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Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Top Tips For Moving Your Career To The Next Level

When considering a new position or an available promotion, you may feel that you lack either the experience or the skills to get ahead. Some people are intimidated by the competitive atmosphere in an organization offering promotions. Some people feel that their young age or their advanced years will stand in their way of becoming an executive or a key corporate player. Other people are worried that they do not have what it takes to compete with the other workers at their company.

The fact is most people can get ahead by following some basic rules and putting themselves in the right place at the right time. Of course, experience and tenure with a company do count towards your trustworthiness and reliability, but you can groom yourself to a certain extent for success.

First, make your interest known to the people doing the hiring. It is important that you speak up and tell someone that you are interested in advancing and ask them what it would take for you to get to the next level. They will most likely give you some specific instructions about what you need to know, what skills you need to master, and what positions stand between you and your goal.

You may need to make some lateral moves in the company before moving up. Many people are promoted based on their broad understanding of a company's needs and organization. If you work in various areas of the firm, you will have a first hand knowledge and work experience with these facets of the operation. This kind of experience is invaluable when it comes time to assign new leadership positions.

If you want to move up, now is the time to start taking on some extra work. Ask for extra projects or request to join a team working on a particular area that you want to know more about. Take the initiative in putting yourself in the middle of new ideas and changes in the corporation. Show the people who have influence that you are a fast learner, a willing employee, and a team player. Be sure that you document your successes and sales with charts or other record keeping methods.

This is not the time to take a leave of absence. The most important thing you can do for yourself right now is to let yourself be seen. Stay late or work early. One good trick is to watch the person you want to work directly under and monitor their schedule. Work when they work, and do not leave the office until they do. Eventually, it will be only you two in the room and you will get your shot at self-promotion.

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Get Career Advice From a Pro

How to Choose a Career Development Professional

By Dawn Rosenberg McKay, Guide

Do You Need a Career Development Professional?
Throughout our careers, we encounter many situations when we could benefit from unbiased advice. We may be in the process of choosing a career, deciding whether or not we should change careers or jobs, re-entering the workforce, job hunting, or recovering from a job loss. We come to the realization that this is an overwhelming process and we want and need some help.

A time of crisis is not the best time to seek professional help, according to an article on Pioneer Press. Columnist Amy Lindgren states that "many career problems are preventable with regular attention to the career path." According to Lindgren, visits with a career professional should take place on a regular basis. ("Seeking Professional Help." Pioneer Press. August 23, 1998.).
A Rose By Any Other Name...
Career counselor, career development facilitator, career coach, job coach, and vocational counselor are just a few of the names you might come across as you look for someone to help you with your career. It can get very confusing if you aren't an informed consumer.

Let's begin by saying there are some unscrupulous individuals out there who are misrepresenting themselves. You may see advertisements from those who guarantee you a higher paying job, a more fulfilling career, and ultimately a better life. In reality, no one can guarantee you any of those things. A good career development professional can help you explore career options, can inform you of labor market trends, and can assess your skills, interests, and work related values. A career development professional can help you sharpen your job search skills, and can help you learn how to move up the corporate ladder.

While credentials are not the only thing you should look at, they are a good starting point when you are choosing someone to advise you about your career. Just as you would never consider seeing a doctor who does not have a medical degree, you should never pay someone for career advice unless they have professional credentials.

Once you have determined that the person from whom you are seeking advice has the proper credentials, you must then find out if he or she is "right" for you. Is this individual knowledgeable about your particular field, and do you feel comfortable talking to him or her? A brief interview with the career development professional is well worth your time, and should be worth theirs.

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Eliminate Your Doubts To Achieve Career Success

The key to success in both personal and career issues is to be positive and confident in your skills and abilities. If you appear to be doubtful or unsure of your knowledge or skills it will be obvious to the interviewer or prospective employers.

Doubts are natural and are often a signal that perhaps there is insufficient training or skill development in an area of the workplace. If you are experiencing doubts there are some steps that you can take to eliminate them.

  • Know your level of training and keep current with new trainings available. If you were currently employed perhaps your employer would be willing to fund trainings or to share the cost. Attend refreshers and seminars that keep you up-to-date with research or advances in the field.
  • Understand what the expectations are for minimum requirements in your career area. Strive to exceed rather than just meet these requirements. Motivated employees and candidates stand out in interviews and in work performance.
  • Be aware of technical changes that are occurring in the workplace. Many IT websites offer free or very low cost tutorials or on-line classes.
  • Talk to other employees or colleagues regarding their level of training or skill development. Once you understand what others are doing you will be able to either update your skills or build confidence in the ones that you have.

Besides training and skills issues there may also be personal factors that lead to doubt. By changing your perspective from one of doubt to one of positive self-confidence you will have greater career success. Changing this perspective is up to you, but friends, family and co- workers can play an important role.

  • Make a list or journal of your personal and career accomplishments.
  • Take compliments, awards and recognition to heart. Don't minimize these positives.
  • Encourage friends, family and co-workers to discuss positives in both their life and yours.
  • Focus on the future and the potential for success, not the past and the issues that were not as beneficial as you would have liked.
  • When you find yourself having doubts, determine what the concerns are and address them.

Just realizing you have doubts is a positive aspect of your ability to judge yourself. Get additional training or experience and re-evaluate your skills. Deal with your doubts when they arise and they will quickly be replaced with a positive outlook on your career possibilities.

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Disheartened By Your Current Role: Plan A New Career

We have all know the saying "Honesty is the best policy" and understand what it means. Try using that saying on your current role or career and look candidly at your emotions and opinions as they relate to your job. Can you say that you like your job, feel positively about it and would like to continue with this career or do you think that this is not the right job for you? If your predominant emotions are negativity, hesitancy or feeling unappreciated, unfulfilled or unhappy in your current job you may want to consider planning a new career.

This is a scary thought for many people. They have training and worked in a career for a number of years and have resigned themselves to the fate of staying in that career, despite the negative feelings and thoughts about the job. There are many reasons given for not moving to a new career and they include:

  • Pressure from family to stay in the job
  • Concerns about financial security
  • Concerns about the economy and job market
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of uncertainty

While these are all legitimate fears and concerns they can be minimized or even eliminated with some advance planning and research. Most of the concerns that individuals have with changing careers have to do with financial security for themselves and their families and fears about the uncertainty of trying something new. Use the following guidelines to gain the knowledge needed to overcome these concerns and try a new career.

  • Know what you want to do. Complete a job inventory or aptitude test or do some volunteer or job-shadowing activities in your new field of interest to see if this is really the career that you want to pursue. Try to focus on a career that you have a natural aptitude or interest in rather than something that just pays well. Issues such as job satisfaction and security are just as important as salaries in may cases.
  • Research the job market for this new career. Contact employers or associations to determine if there is a good opportunity to enter another career. There is little point in training for a new career if there are few employment opportunities. Determine if you would be willing to relocate or if you wish to stay in the same areas you currently live in.
  • Understand the training you need and plan to complete it. Set goals and timelines to keep on target. If you do not wish to give up your current job you may have to complete training that works with your current work schedule. Is the training flexible in its scheduling or could it be completed online or by mail-out classes?
  • Understand the risks involved in a career change. There may be some risk involved in changing careers, and there may be time between jobs. Plan in advance for this financially so that you do not have to take temporary employment that may affect your training goals. Often in two income families this is easier than in a one-income family or for a single person.

By completing the research, job analysis and training aspects of planning a new career you can best prepare yourself for the change. The key is in planning to minimize the stress and uncertainty that goes along with a career change. The new career will provide a more positive and enjoyable work environment, which will more than make up for any slight concerns that occurred in the planning of your career change.

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Developing Inner Confidence For A Successful Job Hunt

Starting a job search can be a daunting experience, especially if it represents your first time in the job market. You may be wondering how to go about finding suitable to conduct yourself during an interview.and how to write a successful thank you letter to an interviewer. You may realize that you have a great deal to learn about the entire job-hunting process.

As a novice job hunter, you may lack a certain degree of confidence. After all, you realize that you are just an apprentice at this craft. It might take you years to master effective job hunting skills. Given this fact, how can you possibly develop the inner confidence you need for a successful job hunt?

Recognize your strengths

The first thing you should do is to conduct a personal inventory of yourself. What are your principal strengths as a job seeker? Are you enthusiastic? Dedicated? A good listener? An effective speaker? Do you write well? Once you've identified your strengths, rely on them to make your candidacy as attractive as possible.

In other words, use your enthusiasm to conduct an exhaustive job search. Use your dedication to help you through the difficult times. Rely on your listening skills and your speaking abilities during your interviews. Use your writing skills to craft an effective cover letter and resume. By focusing on your strengths, you will gain the confidence you need to search for jobs effectively and efficiently.

Consider hiring a coach

If you work out on a regular basis, you probably understand the importance of a personal trainer. The trainer can help to motivate you, pushing you beyond your pre-conceived limits. With the help of a trainer, you might be able to attempt exercises you never dreamed possible. Research shows that people who employ personal trainers are more likely to meet and even surpass their fitness goals.

Given this fact, you might consider hiring a career coach. This coach can help you to see all your options. He or she may recognize strengths you didn't realize you had. Your career coach can also provide you with the motivation necessary to continue your job search even when you seem to be running into dead ends. A coach is likely to enhance your self-confidence, helping you to strengthen your resolve.

Think of yourself as a winner

It is critically important that you think of yourself as a winner during your job interviews. For, if you don't believe in yourself, how can you expect other people to believe in your talent? While you should guard against over-confidence, you should realize that you can be successful in your career pursuits.

Remember past victories

Another way to increase your inner confidence is to recall past victories. Think about obstacles you've overcome in your life, whether it was trying to make the high school basketball team or trying to get your driver's license. Remembering past accomplishments will put you in the appropriate frame of mind for achieving new milestones.

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Discover your interests and talents and Find Jobs!

There was a time when an individual who began working for a company at the age of 22 could expect to stay with that company until he or she turned 65. A full-time job with a reputable business represented stability and longevity. Once an individual entered a particular field after college, chances were he or she would remain in that field for decades to come.

But times have dramatically changed in the business world. It is now not uncommon for an individual to change jobs many times during his or her lifetime. In addition, an increasing number of people are deciding to change not only jobs, but also careers as well. This phenomenon can occur whether or not an individual was successful in his or her initial career.

At middle age, you might be contemplating a major career change. Perhaps you feel as if you've accomplished all you can in a given career, and you want to try something new. Or perhaps you're simply not fulfilled in your current career and you want to start fresh. If you find yourself in this position, there are certain things you should keep in mind when contemplating a mid-life career change:

Know your talents

Before embarking on a new career, it is important that you have a firm understanding of your own talents and abilities. For instance, there's no use embarking on a singing career if you can't carry a tune. Also, if you are uncomfortable dealing with strangers, a career in car sales is probably not for you.

How do you know what your true talents are? One effective technique is to ask other people. Members of your family might have been impressed with your cooking skills, your ability to put together a fashionable wardrobe, or your ability to decorate your home. You might be surprised at just how much insight other people have into your abilities and skills.

Find out where the jobs are

It's a good idea not to switch careers until you are certain that there are jobs available in your prospective field. It does little good to change course, if there are no job opportunities. Peruse the Sunday newspaper want ads and see what types of jobs are advertised. Ask friends and associates if they know of openings in the field you are considering. The more information you have, the better prepared you'll be to meet the challenge of a new career.

Determine whether you need additional training

It's one thing to have a particular skill. it's quite another to be prepared to launch a new career. Find out whether you'll need additional training in order to switch careers. Check want ads to see what kinds of qualifications are required for certain positions. It's possible you'll need to pursue an undergraduate degree or a graduate degree in order to be appropriately prepared. Or it might be that you'll simply need to take some courses at a community college. Determine whether you have the time and the energy at this stage of your life to pursue additional training. That could determine whether you branch out into a new career.

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Build A Strong Professional Relationship With Your Employer

Relationships with employers can be tricky. You want to be friendly and establish a rapport with your employer, but you want to steer clear of a highly personal relationship. You want to feel comfortable enough with your employer to share your ideas-but you don't want to run the risk of offending him or her.

Your relationship with your employer is also highly important-not only for the short-term, but for the long-term as well. You want the kind of relationship that makes it a pleasure to come to work everyday. Yet, you realize that no job lasts forever and that, at some point, you might want to move on. In such a case, you want to do everything you can to ensure that your current employer will serve as a favorable reference later on. But how can you go about building a strong professional relationship with your employer?

Act professional

It is important that you act professional at all times and in all situations. In this way, you will gain the respect of your employer. Be sure to be polite in all your dealings with fellow employees and clients. Dress well; speak well; and keep up to date on all the latest information in your particular field.

It is critical that you develop a bond of trust with your employer. If your employer sees you putting forth your best effort day in and day out.if he or she sees you going above and beyond the call of duty.if he or she recognizes that you are a highly capable individual and a valuable employee.chances are greater that your employer will have full faith in you and your abilities.

Be honest and open

You need to be honest and open with your employer-especially when problems arise. If you are candid-without being cruel-it is likely that your employer will respect you even more. However, if you gloss over problems or fail to discuss what's bothering you, a certain degree of distrust may develop between you and your employer.

Most employers respect honest feedback. They are striving to constantly improve their companies; therefore, they need to know about not only what's going right-but also what's going wrong. Chances are you will be rewarded for your willingness to tell the truth in all situations.

Respect deadlines

Believe it or not, a number of employees have a blasé attitude about deadlines. They figure that they will be granted more time to complete a project if they need it. However, if you abide by deadlines, your status is likely to rise in the eyes of your employer. In other words, it pays to do your work on time.

Compliment your employer when appropriate

Be sure to tell your employer when a policy is working particularly well or a recent hire appears to be outstanding. This will help to promote good feelings between you and your employer. Unfortunately, too many employees are quick to criticize and slow to praise. You are more likely to build a strong professional relationship with your employer if you don't fall into that trap.

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Balancing Career Advancement With Job Security

One of the toughest issues that an employee has to manage is the balancing act between career advancement and job security. Career advancement has many attractive aspects, new office, better career, better salary, better benefits, more opportunity and more authority are but a few. These can be very tempting incentives to want to advance a career either in a new organization or in the company that is the current employer.

There are also drawbacks to career advancement that need to be considered. With all the perks of an advancing career come additional responsibilities. Additional responsibilities that can equate to more time at the office and less time with family and friends. Often there is more stress and pressure with more senior positions. These changes require adjustments not just for the employee, but also for the family unit as a whole.

Job security is the other side of the coin. For many people knowing that they are assured a position and that they have a secure job is more important than career advancement. Job security tends to be higher in priority for individuals who are responsible for the support of a family or who have other financial considerations. It may however, act as a rock that holds them in a position that they would rather leave. This scenario also has an impact on more than just the employee.

Most people see career advancement and job security as a teeter-totter. When the side of career advancement is high and the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder is at its peak the level of job security is at its lowest. The reverse is also true. Most employees feel that a very high level of job security means that the opportunity for career advancement is at its lowest.

This is not necessarily true. Good planning and research on advancement opportunities can provide job security as well. Advancing in a company that has a good track record of supporting employees and providing options for advancement is important. Discussing job security and company policy with existing employees can help individuals decide the level of security provided.

There are opportunities for both advancement and security in the workplace. Knowing the policies of the agency you are seeking employment with will help understand the best balance that is right for you.

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Analyze The Job Market Before Starting Your Job Search

Spending a bit of time researching and understanding the job market in your professional field or geographic location will help you be more effective in your job search. Knowing the job market climate is key to deciding when and where to best focus your efforts on getting a first job or transitioning to a different workplace.

Job market information is available at libraries, in career magazines or in newspapers. The Internet offers a wide variety of search options ranging from job description, pay scale, geographic location, professional associations or agency standards.

In order to analyze the job market of your choice you can begin by asking yourself a few simple questions.

How much competition exists in the market?

The more competition the more dynamic, professional and interesting your resume should be. A good first interview will be critical as there will likely be numerous candidates interviewed so it is important to make the best possible impression.

A marketplace with less competition may be more beneficial to first time employees that may not have an extensive resume.

Are the employers looking for more than just the required skills?

A bit of research on who has been hired in the workplace will help you answer this question. If the advertisement or posting calls for Bachelors level training but everyone on staff has a Masters you can be assured the agency or organization is looking for more than just the requirements on the posting.

Also be aware that there are skills that may not be mentioned on the posting that might give you an edge in the market. If, for example, you spoke another language that was used in the area it may be an additional asset when seeking employment in that location. Make sure to include it in your resume.

What is the current employment trend in the area?

Is the geographical area in a depression or an economic upswing? Are businesses moving into or out of the area or field? Are there lots of lay-offs or downsizing?

Most of this information can be found either on the Internet or in the local papers. The local employment center can be a valuable source of this type of market analysis.

Does the market favor employers or job seekers?

This question will help you analyze your ability to negotiate with employers and your ability to apply for jobs that may be outside your traditional job qualifications. When the market favors job seekers the employers are more willing to provide work for first time employees or employees that have not had experience in a particular field. This is a good time to try new careers and to move jobs.

In a market that favors employers there is less chance of changing jobs and any moves should be planned in advance to avoid any unwanted unemployment.

When you feel confident that you can answer these questions you will be able to determine the condition of the job market. If it is a favorable market for the employee it will be easier to obtain a job and to be able to negotiate with your employer the conditions of your employment.

A market analysis that indicates a strong employer bias will work best for experienced individuals with credentials that exceed the minimum requirements of the employers.

Understanding the job market analysis will help you decide where you will have the best results in seeking employment. Focussing your time and effort on markets that are positive towards the employee will provide the best outcomes.

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5 Tips For Staying Motivated In Your Career

The level of motivation that you exhibit in your career and work environment changes over time and for a variety of factors. When you are not feeling well, experiencing outside stress or anxiety, having issues on the job or struggling with personal issues your motivation decreases. Unfortunately most of these outside factors are largely out of your control, so how can you stay motivated in your career to remain enthusiastic and positive at work?


Training is one of the most effective ways to become motivated. The training does not need to be specific to your job, it can be learning anything new and being able to incorporate it into your work environment. Many trainings, workshops and conferences now feature keynote speakers that are motivational and inspiring to rejuvenate people and give them that positive feeling about their career.

Focus on the positives

While this may seem like a very obvious technique, many people fall into the habit of dwelling or focusing on the negative aspects of their job or career and simply don't see the positives. This negativity stops any motivation in its tracks as you simply tell yourself that there is no point trying as only negative things happen at work. By focusing on the positives that have happened you are more likely to try new things and to maintain the energy needed to get tasks completed.

Use your support

Motivation is catching. Encourage others around you to support your positive focus and to support you in your new choices and decisions. Make positive and supportive statements to co- workers, family and friends and you may find yourself receiving more back. The more confident and secure we feel the more motivated we are likely to be.

Take responsibility

Ultimately the only person who has responsibility for where you are in your career is yourself. While employers and job conditions may have an influence, you are the most important and significant factor in your career advancement and motivation. Take an honest look at your credentials and training and decide if there are courses or programs that you could take to motivate you and increase your knowledge and interest in your career area.

Take regular vacations and relax

Being happy and healthy as a whole person will help you be happy, positive and motivated at your job. Have a hobby or activity that you enjoy doing outside of work to relax and rejuvenate yourself. Spend time with family and friends doing a wide variety of activities to keep you positive. Have a way to disengage from thinking about work so that you can take a mental break. Relaxation is necessary to allow the body and mind to stay healthy.

Motivation can come in many different forms. Some other ways to provide self-motivation are:

  • Journal your positive influences and results.
  • Prepare a portfolio of your successes.
  • Read inspirational books or attend inspirational or motivational seminars.
  • Accept compliments.
  • Focus on the future rather than dwelling on the past.

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Strategize Your Teaching Job Search If You Want To Ensure Success

As a teacher, you might have had plenty of opportunities to celebrate your successes. For instance, you might point with pride to the time when your students aced their achievement tests, or a student who had been failing performed a dramatic turnaround. You might have been named a favorite teacher in your school, or you might have been recognized as one of the best science teachers in the state.

In your search for a new job, you want to enjoy similar success. At the end of your search, you want to be able to say that you found the best job that was available. You want a position that is intellectually stimulating, but not frustrating one where you can continue to grow and ultimately realize your potential. But what can you really do in order to ensure your own success?

The key lies in strategizing

No war is won without an effective strategy. Similarly, political candidates also need to have a winning strategy to have any hope of achieving victory at the polls. Office-holders also need a strategy for dealing with government financial problems. In short, many of the most important things in life require a coherent strategy.

You should think of your strategy as serving as a blueprint for your success. It is the plan you will use in order to realize your professional goals. While your strategy is not likely to include solutions for every problem you'll face along the way, it does offer a general framework for helping you to find the job you want.

Characteristics of an effective strategy

An effective job-hunting strategy contains a number of key characteristics. For instance, it should be logical and thoughtful. In other words, you should take your time developing it. It should not be the result of hasty judgment. Also, your strategy should be realistic. On paper, applying for 50 jobs a week may look good, but it may be impractical when you are already working a full-time teaching job.

An effective strategy is also a real motivator. It will make you want to work toward your goal of finding a job. It also provides a step-by-step program for realizing interim goals, such as increasing the amount of networking you do.

Maintain flexibility

Yet, it is also important that you maintain some flexibility. While your strategy is critical, recognize the fact that it is only a plan. Circumstances may change, requiring you to shift priorities. If you are not rigid when it comes to your strategy, if you are willing to adjust your thinking as events unfold, if you are creative, you are far more likely to achieve success.

Consider obtaining feedback

In the end, it's important that you consider obtaining feedback for your strategy. A veteran teacher or a career counselor might have additional ideas for jump- starting your job search. That constructive criticism could mean the difference between finding the right job and letting the right job fall through your fingertips.

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The Role Of The Internet In A Successful Job Search

You've occupied your current position for some time, and you really believe that it's time to move on. As a result, you think that it's high time that you jump start your job search. But how can you go about doing that especially if you are out of practice?

One good way to get your job prospects to soar is to turn to the Internet to help you in your search. The Internet is a tremendous resource for job-seekers. In fact, at times, it can almost seem as if it was invented for the purpose of finding the right job in the right area.

A source for job leads

One of the premiere ways to use the Internet is as a source for job leads. It is truly remarkable just how many companies operate websites today. Many post job openings right on their home pages. Therefore, if you're interested in a particular company, you may be able to find out if it has any vacant positions by simply touring its website.

In addition, the World Wide Web is filled with job-oriented sites tailor-made for the job- seeker. Such sites offer ads for jobs in a number of different localities. The positions advertised vary from those that require minimal experience to those that require advanced degrees. As a result, there is something for just about every job-seeker on the Internet.

Easy communication

The Internet also offers ease of communication. To begin with, you can quickly and efficiently send e-mails to prospective employers which include your cover letter and resume. This allows you to get in touch with employers in an intimate way. Since employers realize the importance of e-mail, it's likely that you'll receive a response within a day or two of your message.

You can communicate to a broader audience by mounting your own website. A website can include information about your background, accomplishments, and goals. It's a way to package yourself in the best possible way. You might actually be surprised by the amount of traffic your website will generate.

A wide audience for your resume

The Internet also offers a wide audience for your resume. For instance, you can post your resume on a jobs-oriented site. Chances are, you will be contacted by a number of recruiters if you do so. Through an Internet posting, you will be able to reach employers you might not have been able to reach through other forms of communication.

A high-tech tool

The Internet is also a fantastic high-tech tool for a job-seeker. It allows you to harness the power of Cyberspace in order to promote your candidacy for a particular job or a number of jobs. It is, quite frankly, the most powerful form of communication known to man.

Becoming Internet-savvy

What if your computer skills are extremely limited? Can you still use the Internet for your job search? The answer is a resounding "yes." You don't need to know all the mechanics of a computer to send an e-mail electronically or to post your resume online. Your neighborhood librarian will probably be more than happy to assist you in your Internet job search.

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Identify Your Competition For A Successful Executive Job Search

Once you launch a search for an executive position, you want to do everything in your power to ensure your success. This means that you need to cast a wide net, consulting a variety of web sites, professional networks, and other organizations that can apprise you of available executive positions. You want to produce a winning cover letter and an exceptional resume. You'll also want to fine-tune your conversation skills for the all-important interview.

But there's also another step you can take to help guarantee your success. This involves identifying your competition. While this can be difficult at times, it is a crucial part of the job application process. Once you've figured out who the competition is, you're in a much better position to sell your candidacy to your prospective employer.

Naming names

At times, identifying your competitors may mean actually trying to figure out the identities of other people who are likely to apply for the job. If you live in a small town, this might not be that difficult. Certainly, you wouldn't discuss the job with the people you've identified. But you might be able to better determine your chances of landing the job if you know who you're up against.

What skills are required?

However, for the most part, you will not know the actual identities of your competitors. But you can try to determine what kinds of skills such people would have. Would they be effective managers? Would they be detail-oriented? Would they be effective communicators? If you try to determine what kinds of skills your competitors would have, you will have some idea what skills you should stress in your cover letter and in your job interview.

What kind of education would they have?

Is it likely that your competitors have MBAs? Are they probably graduates of Ivy League universities? If the answer is "yes" and if you have a similar educational background, you should be in the running for the job. But if you lack such educational qualifications, you might try to think of other qualifications you have that you could emphasize in an interview setting.

What kind of experience would they possess?

This may be perhaps the most critical question of all. What types of positions would your competitors have held? Would they have worked for large corporations or small firms? Would they have served as managers for a substantial period of time-or only a few years? Keep in mind that experience is often the most critical factor in hiring. Therefore, if you feel as if your experience may be considered deficient in some way, you need to find a way to showcase your previous positions in the best possible light.

Research is key

In essence, the more you know about your possible competition, the greater your chances of doing well in an interview. Knowledge is, indeed, power especially when it comes to a job search. When you know what you're up against, you'll be in a better position to promote your candidacy.

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Legitimate Work From Home

By: Greg Shuey

To be able to sit at home and make large amounts of money is many peoples dream. And there are a large number of businesses that try to capitalize on these dreams. While some are genuine, there are many that are, to say the least, shady. You need to be sure that what you are doing constitutes legitimate work from home and not getting ripped off. If you can avoid the types of scams given below, you can be fairly sure that you are going to be doing legitimate work from home.

Scams come in all shapes and sizes. As a general rule, avoid those that promise you unbelievable returns. That's what they are, unbelievable. The most common scams are:

1. Processing medical insurance claims. You will be offered amounts of up to $1000 a week. You will be told that there is a huge market for this and all you need is a little software and training, which, of course you have to pay for. You will probably receive a CD with some junk software and a crude training manual. Once you complete the training and contact the company, you will be fobbed off with one excuse after another until you give up or the company stops responding.

2. Offers for online jobs. This is one of the oldest scams in the book. You pay for a CD that is supposed to tell you how to make your fortune at home. What you get is a CD that lists outdated job opportunities.

3. Envelope stuffing. You are offered hundreds of dollars a week for sending out mailers. What you get when you respond is a letter asking you to pay for the promotional material. If you fall for this, what you can expect to receive is a plan on how to repeat the offer you have responded to. You then have to spend hundreds of dollars on stamps and stationery in the hope that someone will respond to you so you can repeat the cycle. This is not legitimate work from home.

4. Multi level marketing. This is a legitimate marketing technique used by many reputed companies. But the unsolicited offer you receive will ask you to pay a deposit and then talk of recruiting more members and not the products to be sold. You are being asked to cheat others the way you have been cheated. In the end these schemes collapse, leaving you with nothing.

5. Assembly work from home. This offer involves paying a deposit for components that you are to assemble at home and then return to the supplier for a payment that covers your deposit and gives you a profit. When you return the complete work, you are told that the work is sub standard and is rejected.

The five scams listed above are just examples of some of the estimated 300 work at home scams doing the rounds today. But for every scam there are hundreds of legitimate work from home opportunities available. Check every work from home opportunity offered to you before investing any time or money. If possible, contact your local Better Business Bureau for confirmation that the offer you have received is a legitimate work fr
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careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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How To Secure Executive Level Jobs

By: Paul Hata

It is normal for every person to strive for career advancement and growth. It makes them feel that all of their hard work has paid off and that a promotion is, indeed, the best reward they can get.

However, for some whose luck seems to be so illusive, they have to find their own growth somewhere else. That is why most of them opted for executive job searches, where they hope that someday they would be lucky enough to find the executive job that they have long been dreaming for.

But is it really just luck? Or are there some factors that need to be considered when searching for that executive job of their dreams?

Landing a good executive job is not dependent on luck. For people who wish to learn some tips regarding executive job searches, here are some pointers on how to get that dream job:

1. Killer looks
The saying,"Looks could kill" is not an understatement. Though the word kill is only used literally and the word look is sometimes associated with stares. But what is being pointed out here is that looks can definitely kill a person's chances on landing his or her executive job if the applicant had missed one great factor: appearance.

As the saying goes, first impressions last, so it would be better to make that first impression by looking just right for the job. After all, if a person wants to have an executive job, then, he should dress appropriately for the position. In this way, the executive job he had been searching for might just become a reality.

2. Show some mastery
For an executive position, most employers would want to hire those who are already an expert in their own field. This means that the applicants should be adept in the areas concerning their chosen careers. This will show that the applicant has already started a coherent career track and is already knowledgeable in the field.

It will do no good to an applicant who claims to be a jack of all trades but a master of none.Six out of 10 applicants are hired because of their expertise on a certain field. This only means that employers are more concerned with people who have already mastered their career and have established continuous career growth.

Finding an available executive job could be one thing but actually getting that dream executive job is another thing. Looking and acting the part is a must to landing that dream job!

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy