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Kamis, 16 September 2010

Career Change - Parenthood - Anyone Else Inspired by the Show?

Just recently I watched an episode of NBC's Parenthood that I thought was truly inspirational. I guess that personal dreams and career change touch everyone. Even writers in Hollywood.

If you're an avid viewer of the series, you know that Amber is in her junior year of high school and is poised to either head off to college after she graduates from high school or maybe not - it depends on Amber. Sarah is Amber's mother and desperately wants Amber to go to college. Sarah is doing her best to keep Amber far away from the same mistakes she made in life. It's a pretty common story; Sarah got married young, didn't go to college, and now works as a bartender. Do you see why Sarah might be concerned?

Without getting too terribly much deeper into Parenthood, Amber of course is not as interested in college as her mother would like her to be right now. In fact, education is not at the top of her list.

Long story short: the interesting twist in the episode was that Amber saw that Sarah could grow if she went back to school. And, it wasn't until her child brought up college and handed her the course catalog that she even considered the thought. Sarah didn't really think about her own career change.

After that rather lengthy lead in, here is where I am going with this. Are you one of those people who have simply headed off to a job you dread everyday just because it hasn't dawned on you that you can actually make a change?

It might be time for a change. Ask yourself:

* What is really important to you right now? In three to five years?
* What is holding you back from making a change?
* What would need to happen to get you to make a move?
* What if your failure was not an issue?
* What if your fear were not a factor in making change?
* What kind of person would you have to be to make that happen?

And, finally, do you need help achieving your personal dreams? If this is something that is really important to you, get help.

Work doesn't have to be something that you dread. You no longer have to buy into the myth that work must be drudgery. In fact, you can make a living and you don't have to sacrifice your happiness to do it.

No one is saying it will be easy or happen overnight. And, it has to be important to you. If it is important to you, identify a viable career and market, research your options, and make plans. Take small steps rather than leaps. Keep moving forward - you can achieve your goals.

Making a career change can be intimidating. Patricia Erickson discusses the ins and outs of career change at length in her new book entitled Career Management Guide: A Practical Approach To Career Change In Any Economy.


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One of the Best Careers For Mothers

Are you interested in exploring one of the best careers for mothers? Do you want to earn hundreds (or thousands) of dollars a week while staying home with your children? How about finding a job where you can combine your passions with a steady income from the comfort of your living room? Sounds too good to be true? IT'S NOT!

Internet marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry. Individuals known as affiliate marketers advertise products online and the companies which own those products pay the marketer a commission for each sale they generate. You can tap into this industry and be among the thousands of others who are currently generating full time incomes from the comfort of their homes!

Here are some of the benefits of internet marketing, one of the greatest careers for mothers:

Work on your own time: You can choose when (and where) to work on your marketing. It is all done from the comfort of your home computer. So work during nap time, after bed, while the kids are at school, whenever you have some free time. It's up to you.

Huge earning potential: There are people making hundreds, or thousands of dollars a day in this industry. In fact, $500.00 a day is quite common! That certainly beats a part time job at quick-e-mart!

No experience necessary: Yes really. You can be incredibly successful in internet marketing with absolutely no previous experience. What you do need is to find a good training system! Websites like Wealthy Affiliate University help train thousands of people to be hugely successful in this field.

So make a difference in your life, and the lives of your family. Check out internet marketing today, one of the best careers for mothers! You won't regret it.

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Part Time Careers For Moms

Part time careers for moms are very difficult to find, unless you are already established in a great career, that allows you the money and flexibility you desire? Flexibility is essential when you have children that need you to be there. You want to make sure your kids are fed, clean and mothered, and you want to have the time to do this yourself. I do not know of any traditional part time careers, for moms- that want to be there for their children.

Mothers are expected to do just about anything that needs doing, but you know what? That is okay, because no one can do it better than we can. We are strong enough to handle it, and much more. We take care of our families without complaint, we earn our own money and we are always there when we are needed. We are mothers, that is what we do. It would be nice if we could find some place that offered part time careers for moms, but there is not one. Not to earn the money, and have the flexibility we want.

I will always be a mother first, but I see no reason to give up earning my own money. I am just not willing to leave my child with some one else while I do it. This is not something I would change. I also know I will not find any part time careers for moms out there, and if I did I would not be working for myself, and making my own decisions. This is not a option for me. The type of part time careers for moms I want do not exist, so I looked for and found a solution.

I found my opportunity. Perfect for us career minded mothers. It is the best online training facility available. I was able to start training immediately with the step by step action plan provided to me FREE with membership. I quickly started learning all I could about Internet marketing.There is so much provided. Tutorials, tools, tips and strategies, and all the information I need to succeed online. This is perfect! No more searching for part time careers for moms. I know I found exactly what I need. This is it. All we need to continue earning all the money we want.

Whatever your reason for wanting or needing extra money, this training facility is your solution. You will never have to worry about part time careers for moms, or money again. If you take action to succeed. YOU WILL SUCCEED. Everything is provided for you once you are a member. This is your source for whatever amount of money you want to make. Your career is here, working for yourself. Follow through and you will not fail.

This is the best training facility online or offline, to learn any thing and everything about being successful online. I HAD a hard time learning how to succeed online, that is the past, it actually seems easy now. It is all about the training. Like with all things, ACTION is required, but that is not something we are not used to, and absolutely will not stop me. I hope it will not stop you. It sure beats looking for part time careers for moms. Join me now and your success will follow.

Sincerely, AmaranthaHarmonee

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Career Women Make Bad Mothers

Got your attention? The headline sure did grab mine when I saw the billboard on the high street. It was part of a recent media campaign in the UK launched to demonstrate the power of advertising. Many women's groups were outraged and the ad was quickly withdrawn - and rightly so.

Why does the media have to pick on working mothers? "Many children have paid a price for the rise of two-income households," says The Economist. There's no mention of course of the multitude of households that have BENEFITED as a result of greater financial security and increased happiness of the family unit. It's no wonder why so many career women feel guilty about working! Where are all the POSITIVE messages about the many ADVANTAGES of combining career and family?

The question often asked is "should mothers work" and "what's best for the kids? " If life were only that simple. Family dynamics are complicated. Children are happy, when the family unit is happy. That happiness is individual and unique - one size doesn't fit all. The definition of happiness also changes as life changes - businesses change, kids change, and your goals and aspirations change as you get older.

No matter what you decide, be confident in your decisions about the shape of your career-family lifestyle. There is no need for a guilt trip! While kids do need love, attention, encouragement and guidance, having a career doesn't preclude a mother or father from providing any of these building blocks needed to raise good kids. In fact, I would argue that a career is a great training ground for improving key parenting skills - communication, conflict management, and commitment to name a few.

We often forget how much children learn by watching - and they do watch every move! It's one of the key ways they learn about the world. Many career women have seen how their children learn to be independent. They learn to problem solve - a parent is not always around to sort things out. They learn social skills as they are often required to integrate with other adults and children in a variety of settings.

Children learn teamwork. They see mothers, fathers, grandparents, childcare providers work as a strong team, enabling parents to juggle the demands of work and family. My complete list of the many benefits that working mothers offer their families (and businesses) is too long to include in a blog. Suffice it to say, "Career Women Make BRILLIANT Mothers!"

Christine is an author, professional speaker and consultant and her mission is to empower young women to have the confidence to combine career & family, as well as to support organizations in their efforts to promote women in business. Her inspiration comes from balancing her own high-powered career in international banking with an active family life for over 20 years. She has 3 children and a spouse, with an equally demanding career, and knows how to strike the right balance between career goals and family aspirations, using a common set of values, strategies and skill sets.

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Career Choice - Wife and Mother?

In career guidance sessions at school, my daughter was presented with a variety of career choices. Airline hostess, beautician, librarian, chemist, veterinary nurse, to name but a few. All very worthwhile, satisfying, demanding jobs, endowing the people who do these jobs in society with a certain degree of status and financial reward.

But nowhere in the vast amount of literature available to her, or in the choices presented to her by the staff, was there mention of being a wife and mother. A worthwhile job? Certainly. Satisfying and demanding? Without doubt. But a problem arises when you think of the status attached to this role in today's society. ... Virtually nil? It isn't paid work, and therefore commands little overall respect in a society of economic values.

With effective birth control, women usually make an informed choice to have children. So why can't they be seen as making a positive, informed choice to be housewives? Women are assumed (particularly by Feminist writers) to want to be out in the workplace. Even the government encourages new mothers to get back out to work as soon as possible. The New Deal for Lone Parents made single mothers part of the 'welfare to work' scheme, taking away their automatic right to choose to stay at home and bring up their family. Is this a good state of affairs?

If some women get fulfilment out of the domestic role, why should they be made to feel less worthy? Feminists argue that housework is repetitive, dull, monotonous and unfulfilling. Maybe it is, but so are the unskilled manual or clerical jobs where most women find themselves. At least in your own home you are autonomous, able to make your own decisions about how things are done.

Career women argue that 'stay at home mothers' are missing out, but women choosing that lifestyle see others' attitudes as the problem.

In fighting for women's rights to work after the last war, feminists claimed to be speaking for all women. If women want this right, fair enough. But they should also have the right to choose not to compete in a man's world.

Women who choose to devote their lives to being wives and mothers provide a secure home for their family and emotional support. This is therefore a valuable social role, especially in today's society of falling standards of behaviour amongst the young. It is not a modern viewpoint, but maybe if more mothers chose to devote their lives to producing well-balanced, and disciplined citizens for the future, our streets would be nicer places. Working mothers are often blamed for juvenile delinquency and emotionally disturbed children. Mothers always have the responsibility and blame if things go wrong, but are made to feel 'less worthy' if they choose to devote themselves fully to looking after the family. ... Surely a contradictory message?

Stay at home mothers also provide a valuable support base for the husbands. Today's workplace is highly stressful, and men need the day to day stressors taken off their shoulders if they're not to go under from the strain of modern living.

Of course it can be argued that stay at home women are totally financially dependent on their husbands, but this isn't necessarily true, as today's state benefits such as family allowance and child tax credit are paid directly to the mother.

Maybe we should begin to educate the young girls in our society that to choose a non-waged domestic labour career path can be seen as a rational choice.

The burn your bra brigade have got a lot to answer for!

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Technology Gives Women Choices In Family Vs Career

The days when having a career meant 9 to 5 in an office, with a chauvinistic male boss are thankfully, long gone. The Internet and web-based software applications today mean that it is easier than ever for mothers (yes, and others) to remain in their homes, caring for their children, while they continue a career and maintain their career goals. The day of the "mommy track" is (or should be) over.

The Internet's ubiquitous presence can allow home workers the ability to have a virtual office from anywhere they happen to be. Today, with a laptop and a cell phone, it is just as easy to serve client needs or work on a project from a picnic table in the park watching the kids play as it is from a traditional office.

The question is, are managers willing to allow their staff this freedom? I have been promoting "work from home" for years -- since I saw a modem for the first time during my middle school years. My mother was a work at home mom, efficiently running Dad's pest control company from a spare bedroom in our home. She set me a wonderful example of how working from home can, and should, work. And that was back in the 70s -- before the Internet, before cordless phones, before PCs. She ran the business efficiently, ran our home efficiently, kept things reasonably clean, had snacks for us after school, prepared a home-cooked dinner every night, and cared for her six children.

With the tools at our fingertips today, it is out of step to assume that the modern mother must make a choice between a career and her children. Some mothers will always choose not to be in a paying position during their children's childhoods -- after all, motherhood in and of itself is a strenuous full time, underappreciated, job. Others will always need the social stimulation of a busy office. But for mothers who want to be home with their precious little ones, but who must earn a living for their family, or who can't make ends meet, isn't it time to provide work from home jobs that pay well?

I have held a large number of clerical positions, from office manager to credit manager to medical biller for a medium sized hospital. In every administrative or clerical position I've ever held, the question I've always had is, "Why can't I do this at home?"

At the hospital in particular, where I worked in a "bullpen" without even the imagined privacy of cubical walls, I would have to bring a portable CD player or radio to work with headphones in order to concentrate on my work. (This was in the pre-Ipod days.) There was almost nothing I was doing there that I couldn't have done more efficiently from a home office -- with no concerns about office politics, the very thing I have despised the most about every job I've ever held. I was not allowed to work from home, though -- because I could not be supervised from a remote location (so said my boss).

I disagreed with her then, and even more strenuously now.

Let's make the workplace more mom-friendly.

Donna Vazquez 

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Motherhood and Career - How to Juggle Between the Two

I have been a mother for the last 8 years. I gave up my career to be a full-time mother to my children. Motherhood has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience with its share of vicissitudes. Yes, there were times when my sons threw tantrums when I wanted to escape and run away. There were times when I wanted to sleep but had to stay up putting a cranky baby to bed. There were also times when just a full-throated laughter, a smile, or the smell of my baby's skin could melt my heart and lift my spirits. A roller coaster of emotions, I guess, is part of normal motherhood.

Keeping up the daily routine of being a mother, the one question which was always at the back of my mind, "what about my career?" A well-educated MBA, it always tugged at my heart's strings that years, which could be spent in building my career, were flying by looking after kids. It did hurt me to see batch mates and colleagues climb corporate ladders while I was being a mother.

The pragmatist in me knows how important it was for me to be at home, for one parent to be always around and available for the kids. However, that little thought gnawed at the back of my mind that I was wasting my education. The successful career that I had pursued earlier seemed like a distant dream now. But that niggling thought never went away.

So, what was the way out? What did I do? I worked around the circumstances. I have always had a flair for writing. So, I began writing a blog as a hobby. And, slowly built it into a career of freelance writing. It was not easy; it still is not. And, it will never be easy to juggle career and motherhood. But, I am getting there. I am happy that it is satisfying; and I am doing my own thing.

That point about wasting my education - I realized that education is never wasted. Education has made me the logical, analytical person having the skills that I have today.

So, all the mothers out there who have taken time off their regular work to raise kids -- kudos to you! Remember, there can only be one mother to your children -- you! You have made the right choice. There is a career option waiting for you to pursue in your spare time, or from home. All you have to do is find it, when you feel you are ready for it.

Meanwhile, enjoy the motherhood; career can wait!

Rachna Parmar 

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7 Hot Tips to Leverage Your Expertise As a Female Entrepreneur

When booking a Keynote/ Motivational Speaker for your corporate event, or for any other type of event for that matter, does gender really make a difference to your audiences experience and the success of your event? This article discusses the pros vs the cons of choosing to hire one gender over the other.

When I used to work in the Technology Transfer sector, I would have enjoyed seeing a female speaker, I don't ever recall hearing one! They were either techno nerds dishing out veritable tombs of work, which were nearly as impossible to absorb as they were to listen to, or testosterone oozing heroes, banging on about how wonderful they were and how we should all be pushing the envelope by attempting challenging feats. Blissfully ignoring the fact that the only reason a lot of these motivational speakers have successful speaking careers is due to the fact that their amazing feat went hideously wrong in the first place and (the achievement which resulted in managing adversity and chopping off their own hand/ living without food and water for three weeks//losing all their fingers and toes to frost bite) probably wouldn't have happened had they planned a little better in the first place. I don't know about you, but trying to manage the house, kids, career and squeeze in a single handed sail across the Atlantic before my next appraisal, just doesn't seem feasible. Having endured 15 hours of second stage labour to deliver a 10.5lb baby without the benefit of pain relief, I would have gladly gnawed my own hand off to have avoided the forceps delivery. Hence you can see why women in the audience are not impressed by these types of speakers. Plus they're usually distracted from the point of the presentation by wondering what sort of woman puts up with a partner who does things like this when he could have stayed home that weekend and put up the shelves he'd been promising to fix for months!

Women make up nearly 50% of the workforce now, so always choosing the same sort of keynote speaker for your event, may not be the most appropriate option, nor the most benefit to your business.

Firstly you need to consider the culture of your audience. If they're quite macho, then booking a 'right on bra burner' or a 'wishy washy do-gooder' is not going to get the best audience connection. There are plenty of ballsy female business speakers, with experience of both male dominated and mixed sex business environments that will hit the spot with both male and female audience members, and who can make their point without having won an Olympic medal, fallen down a crevasse or recovered from a life threatening illness.

Then you need to consider the point of your event; some organisations like to have a particular emphasis like networking, building relationships, or sales. There are some gender areas where a male speaker has no appreciation of what it's like for women in those circumstances and males speakers can even give out advice that can lead to difficult or dangerous situations for women. For example, the advice a top male networking speaker gives can work superbly for men networking with men. However the combination of his approach and the male tendency to view signs of friendliness as signs of sexual availability, make it very difficult for women to pull off the same approach without giving the impression that they are 'interested' in the men they are engaging. There are also gender specific areas which a male speaker in this area will have little empathy for, i.e. how to ditch/build a relationship with another business networker who is intent on hitting on you. Another example of gender difference/perspective is male speakers who talk on the subject of sales; they fail to give the woman's perspective e.g. women aren't as direct as men, we often expect people to be able to guess what we actually want or mean, also women are more intuitive and critical of the people they're dealing with. There are things that will put a women off a salesman, that wouldn't generally occur in a male decision making process. For a woman business speaker to highlight these points would be fine, but coming from a male speaker, unless he's fantastically tactful, or there's an r in the month, he'll only succeed in offending or alienating the female sector of the audience.

So, does the choice of gender of your speaker make a more successful event?

In conclusion, getting a cultural match between your organisation and approach of your speaker should be your first priority, the gender is irrelevant there. Secondly getting an informed perspective from your speaker which relates to both sexes in the audience is essential. Therefore picking a business / conference/ motivational speaker that can see both sides of the coin and how advice can be applied effectively, usefully and above all safely, for both sexes is a must. Finally if you always book the same sex speaker, then a change of gender is as good as a rest. Women speakers are not necessarily a better choice than a male speaker, but we're certainly as accomplished as the men and can add dimensions to your event and nuggets for your audience, that some male speakers are totally unaware of. As an added bonus, men are physiologically attracted (i.e. they are attracted to colour and shape) therefore you have the extra benefit of a female speaker being of more physical interest to the men in the audience than a male speaker!

© Elizabeth Clark 2008.

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Halloween Costumes for the Working Girl

Career costumes are some of the most popular looks and those based on service industry occupations are classic sexy Halloween costumes for women. Today there are more career costumes available than ever before, and you can strut your stuff in a sexy version of many different occupations. Career costumes aren't just about hot cops anymore - you can live out your dream job with a fantastical edge in the hottest career costumes around.

Serve up something deliciously sexy in the hottest restaurant themed costumes. Whether you want to work the kitchen as a sexy chef creating tantalizing dishes while doing some tantalizing yourself, or serve up the food on a tray dressed as a sexy waitress, there is a costume for you. Of course there is nothing quite so sexy as the classic retro diner waitress, serving up burgers and fries with a snap of her gum and a wiggle in her walk!

Want to take to the skies and join your own version of the mile high club? Costumes featuring the uniforms of airline crew members get you one step closer. Take control in a sexy captain's costume, or fulfill his stewardess fantasies in the hottest flight attendant attire. The stewardess has been one of the sexiest occupations around since people first started to fly, and the sex appeal of this costume hasn't faded at all.

Got a need for speed? Consider a race car driver or mechanic costume. There is nothing sexier than a woman who loves fast cars and knows how to handle them! Or, you can drive him crazy in a sexy cab driver or chauffeur costume; he won't mind paying the fare for a ride from you! Car-inspired costumes are one of the hottest looks for any woman whose man loves everything on wheels.

Take a real walk on the wild side and step out in a circus inspired lion tamer costume. Any woman who can handle a ferocious lion is one to be respected, and you will grab attention for sure with this unique costume idea. This costume takes the sex appeal a notch higher with the must-have lion taming accessory - a whip.

All of these career costumes whether classics or something a little new and different are great Halloween choices. Dressing as a working girl was never so much fun - or so sexy - as with hot Halloween costumes designed to make you look like your paycheck was well-earned! Hot Halloween career costumes are popular and hard to beat for sex appeal. All you need to do is chose your new profession and get ready to make working for a living look a lot more fun than it used to be!

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Would You Like a Job That Includes Work, Travel, and Fun?

Who wouldn't want a fun job that involves traveling to different beautiful locations?

The allure of travel is a great incentive. Most people would give up their careers just to get such jobs. They are categorized as travel jobs and nowadays, they are some of the most sought after careers.

A good number of travel job positions are, for a lot of reasons, very competitive. Therefore, if you want to land one, you must improve your qualifications and have an impressive resume. Fortunately, there are other kinds of travel jobs that do not require too much education. Sometimes, your enthusiasm and determination is enough to get you hired.

Some travel jobs rely on skills and resourcefulness. Travel can be a resource for businesses. You can use your trips to make or find products that you can sell; the journey can be used for inspiration to create writings that anyone can utilize as a marketing tool to generate sales.

In any form, travel jobs are generally fun. Now if you want one, consider these examples. Maybe you have what it takes to become successful in these careers.

Fun Travel Job #1: Cruise Ship Employee

Working on cruise liners lets you travel to different tourist destinations. The environment is full of fun and amusement and you can also meet a lot of interesting and beautiful people.

Cruise Liners offer plenty of jobs. In fact, they have a lot of positions to fill because cruise ships have so many areas of responsibility and they offer countless of services to on board patrons.

If you have adequate skills in a particular field, you can try your luck and apply to a cruise company. Just be sure that you have good people skills and great enthusiasm. Entry level jobs are relatively easy to get but they may only have satisfactory compensation. Low level jobs may have meager salaries but you can get tips especially if you are constantly in contact with vacationing clients. Vacationers are usually generous and always in a good mood.

You can climb up the career ladder quickly if your work performance is excellent and beyond expectations.

Fun Travel Job #2: Travel and Tour Organizer/Guide

Do you like to lead group travels? Be a travel organizer/guide. The job is fun and easy especially for persons with the penchant for traveling and organizing.

People skills are required along with a vast knowledge of history, geography, and arts to some extent. You will be educating people on the journey while making their experience enjoyable and worthwhile. As a guide, you must be prepared for any unforeseen events and must be able to carry out contingency plans with confidence and calm demeanor.

You can become affiliated with an agency or work as a freelancer or as a contractor. Tips and bonuses from clients is also a common occurrence.

Fun Travel Job #3: Travel Photographer

Traveling offers a lot of scenic view and cultural activities which translate into excellent photo opportunities. If you have the skills and equipment to capture beautiful pictures, you can become a travel photographer and earn money for every snapshot you make.

You can sell photos online or simply get hired by interested businesses. Publishers of travel magazines and newspapers are the usual buyers but some business establishments like hotels and resorts may be in need of your service.

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Turning a Hobby Into a Career

Hobbies are usually considered to be things we do for fun or leisure only. The definition of a hobby itself points this fact out very well. It can be defined as "an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure."

But is it possible to actually turn a hobby into a regular occupation? That was the question I asked a group of students recently at a career fair when I was giving a speech entitled "Three steps to choosing your perfect career."

The answer to that question is a MAYBE. One of the problems with turning a hobby into a career is that careers are often perceived to be necessary evils, the things we have to do even though we would rather not do them given a choice.

So perhaps asking whether a hobby can become a career will make the hobby itself become boring and just one of those things you have to do, but would much rather not do.

So, if I may rephrase the question a little to "is it possible to make money through your hobby?" That does not seem as daunting as making a hobby a career and perhaps it's a little more exciting to think of it that way. After all, for most people the whole point of having a career is to make money.

The answer to that question is a resounding YES. Deep down we all want to have some fun and we hate the drudgery of working 40 hour weeks with people we sometimes don't like and for money that hardly gets us through the month.

In advising those young people at the career fair that day I urged them that if they were considering making a living through their hobbies then they should take their hobbies very seriously. They should consider them as important as their academic activities.

That means practice, practice and more practice. It also means studying your hobby in detail and knowing as much you can about it. This usually is not very hard if it is a hobby you are good at and enjoy a lot.

There are plenty of examples of people that have taken activities we all just consider to be hobbies and made lots of money from them. The world of sports is a good example. From football to swimming and everything else in between, the huge amounts of money paid by the sports industry to its leading men and women is staggering.

But these men and women are very exceptional and it does take a lot to excel to an extent where you get paid millions for doing something others just do for fun.

What happens if you really like your hobby but are simply average at it and cannot possibly compete with the big guns?

That is where the internet comes in handy.

The internet is a medium that really levels the playing field. It does not matter what your hobby is, when it comes to the internet there are dozens of ways to make money off it.

I know of many people that have made money on the internet writing about and helping people with issues or stories around their hobbies. For example there is one person who is a tennis lover and he built a website about tennis.

Another person is a travel enthusiast and they built a website about travelling. The list is endless - the dog lover who writes about dogs, the poetry addict who shares about his experiences with poetry, and so on.

No matter what your hobby, you can become an expert at it simply by writing about it on the net. There are plenty of ways to do this too. Anything from blogs to social networks and forums can be used.

But the best way to have real credibility and control is to have your own website.

As for how to actually earn money off the website, well, let's just say there are plenty of ways. Affiliate marketing, selling your own products and Google AdSense are just a few examples. I have managed to turn some of my hobbies into rewarding activities this way.

There's no better way to go than to do the things you really love to do and get paid for it.

Dr. Moses Simuyemba 

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Fun, Money and Benefits - A Car Salesman's Career

Have you ever thought about having a car salesman career? This could very well be the perfect time to become a professional auto salesman or auto saleswoman. The car manufacturers are making changes to the way they do business and they are holding the car dealers that represent their brand accountable for customer satisfaction. The auto makers, dealerships and the professional auto salesmen are making a conscious effort to change the less than desirable image of the car and truck salesman. An image that came from the past that is difficult to shake, but it continues to improve as the car salesman is becoming much more professional.

While the car business continues to improve so do the prospects for the person that is looking for a great career as a car salesman. Many people think you need to have the gift of gab or that you need to have an outgoing personality, but that really isn't true. I know firsthand that a successful car salesman can be shy, introverted, outgoing or almost any personality type. A car sales career is not about your personality it is about adapting. There is no question that being a car sales person is not for everyone, but then there aren't any universal careers.

You may not have considered a car salesman career as a possibility, but maybe you should. The life of a successful vehicle salesman can be loaded with benefits, fun and a very nice annual income. Many people talk about how bad the job of a automobile salesman is, but they are usually people that failed miserably at selling cars. People come and go in the auto business because they think all they have to do to sell cars is take people for test drives. Sorry, but that is not the case. There is more to selling cars for a living than driving around with car buyers.

A car salesman career can be a good choice for those people that aren't cut out for college. In fact the hiring requirements for most automobile salesmen have nothing to do with going to college. A career as a car salesman is one career that does not require a college education and has the potential to earn six figures a year. Most car dealers would prefer car sales candidates that don't have car sales experience so they don't have to change their bad habits. The dealership will provide the car sales training needed to start you on your way to making a very nice auto salesman income.

The perks that go along with a car sales career can include a new vehicle demo, first crack at all fresh trade-ins, an unstructured workday and a chance to have some fun with your fellow car sales people. The most attractive benefit of a car sales career is the practically unlimited opportunity to make money. So if great money, fun and benefits are something that interests you consider a career as a car salesman.

Karl Beckham

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Career Enhancement Tips For First Jobbers: 3 Key Tips to Grow Your Career

You found your first job and you feel a little anxious. You think to yourself - "How am I going to survive through all these?" With the right attitude and guidance, you will soon look forward to doing your best.

Like any other career enhancement tips, there are no guarantees for success. However, if you bring the right attitude and decide to take action then you are half way there. Nothing will stop a first jobber like you from shining at your workplace.

1. Self-discipline

The value of self-discipline in a first jobber is often underestimated. Now that you are in the working world you think to yourself, "Is self-discipline overrated?" I will tell you, no. It is not overrated. I have often found new staff with good self-discipline doing better than those who are poor in it.

Let me use a simple example to demonstrate this, assuming it's a Friday and the rest of the department is planning to go out for a fun night. You have an important document to be completed for the coming Monday. What do you do? Give the fun night a pass and complete the work? Or join the fun and hope that you will find time to finish it over the weekend thus leaving you little chance to perfect it before submission?

Part of self-discipline is also about sacrifice. When you have strong self-discipline, it is inevitable that you would need to sacrifice some fun time to focus on your goals. If you are interested in advancing your career you may take some courses, or even read books to increase your knowledge. All these activities come with an opportunity cost. It could very well mean less time for leisure activities.

2. Success

You're probably thinking, "Success as part of these practical career enhancement tips is funny." Let me assure you it is not. What I want to explain here is this - if you want to enhance your career, define what success is to you. Once you know what success is to you then you can plan towards that goal. Spend some time thinking what success is to you. Crystallize this in your mind. Assuming you know what success is to you, the next step is to be single-minded in the pursuit of your goal.

Being single-minded means to be focused on your goals. When you focus your energy on your goal, you get more out of your effort. You inch closer to your goals. When you are single-minded other things do not distract you. You know what you want and you power yourself towards it as best as you can so you can clearly see what you want.

Knowing your goal and your personal definition of success is an important element amongst these career enhancement tips for first jobbers. Equally important is to know your own strengths and your skills. If you want to enhance your career, play up on your strengths and improve on your skills required for your job. What are you good at? What are the skills sets you do not have that are required for the job? Build up on those skills.

The career enhancement tips in this sub-section basically means this - when you define what is success to you, you then pursue it single-mindedly knowing your strengths and the skills required to attain that success.

3. Sincerity

Sincerity in your career means a lot of things. For me, as a first jobber you should look at doing your work sincerely and joyfully. Meaning, do not treat your work as a drag. If you feel that your work is a drag, then start by asking yourself. Why is it so, before blaming anyone else - be it the company, your boss or your colleagues. So, be sincere with yourself. What is your core challenge in not being able to do your work sincerely?

Being sincere at your work means doing it with your level best. It means playing your part and taking personal responsibility for your work. It also means to share your learning and knowledge. When you share what you know about a certain task, you become an asset to your unit and this inevitably enhances your career. Many people think, the more they hoard what they know the more advantage they have. However, in my experience this is not true. I find that the more you share the more others are willing to share with you and the more you know.

In summary, the most important and practical career enhancement tips you can start now is - developing self-discipline, learning to sacrifice, define what success means to you, be single-minded in pursuit of your goals by knowing your strengths and skills, and doing your work with sincerity and have sharing as a work value you carry.

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