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Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Home business: when to get a freelance writer

A homegrown business can stay about the same size and still provide lucrative income for the owner-operator. But if you want your business to grow and thrive, one of the strategies you might consider is to hire a freelance writer to help you with internal and external communications.

Freelance writers usually work part-time for one or more companies. They can work locally onsite by visiting an office daily or occasionally to work on assignments. Or they can work from remote locations as telecommuters by using email to send and receive writing assignments. High-speed access, an email account, and a PayPal account (for payment) are usually the main computer-based services that a freelancer needs to work for a company.

A small company can benefit from the services of a freelancer under certain conditions like these:

1. Hire a freelancer to help develop and write policies, procedures, form letters, reports, and charts. A professional writer can help you organize paperwork, a filing system, and documents of all kinds so that you know which forms to use and how to organize them in your office space. He or she can write, revise, edit, or proofread a procedures manual or policy handbook as well as a style guide for organizing written documents in your office.

2. A freelancer can help to promote your business to the community. A series of newspaper articles, a speech at the local library or civic organization, and a billboard ad or a print ad can help to attract new and repeat customers. Signs, advertisements, and even catalogue entries can make your company stand out. Creative copy can put you at the forefront of your industry and give you an edge over the competition.

3. Freelance writers can develop materials to attract customers beyond your client base. They can package advertising of your product or services in such a way that it can fit into a niche that serves other business-types as well. For example, if you operate a printing business, a freelancer might link your service with that of a graphic artist or a copywriter to draw customers for any or all of these services.

4. A freelance writer can publish a subscriber-based newsletter that will keep customers aware of your company. A print newsletter containing helpful information or recommended procedures can be sent to all new customers. Or a freelance writer might be able to design or maintain your business Website that can publish a monthly ezine for regular subscribers that are currently customers or visitors to the site who may become future customers.

A professional writer, depending on qualifications and experience, may be able to help with just about any type of writing task, from letters to reports or speeches. Browse the Web to find freelance writers who post samples of their work for review online. Ask about rates and turnaround time. Finally, explain the type of writing needs that you have to see if a particular writer can handle them. You will be amazed how a careful arrangement of several well-chosen words can bring a powerful attention stream to your home business.

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Drug testing in workplace

In the work place today the drug test is being used as the “make or break” benchmark for a final decision on employment. Employers are under the impression that a drug test is an easy way to weed out undesirable and incompetent workers simply through whether or not they are able to pass a urinalysis test. There are several things that are wrong with this premise. Employers fail to account for false positives, over the counter adulterants and most of all drug durations. All of these can lead to either a wholly qualified candidate being overlooked or a savvy drug user being hired – in either case the what the employer claims to be his/her goal through the drug test is compromised and the test is rendered ineffective.

Several things can lead to a false positive in a urinalysis test. Chief among these is diet. Poppy seeds can lead to a person who might never have even seen any illicit drug - save on their favorite episode of American Justice on A&E – to testing positive for opiates. The chemical composition of the seed mimics that of the illicit drug. This is evidenced by the fact that airline crews, who are repeatedly tested for drug use, are advised not to eat food containing poppy seed because of the possibility of the false positive. If a person were to eat a perfectly legal poppy seed cake over the span of one week on the eighth day that person would test positive for significant amounts of codeine and/or morphine simply because of his/her love of cake. Today there is an ever-increasing tendency to adopt a “natural” diet - this is evidenced by the many new “holistic” products one may find in the local grocery. Many of these products contain oils that are derived from hemp plants and other botanicals which are perfectly legal to use yet in a urinalysis will produce a positive testing for the use of drugs ranging from marijuana to opiates.

With so much riding on the drug test today it isn’t surprising that many industrious people have started a cottage industry dealing in test adulterants. The only thing that a frequent user of illicit drugs must do to test negative is abstain for one to two days before the test, ingest the adulterant and drink enough water to urinate at the test site. These products can be purchased at any grocery store or through many site on the web. More often than not these adulterants are billed as “herbal cleansers” or “body toxin removers”. Testing sites are now actively testing for only one of the most widely used adulterant – creatine. Creatine is used in about 80% of all over the counter adulterants but as the testing agencies become wise to the chemicals used to pervert the outcomes of their tests so too do the manufacturers become wise to the fact that there product is no longer as effective and thus changes are made and the game continues.

The final and probably the most important factor in highlighting the ineffectiveness of urinalysis is drug duration or the time that a drug after it’s use stays in the body. When given a list of illicit drugs and legal drugs one can get an idea of how inaccurate a urine test can be in locating potentially problematic workers. Heroin is regarded as the most illicit drug in the workplace today. Heroin is passed through the urine in the body of habitual users, habitual meaning daily users, for three to five days. Cocaine is passed through the urine of habitual users in three to five days. Alcohol is passed through the urine in twelve to twenty-four hours. Marijuana stays in the body, depending on body fat, for thirty to fifty days. All this adds up to the fact that in reality the only thing that a drug urinalysis can accurately show is that a person is either a daily user – a fact that should be rather obvious given these types of drugs and their effects – or that a person has smoked marijuana at some time in the past month to month and a half. This is hardly the kind of accuracy that is touted by the testing companies or the employers that use the tests as some sort of grand and unimpeachable tool to make their workplace the best it can be.

From perfectly legal foods to the fact that more often than not the most illicit drugs simply do not stay in the system long enough to give an accurate reading of a persons particular habit –save only the most dire and daily users – the drug test is for all intents and purposes is a failure. Given the fact that the test is given at a time when the candidate for employment knows the day and time the test is to be given and can make plans to counter the accurate reading of said test isn’t it a forgone conclusion from this that the test is indeed worthless. Urinalysis is a bad way to “clean up” a work place because the fact is too much is being put on the outcome of these tests and too little is being put into the thought behind the tests. These tests are not a panacea like many Human Resources directors would have their superiors believe. In reality they are just another way to needlessly spend money which could be allocated for something else.

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Understanding how women communicate at work

If you have female co-workers, you may sometimes wonder what some of their comments mean. Females can be intuitive, indirect, emotional, or uncertain at times. Others, however, may come across as assertive or dictatorial. The guidelines that follow may help to explain the ways that women communicate while on the job. Keep in mind that these insights are not meant to be stereotypical and do not apply to all women.

1. Women tend to be more verbal than men and think in terms of words and emotions. Research shows that women typically have a need to express about 25,000 words per day, while men express about half of that--12,000. Women often use affirming conversational markers like "oh?" or "Hmm." Men are generally good listeners but may not offer as much supplementary verbal support. They do, however, tell more off color jokes and use more profanity than most women.

2. Women rely on their emotions to assess a situation or person. Their brains are wired to accept stimuli from multiple sensory impressions, which can cause sensory overload, resulting in temporary confusion. This may lead to what some call "women's intuition," when a woman has "a feeling" about something or someone but can't put her finger on it because her mind is overloaded by stimuli. After she has had a chance to sort impressions, she may come to the realization of why something seems amiss--a guest's unmatched socks, for example, which can lead to a full-fledged observation or opinion.

3. Women enjoy being part of a team. At work, this means that they willingly share tasks and insight to get a job done. While some women pursue leadership roles, many others are content to serve from the sidelines as long as there is someone to chat with occasionally. Women enjoy communication for its own sake, while many men typically use talk as a tool to get things done.

4. Women may feel insecure about their job roles. This may be due to the fact that women have rather recently entered the work force, mainly in the past 30 to 40 years. They may have fewer female mentors and role models, and perhaps be a little nervous of a male supervisor, especially if they are surrounded by longstanding male co-workers. An illustration of verbal uncertainty is the use of tag questions. Instead of making a statement that can stand alone, female employees may add a short question at the end:

"The meeting starts at nine, doesn't it?"

"I think the project is coming along, don't you?"

5. Some women resent a female supervisor more than a male supervisor, which can lead to cattiness or communication problems. While researchers are still not sure of all possible reasons for this, some include the idea that female supervisors sometimes adopt masculine characteristics to compete with males, and thus alienate female employees. Another option is that women who enjoy team work may resent the female who stands head and shoulders above them.

6. Women typically have fewer health-related problems on the job than their male counterparts. Stress symptoms like job-related depression, substance abuse, and heart problems remain more male than female issues, but women are beginning to catch up. Women are better at controlling their emotions than many male supervisors, which may be one reason why they are less likely to fall prey to stress symptoms than men.

7. Many women resent the fact that fewer females have been able to get high ranking leadership roles. They are becoming more vocal in their demand for equal pay for equal work. The good news is that there are more mentors and job opportunities these days for women in traditional male occupations, like engineering and law. As women become more outspoken about their career expectations, changes are beginning to occur in their favor.

Women at work do not fit neatly into any one category. But understanding how many women communication while on the job can enhance understanding and promote more effective collaboration among employees.

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How to budget for a small business

So you are considering a small business. More than hopes and dreams you will need to invest yourself in plans. A successful small business does not spring spontaneously from a wish. It needs the foundation that can only be provided by:

• Market research - Is there a need for the service/product I want to provide, who is my competition? Who is my audience?

• Business plan - What are you planning to do, how are you planning to do it? What expertise/experience do you bring to the task?

• Budget – How much will it cost? What will be the return? Lists all anticipated income and expenses for a specific period (typically your fiscal year).

Each is a valuable tool that can increase your chances of success as a small business owner. This point cannot be overemphasized. Do not allow enthusiasm or even fear to lead you away from completing the basic steps of starting/managing a small business

(There are a number of resources and people to consult for additional information if the prospect of writing a budget still feels overwhelming).

Although each step may require a good deal of thought and energy you will find in the long run that you save time and gain the control you need navigate even the choppiest waters.

Your budget should give a complete accounting of all anticipated revenue, revenue streams and expenditures. The budget is closely related to the business plan in that it details the plan in financial terms. For example, if you plan to hire two employees, your budget should include the money you plan to disburse for their salaries, benefits and taxes. If you plan to purchase or lease equipment the expense should be included in your budget. Planning expenses helps you determine how much revenue you will need to meet expenses and generate a profit.


The money you take in for your goods and/or services is called your revenue or income. Your budget should reflect the dollar value of sales and services anticipated for a specific period (consider planning an annual budget then break it down for each month).

To arrive at this number it is a good idea to review profit and loss statements for the previous period, if available. If this information is not available, make your best guess using information from your trade journals and market research. Be specific. How many bicycles will you sell this month? At what price? How many consultations will you provide? At what price? At the end of each month compare budgeted vs. actual income and adjust accordingly. If the amount you take in exceeds your projections give yourself a pat on the back and look for ways to keep this trend going. If you did not earn as much as you planned – look for the why. What can you do to beef up revenue next month? Are you charging the right price? Are you offering something that is needed? Do you need to step up your marketing? The beauty of the budget is that it can accurately highlight what is working and not working as well as what you should continue and what you shouldn’t.

Income should be recorded on a cash basis. For example, billable services should be counted as income in the month of receipt. Have a backup plan for the (hopefully) rare times that you are not paid for services in a timely fashion.

Revenue Stream

If you sell bicycles and sponsor bicycle tours, each represents a different revenue stream. Your budget should include anticipated income from each revenue stream. Again, categorizing each revenue stream allows you to identify which aspects of your business are profitable and which are not.


Your budget should also include all anticipated expenses. Some of these will be fairly constant, or fixed, such as rent, leased equipment and salaries. Others, such as hourly wages and materials, may vary. A comparison of income and expenses will reveal any gaps. The budget can help you plan around these gaps and avoid cash shortfalls.

You need not sit down with pen and paper to write your budget. There are a number of excellent software programs that make short work of budgeting. These programs can serve you well by reducing arithmetic errors, generating customized reports (such as profit and loss statements, reports on specific revenue streams or budgeted vs. actual expenses) and creating importable data. Most are very user friendly, affordable and require no accounting experience.

There are a number of advantages to writing a small business budget. These include:

• The opportunity to reflect on the thoroughness of your business plan.

• Provides an annual and monthly picture of income and expenses.

• Outlines information you will need to complete loan/financing applications.

• Gives you the control you need to head off problems and plan for success.

• Gives the opportunity to plan ahead for shortfalls, slow downs, and busy seasons.

• Gives opportunity to plan finance or purchase of capital expenditures without too much distress.

• Lets you plan for a profit.

• Can pinpoint successful areas as well as those that may need additional marketing or other tweaking.

The budget should be regarded as a dynamic and fluid document. As such, you should refer to it regularly and make adjustments as needed. Your budget also helps you focus on monthly targets in terms of income and expenses. It also provides an objective view of how you are doing. This can be a great motivator for you as well as for your staff. Much more than a burden, the small business budget is a critical tool for planning and success.

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Starting a small business: tax reporting essentials

Having your own small business is the American dream; however it comes with a list of new and sometimes complicated responsibilities. Taxes are probably the most dreaded of business responsibilities; however, they don’t have to be so frustrating. Below are some tips on how to keep your files organized and some basic tax information that may be helpful.


You will want to have a folder or file that maintains copies or originals of: sales and expense invoices, sales and expense receipts, cash register tapes, credit card statements, bank deposit books and check stubs, and your monthly bank statement. You will want to separate these into the following files: Banking (includes bank statements, check stubs, and deposit slips), Accounts Payable (include credit card statements, receipts, and invoices), Accounts Receivable (include copies of checks and invoices). These pieces of information will be used when you file your tax return, and are vital for backing up your tax claims if you are ever audited. This information needs to be retained at least for three years in the office, and retrievable from storage for up to seven years.


Keeping current Tax forms on hand is vital. In order to stay up-to-date with the correct forms visit your local Department of Revenue to get forms and updates on a regular basis, or visit the IRS’s website at for updated tax tables, forms, and information. Even if you have tax software for income and payroll, I would highly recommend keeping a current table available in hard copy at the office. This way you have it available for questions from employees.


In order to keep track of payroll taxes it is important to know your filing status. The number of deposits you need to make per year will depend on the size of your payroll. Smaller firms may only have to make a tax deposit quarterly; however a monthly deposit is the most common. Larger firms that pay weekly or bi-weekly, will need to make tax deposits more often. When you are applying for Tax Id number from the IRS you will be sent payroll information that will clarify when you need to make a deposit. If you have any questions you can always call the IRS or your state’s Department of Revenue for more information.


You will be required to file several reports throughout the year that transmit payroll tax and insurance information to the IRS and state department of revenue. (State filing depends on if your state charges an income tax.) When you make a tax deposit you will need to fill out a transmission form 941. This is a simple form that usually will be sent to you with your company information and identification number already printed on it. You only need to insert payroll period, and the amount. A similar form is required for state tax deposits. On a quarterly basis you will fill out a 941 form that summarizes and reconciles payroll taxes accrued during the period and the amount paid. Use this form to correct errors in estimated payments. You will also need to fill out a 940 form for FUTA tax once a year. You will only need to make deposits for this tax if it accrues more than $100 for the month. Otherwise you can just pay the total amount at year-end. Other tax forms for SUTA and unemployment insurance will be sent to you to fill out and return with payment once a year. If you have trouble completing these forms you can call the tax hotline printed in most phonebooks in the Government section or go to to download instructions.

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Career advice: how to become a food safety inspector

Are you looking to enter the field of food safety? If you are then you should consider becoming a food safety inspector. Food safety inspectors are responsible for providing independent inspections of wholesale and retail operations that physical manipulate food, and look for good manufacturing practices, food hazards, development of company food safety manuals, determine vender verification for health departments, and conduct special studies for public and private agencies.

The salary range for food safety inspectors will depend on the type of agency hiring and the geographical location of the position, however because of the training needed to qualify for such a position, you can expect to start at at-least the mid to upper $30,000’s. To get this kind of position you will need a combination of education, training, and work experience. Again the extent of experience in each category will depend on the hiring company.

The basic needs will be an undergraduate degree in a related field such as: food safety, biology, chemistry, agriculture, etc. Advanced degrees will be preferred because of the nature of the types of inspection duties and the biological knowledge you will need to have to be successful in this field. Additional training can help augment your application. Many organizations offer food safety training. Food safety training courses that are helpful are: “Train-the-Trainer” Food Handling Class, HACCP Principles for Food Handling and Processing (Meat, Seafood, Sprouts, and Juice), Food Handling, and Food Safety for Managers and Food Safety Team Members in the Food Service Industry. These types of training courses can be taken via independent study or seminars and help to give you a basic understanding of what food safety inspectors will be looking for.

There are certification classes for food safety inspectors that will help you qualify for good paying food safety inspector positions. To determine what classes and certifications that you will need, check out your state’s Bureau of Food and Meat Inspection, or the bureau in the state you want to get a job. The basic certification programs are: food establishment inspection, food manager certification, water/ice programs, federal contracts/poultry and egg grading, and hazards analysis critical control points (HACCP).

In addition to the certification programs provided by the state Bureau of Food and Meat Inspection, you can enroll in USDA Inspection Training Program. This program is available in two levels: introductory and senior level. It is held at the USDA Fresh Products Branch Notional Inspector’s Training and Development Center in Fredericksburg, VA. Go to to download an inspection application. Also at this website are other self-directed training programs in food safety inspection including: PACA Guide, Food Safety Auditing Guidelines and Questionnaire: Core Elements of Good Agriculture Practices for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, and Food Security Guidelines and Questionnaire for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.

If you have the training and qualifications needed for being a food safety inspector, then it is time to submit your application to companies. One place to start looking is at a state and federal employment agency. Often these types of agencies have an online database that you can search through. Use keywords like: food safety inspector, food safety management, inspector, health services, etc. If you find a job title and description that interest you follow the application instructions. Other places to look for job openings are at food safety inspection firms. To find contact information try looking in the phone book or through Internet searches. Also you can try looking at a job search website like Monster Board.

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Free sample business letters: how to write a letter for complaint

Got a complaint? Why not? Life’s full of them. Did your cell phone carrier not provide the services you expected? Is it that the rebate you expected for purchasing that new computer wasn’t the amount you were promised? Face it, at some time you’re going to have a complaint that needs to be put in writing. Rather than dread the inevitable, keep in mind that writing a complaint letter can be easy if you just follow five simple rules.

Rule One - Keep in mind that no matter how upset you are, don’t let your hostility spill over into your writing. To be taken seriously it is essential to keep a calm and professional tone in your letter. This means no blaming, no name calling, and definitely no foul language.

Rule Two - Use a three point approach. This approach breaks down your letter into three paragraphs with each one having a specific purpose.

Paragraph one - needs to clearly explain the transaction or situation you had expected. Use as much detail as possible in this paragraph. Be certain to list dates, dollar amounts (both by unit and total), names, and any other pertinent information. This will give the reader an idea of your perspective on the situation.

Paragraph two - explains the problem. Remember, don’t blame. Everyone makes mistakes so keep this assumption in your mind as you write. Mention any copies of documentation which substantiates your claim. For example, if you have a copy of the advertisement showing a $150 rebate and the check that you received for only $50.

Paragraph three - is the resolution. Many people have a bad habit of stopping after the second paragraph. They can easily state what they wanted and even more easily point out the flaws, but the third paragraph is critical. This is where you tell the reader exactly what you want them to do. Don’t ever assume that a complaint alone is enough. Many times it isn’t. If you want a check sent, say so! If you need a replacement of poor quality merchandise, tell them!

Rule Three - Give contact information. If there are questions regarding your letter, who should be contacted and how? List a valid phone number or email address. This should be at the end of the third paragraph.

Rule Four - Use a professional business letter format. This will help bring the reader’s respect and add credibility to your writing.

Rule Five - As you close your letter thank the reader for their assistance. People respond better when they feel they are being asked and appreciated, rather than ordered.

The following example letter shows the gist of how the rules work together.


Your Name

Your Address

Your city, State ZIP

November 11, 2004

Customer Services Manager

XYZ Corporation

Anywhere, NY 10101

Dear Customer Services Manager:

On October 1, 2004 I purchased a computer printer, model A17 from Big Name Stores, in the amount of $250 to be charged to my VISA card. I have enclosed copies of my receipt and credit statements.

Upon receiving my statement I see that this charge was entered into my account twice. I have highlighted both charges on the statement copy.

I would like for this duplicate charge to be immediately removed from my account. Also I need for any interest that was accrued to my account as a result of this error to be corrected as well. If you require any additional information please contact me at (222) 222-1111.

Thank you for your prompt assistance with this matter.


Your signature

Your name typed


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Facebook Tuduh Kontrak Paul-Zuckerberg Palsu

Menghadapi gugatan dari seseorang yang mengaku sebagai pemilik sah Facebook, jejaring sosial terbesar di dunia itu justru mencurigai bahwa klaim tersebut didasari oleh surat kontrak palsu.

Seperti dikutip dari situs ABCNews, Facebook Inc menuduh pria New York yang mengklaim memiliki 84 persen saham Facebook, Paul Ceglia, memalsukan kontrak perjanjian dengan pendiri Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.

"Mark telah menyatakan dengan jelas bahwa klaim Ceglia adalah absurd dan kami sangat curiga bahwa bukti kontrak yang diajukan adalah palsu," ujar pernyataan resmi dari Facebook kepada ABCNews.

Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan ABC News, Zuckerberg juga membantah bahwa dirinya telah menandatangani kontrak perjanjian dengan Ceglia. "Saya pikir kami sangat yakin bahwa kami tidak pernah menandatangani sebuah kontrak yang memberikan kepemilikan Facebook kepada mereka," kata Zuckerberg.

Ceglia sendiri mengaku bahwa ia dan ZUckerberg menandatangani surat perjanjian pada Juni 2003. Ceglia memberikan uang sebesar US$1000 kepada Zuckerberg dengan kompensasi 50 persen hak kepemilikan saham atas produk final jejaring sosial, yang saat itu diberi nama

Kontrak itu juga menyetujui bahwa Zuckerberg musti menyerahkan 1 persen sahamnya setiap hari, bila Zuckerberg tidak menyelesaikan pengembangan The Facebook pada waktu yang dijadwalkan, yakni sejak 1 Januari 2004.

Karena baru kelar 34 hari setelah waktu yang dijadwalkan, Ceglia mengklaim ia memiliki sekitar 84 persen saham Facebook.

Namun, banyak yang meragukan klaim Ceglia, karena Zuckerberg baru mendaftarkan situs pada Januari 2004, jauh setelah tanggal yang tertera di perjanjian.

Ceglia, yang juga berbisnis pelet kayu di Wellsville New York, juga pernah dituntut oleh jaksa wilayah setempat karena tidak mengirimkan pelet senilai US$200.000 atau Rp1,8 miliar, yang telah dipesan oleh konsumennya.

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