being friendly to everyone in your workplace gives you a great advantage. Shooting down coworker's ideas, displaying jealousy of their positions or skills and participating in gossip will only knock you off the career ladder, not help you climb it. Being cordial and helpful will get you noticed and can also display leadership skills while building good relationships with coworkers. This will make for an easier transition from fellow coworker to boss, when you get a promotion. They'll want to listen to and help you because you are likable. Focus on making yourself look good as opposed to making others look bad.

Be in Good Standing

Determine your chances of getting a promotion at your job by evaluating your job performance. Most places of employment give annual, if not more frequent, performance reports. Most importantly, ask yourself how you feel you measure up to company standards for your position. Chances are, if you feel as though there are areas you can improve in, you're right. Focus on being better in your current position every day.

Create a Position

Promotions result when there is a need to fill a position. Without an open position, there is no advancement. If you can make a good case and show your company that there is a need for a specific area to be filled, explain how the creation of the position would benefit the company, and finally, let it be known that you are just the individual to handle the position, you could create a position to be promoted to. Explain how your skills and experience would help you to provide superb service in the position, were it created. Your boss will see that you are dedicated to the well being and growth of the company and appreciate it. They'll also see your leadership and creativeness shine!.

Remember that attitude, ambition and how much you give to your career and company is what will help you get a promotion. Good luck in your professional endeavors!

By Elizabeth Martinez

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How do Credit Cards Work

Owning a credit card has become an absolute necessity for millions of people these days. So, along with the salaries and business professionals, college students too own credit cards for making fast purchases. But, have you ever wondered how do secured credit cards work? In the next few paragraphs, we shall discuss how do credit cards work in detail.

Understanding Credit Card Working

The most important thing all should know about credit cards is that they are owned by banks and are given to customers as per their financial position. The banks will consider aspects such as salary or total monthly income before issuing you a credit card. The banks will decide on what should be the maximum limit on your credit card based on your past credit history and repayment capacity. Thus, a credit card is actually a small loan taken from a bank to fulfill your immediate necessities with a promise that you will repay later. This is opposite to the principle of the debit card which you use instead of cash. Reloadable credit cards will give you more information.

In order to apply for a credit card, you will have to approach the bank and fill up an application form. Along with furnishing all true details regarding your income and personal information, you will have to attach necessary documents such as your salary slips, identity proof, residence proof etc. When you start using the credit card, you will be getting monthly bills from your bank which will be inclusive of the bank fee for the credit card services rendered to you. For the payment, you will generally be given two options. The first one involves making the entire payment of the due amount while the second one is the minimum amount due payment. If you go by the second way, then you will have to pay lesser than the first way. However, if you pay the amount partly, you will have to pay the finance charge levied by the bank. Since heavy amounts are charged by the means of finance charge, such charges are more beneficial for the lenders than for the customers. So, for all credit card users, it would be advisable to pay the due amount completely to avoid the finance charge. Almost all the banks charge you penalty in case you make a late credit card payment.

Hopefully, you must have understood credit cards how they work after reading this explanation. Though credit cards can help you get immediate happiness as they give you the freedom to make quick purchases, you will end up damaging your credit score in case of defaults in payments. In case your credit score is not good enough, you may face difficulties in securing loans from banks and other private lenders as it would be difficult to prove credit worthiness in such situations. Even if the loan amount is sanctioned, it is quite possible that it would be lower than the amount you ask for. People with bad credit history would be charged a higher rate of interest as compared to that charged for those who have good repayment history.

It is a well know fact that the rate of interest charged on credit cards is much higher as compared to other kinds of loans. So, many financial experts suggest people to go in for a personal loan instead of a credit card. Till date, many people have found it difficult to resist the temptation of buying excessively with the use of a credit card which causes the credit card debt to mount. Even though understanding how do credit cards work is simple, implementing things practically would be the real challenge before you. So, all the best for your financial planning and do well!

By Charlie S

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Administration Jobs

The administration sector provides the individuals a lot of scope and opportunities. In the modern world the administration job descriptions have gained immense popularity. These jobs are very challenging in nature and demand a lot of effort on the part of a person. In the modern world any administration job needs a person to be highly qualified and talented.

We cannot afford to have a person with limited knowledge occupying a administration seat. Going into the details we can say that the administration jobs are many, and in several sectors of the modern society. Here we will simply focus on our example of a administrative post in the finance sector. This is because we believe that the finance sector is a very crucial sector in the society.

To begin with the job descriptions in the finance sector we can mention the job of a financial analyst. A financial analyst is a person whose job is to assist the customers in making proper decisions related to the sale and purchase of shares, stocks, the commodities etc. Financial analysts in the present society are employed by several banks, pension fund companies and also securities firms etc. They play a major role in stabilizing the assets of the firm they are employed in. Another such job is that of a financial clerk.

This job requires a person to provide clerical services in a financial firm. Another job is that of a director of finance who develops long term goals for the company. Thus one needs to rely and have faith on these specifications only then can one do a job in this sector. This article has a various job descriptions. It primarily focuses on the administration job descriptions.

By Charles Danial

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Fighting Discrimination in the Work Force

Although I help to run a New York executive sales and marketing recruiters, it has happened to me more times than I can count that if I answer the main phone line, the default assumption is that I am a receptionist or secretary, when in fact I am a co-owner. Also more times than I can count, I have been called "honey" and other names more descriptive, but just as indicative of what is a ubiquitous and casual sexism in the American work force.

While we have surely come a long way since the Mad Men days, certain pockets of corporate America are very much still an old boys’ club - with younger "boys" and indeed women joining up and supporting sexist or otherwise discriminatory behavior in the workforce without even realizing it. Discrimination in the workforce is of particular concern in hiring, and our firm runs across it more than I would like to (which would be not at all).

During the preliminary stages of speaking with potential clients, my colleagues and I have been told, among other things, that the client is not interested in married younger women without children (they might get pregnant soon); married men with more than one child (their base salary expectations might be higher, and they might be less able to work frequent late nights); and untold times we have been told that a certain background is, "just too old." I have even been on the receiving end of such bald statements as, "No women," which always strikes me as odd since I am, in case they didn’t notice, a woman. Needless to say, we make a habit of telling these potential clients, "Thanks, but no thanks," and seeking clients whose working environments will be pleasant and productive for any candidate, male, female, young, old, etc.

But what is to be done about the easy relationship some companies and managers have with discriminatory hiring practices? One tactic of which I am always in favor is honesty. It is the practice of our firm, when turning away a potential client like those described above, to tell the hiring entity outright that the limits they seek to place on their employee search are unethical (and in some cases illegal). They may not want to hear it from a recruiter who has just declined to work with them, but every epiphany has got to start somewhere.

Many larger firms, while hiring through recruiters or through their websites, use discrimination-discouraging software that censors all personal information about candidates for a position. The hiring manager can see what degree the person holds, but not the year it was attained; the candidate’s sex is not revealed, and in some software affiliations in charities, etc., that suggest ethnic background are also blocked. Once the hiring manager has determined a candidate is qualified to interview, the candidate’s name, career dates, etc. will be revealed.

But not everyone is a hiring manager, and not every hiring manager is in a Fortune 500 company who can invest in numerous software packages for different aspects of business. An even more basic step than speaking up or deliberately blinding hiring is to foster a respectful, fair workplace in your own company, your own division, your own office, or however far your sphere of professional influence extends.

If you hear or see an employee or colleague laughing at sexist, racist, or otherwise offensive jokes, make it clear that this behavior is not acceptable in the professional world. (Ideally, it wouldn’t exist in the personal world either, but that is another article entirely!) Federal law (and some state law, depending on the state) may say that discriminatory atmosphere and other malignant workplace realities are wrong, but it takes individual workers enacting that reality to change the workforce for the better.

The Equal Pay Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, Title VII and the ADA did not immediately stamp out sexism, racism or disability discrimination, as we can tell just by looking at the wide range of time over which these acts were passed. My first reaction when I am told, "we don’t want any women" (or what have you) may be to make a snarky remark and hang right up. But if I hang up, I lose an opportunity not only to teach this hiring manager that antique, discriminatory attitudes are not okay in the twenty-first century, but also to practice what I preach and try changing the workforce for the better one battle at a time.

By Ken Sundheim

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Agriculture Job Descriptions

Agriculture is that section of society that concerns with extracting food and goods from plants and animals. The agriculture section has a number of job opportunities in farming section, Fishing and forestry section, inspection section etc. A number of job descriptions are available in all of these sections. This kind of job needs that the person should be hard working, patient and skilled enough to utilize the limited resources available with him.

There are several career Ideas in agriculture. Whenever a person is told about agriculture one starts visualizing the farms and ranches. But this is not exactly true. A career in agriculture does not mean that a person be a farmer or a animal husbandry in charge. Nowadays with the advent of biotechnology, the agriculture job descriptions have increases manifolds.

People willing to do a job in agriculture section can very well become a scientist or a researcher on seeds. There are several such job opportunities for young graduates to choose career options in research. One can conduct research to find good varieties of seeds. One can be a part of a biotechnology product to produce new and hybrid strains of seeds and plants. These new varieties will be resistant to most of the plant diseases and will lead to overall development and increase in the production of the country.

One can chose to become a horticulturist to grow ornamentals and fruits in large scale. Thus one needs to rely and have faith on these specifications only then can one do a job in this sector.

This article includes the various job descriptions. The prime focus is on agriculture job descriptions.

By Charles Danial

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Banking Job Description

Banking is a vast field and employs people at different levels with different qualifications. Today banks are different from yesterday. Now they have marched into every field where possibly money can be involved. Now there are many posts with altogether different job descriptions.

The job profile in banks defers from cashier and clerks to bank managers. Cashier has the responsibility of cash handling and maintaining of record of all the transactions. At the end of the day, the cash and theoretical value should match.

There are bank managers whose banking job description demands management and control over the employees. They also look after customer grievances and smooth functioning of the bank branch. The bank manager has the duty to fix the targets for the bank branch. He has to ensure that the targets decided are met. He owns the whole
responsibility of the branch.

Then there are people looking after loan section where, job ranges from asset evaluation to personal verifications. They are also responsible for all documentation during the sanction of loans.

Now the banks also have an investment section, whose job is to manage customers investment. They have to first market the bank and assure people of good returns. Another major job profile in bank is customer care section, where employees have to attend to customers and guide them. This group has to have excellent communication skills.

So, the bank job requires people with different skills. It requires staff with fast calculations, good communication skills, ability to negotiate and convince people. And above all, staff should show good hospitality to customers.

The article provides information about banking job description. It provides an insight to job descriptions in banking sector. For more information, please visit banking job descriptions.

By Charles Danial
Published: 7/8/2010

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