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Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Billions of Drops in Millions of Buckets: Why Philanthropy Doesn't Advance Social Progress

by Steven H. Goldberg
Wiley, 2009

Steve Goldberg is probably the most ambitious man in American philanthropy. He expects the nonprofit world to live up to its own hype and solve—yes, solve—the knottiest social problems. Note the subtitle of his book: “why philanthropy doesn’t advance social pro-gress.” Not “can’t” or “won’t,” mind you, but simply “doesn’t.”

He has a point. Despite all the efforts of philanthropists, social indicators have weakened for the average American over the last 30 years; from educational attainment to preparing for an aging population, we are not ready for the nation’s big long-term challenges. Yet Goldberg thinks that the answers to those problems are within the reach of philanthropy, if only money were spent more wisely. And he has a plan to fix it.

Goldberg is taking on the problem that we have called “creating an effective capital curve for social innovation.” The for-profit financial markets have evolved to match business opportunities with the right kind of capital: friends, families, and fools for start-ups; venture capital for the start-ups that grow up to become high-potential firms; and public debt and equity markets for large corporations. In contrast, Goldberg explains, the nonprofit capital markets are very good at start-ups and pretty good at funding behemoths of the charity sector, yet they fail to grow successful mid-sized organizations quickly enough.

Take the example of one of America’s most successful mid-sized nonprofits, Teach For America (TFA), which is widely lauded as a triumph of American philanthropy. Wendy Kopp founded TFA in 1990 with a vision to “eliminate educational inequality” by getting the brightest and the best of America’s graduates to teach in the schools where 13 million poor children get a rotten education. Having placed nearly 20,000 teachers, reached nearly 3 million children, and, crucially, proven that their corps members do a better job in the classroom, TFA stands out as a huge win.

Yet, with no disrespect to Kopp or TFA, Goldberg stacks up those achievements against Kopp’s original goal. By his calculations, after 20 years of spectacular growth for a nonprofit, TFA is still only reaching 3.3 percent of the total need it set out to meet.

So why can’t we get philanthropic capital at the scale needed to let organizations like TFA grow to meet demand? Well, that’s the message of the (over-)extended metaphor of Goldberg’s title: billions of dollars in charitable donations are spread among too many small organizations, and the philanthropic capital market does a poor job in getting the cash to high-performing organizations that need to grow to scale. “Charitable donations find their way to grantees through a haphazard combination of luck, charisma, and razzmatazz that is poorly suited to the importance of their work,” Goldberg explains.

The problems of the philanthropic capital market, such as it is, are well-known—a balance between institutional weaknesses in the nonprofit sector and the failure of grantmakers to really pursue impact. So far, so familiar. But where Billions of Drops is particularly useful is in analyzing some of the more recent developments intended to meet these challenges. Venture philanthropy as practiced by Venture Philanthropy Partners or the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation—putting in cash and expertise to accelerate the growth of successful nonprofits from, say, $1 million turnover to $50 million—wins Goldberg’s approval. But, he observes, it remains a tiny minority of foundation grantmaking.

Goldberg also thinks that the big challenges are at the next level up, what he calls “$100 million problems.” This is the scale at which another group of intermediaries, like SeaChange Capital Partners, has emerged, matching the best nonprofits with serious growth capital. Welcome though this innovation is, Goldberg deftly uses a comparison with the for-profit world to show that it is not enough: organizations like SeaChange are like boutique, private-placement firms in the for-profit world—a useful part of the financial system but a niche nonetheless. There needs to be a systemwide solution.

But what? If the depth and sophistication of the for-profit capital market comes from measures of profit, captured in the prices of publicly traded stocks, what would a similar mechanism look like for the nonprofit sector?

Here, Goldberg wisely cautions against an overly literal translation from the for-profit to the nonprofit world. Yes, prices are the secret to the success of markets, but—quoting F. A. Hayek—he reminds us that prices are not a perfect measure of value, just a very efficient way of sharing information and opinions among millions of actors. It is the information-sharing function that any nonprofit market needs to emulate.

Goldberg’s big idea is that part of the answer lies with “prediction markets,” which sounds more complicated than it is. Thousands of Americans are involved in prediction markets through betting websites, political websites, and stock-picking sites. Not only have these tools proved popular, they have also been remarkably successful in predicting the results of football games, political elections, and even stock prices. Why not adapt this model to the social sector?

Goldberg proposes an “Impact Index” (IMPEX), which would offer a real-time measure of what thousands of people in the nonprofit sector think about whether, say, TFA can really improve test scores in 1,000 schools. If you think TFA can do it, bet that its price on IMPEX will go up; if not, bet the other way. Then, see what the majority thinks. No asset is being traded on IMPEX. It is simply an information exchange. IMPEX is about harnessing the wisdom of crowds to assess and rank nonprofit performance, flooding the market with new information about where donors think they will get the most bangs for their bucks.

Goldberg’s idea is elegant indeed, but it’s hard to see how it would really work in practice. In particular, what would make enough of the right people want to keep ranking and assessing nonprofit performance? How do we know these judgments aren’t already reflected in mass giving behavior anyway? It all feels a little half-baked. That, perhaps, is the book’s greatest flaw. It’s too mercurial. IMPEX is the culmination of the argument, but is presented as little more than an untested concept.

Yet this is also the book’s strength. Whatever you think of IMPEX, Goldberg is right to be thinking big and thinking creatively. He revels in roving from philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn to Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail, and from the cutting edge of business and technology to what we can learn from ant behavior.

There is no one magic bullet for building an efficient capital market. That, indeed, is the lesson from the for-profit capital markets. The social sector may look enviously at stock markets, but one of the biggest trends in finance in the last decade has been the rise of private equity, based on the premise that stock markets are less than efficient and often undervalue companies. Intermediation is a constantly evolving space.

Even if IMPEX is unworkable, Goldberg shines a welcome light on an important problem. Billions of Drops will stimulate and inspire, even if it doesn’t inspire agreement. Maybe online philanthropy sites like and will turn out to be the most effective way to unlock the wisdom of crowds to get the money to where it will do the most good. Or, perhaps expert analysts like New Philanthropy Capital or Charity Navigator (with which Goldberg is now working) will get donations flowing to the best nonprofits. Maybe the breakthrough will come from something like the Global Impact Investing Network, recently created by a group of foundations and banks to figure out what impact means when it comes to social investing. Or perhaps it will be some other idea entirely. Watch this space.

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Office Romances - Find Love and Romance at Work

How to Use The Workplace Dating Pool to Find a Partner

Richard Mudhar

The workplace is one of the places in the modern world where potential romantic partners can size each other up over a period of time before making a move.

In their book Office Mate: Your Employee Handbook for Romance on the Job authors Stephanie Losee and Helaine Olen outlined the advantages of the workplace for meeting up with a potential partner. In the past, people paired up in a community where singles had the luxury of time to get to know one another. Now people, particularly those that move away to college and then again in search of work may not have this background.

Many modern approaches to dating emphasise looks and style and demand a quick decision about investing more time in a possible pairing, trying to pattern-match one's ideal partner template in the space of a few minutes. Speed dating is all about first impressions and the initial spark, and dating agencies often demand a lot of self knowledge of their clients. There is little room for serendipity in finding a match that works, though it may not have been one's archetypal image of Mr./Mrs. Right

The Workplace as a Dating Pool
Curiously enough, the workplace does share many characteristics with the communities of old. People are in a reasonably stable grouping, and there is plenty of time to observe one's co-workers both under pressure of work, meeting challenges, and also when they let their hair down on after-work social events or Friday evening drinks.

For all that, looking for love at work is a topic frequently derided in popular culture, with many TV shows and movies showing the hazards of office romances. The downsides make good screenplay, of course – not only is there the risk of a broken heart, but also the risks of losing a career along with the romance. For all that, several studies cited by the authors of Office Mate indicated that more than half of office workers had had some sort of romantic liaison with someone else at work at one time or another. There are numerous success stories – Microsoft founder Bill Gates met his wife Melinda French while she was a product manager for Microsoft.

Some Dos and Don'ts or Looking For Love at the Office
The pros of finding romance among one's co-workers are mainly about the greater knowledge partners can have about each other, with plenty of time to size each other up. However, because work is of course about earning a living, the boundaries have to be respected. Some of the common dos and don'ts of office romances include

•Make sure that common interests cover more than just work.
•Socialise off company premises.
•Accept no for an answer gracefully and with dignity.
•Don't use company email for personal messages to a paramour – ever. It is too easy to give a hostage to fortune that way, and may email policies forbid it anyway. Google Claire Swire for more reasons why.
•Relationships between a boss and someone in their line are always complex, and at the earliest opportunity the senior partner should contact their line management so that they are not responsible for managing a romantic partner, with all the conflicts of interests that implies. Most companies have policies about how relationships between superiors and direct reports should be managed, which usually involve moving one of the partners so they are not in a direct reporting chain.

Finding Love at Work - Summary
The workplace is also a community, so it offers the dating pool of a community. However, it is firstly a workplace, so despite the unique advantages there are some hazards to office dating which need to be mitigated, to avoid falling into the traps stereotyped in TV sitcoms. A lot of people have formed a romantic relationship at work sometime – the studies cited in Office Mate indicate just under a half of office workers have been romantically involved with a co-worker at some time in their careers.

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Ethics in the Workplace

Penelope McElveen

Today's work environment consists of a multitude of ethnic and cultural diversity. With this diversity, one must recognize ethical behavior accountability.

It is significant to address the ethical issues that are of major concern in today's organization, what individual influences might impact ethical behavior in the workplace and how an organization can influence ethical behavior in individual employees.

Ethics and Managers

Any person that has ever been in a management position or even in charge for a period of time in the workplace has inevitably faced challenges that are not easy and many times, not readily remedied. First, there are adaptive challenges that must be considered. An adaptive challenge is not like technical work, in which a person can determine a solution and that solution not impact fellow workers, or require a change (Heifetz & Linsky, 2002). For example, a rural hospital has had no staff Chief Executive Officer or Chief Nursing Officer for over three years, only temporary placements to fill the void.

Although the temporary managers try to fill the void and implement new policy and procedures regarding ethical behavior in the workplace their recommendations and changes are not taken seriously. Also, this could result in increased liability and law suits, due to the employees' unwillingness or incapabability to adapt to the change and may cost the employees their jobs.

Ethics and Adaptive Challenges

Ethical issues in the workplace are one component of an adaptive challenge. Considering this, we must answer the question of why are ethical issues a major concern in organizations? According to American Heritage Online Dictionary, ethics is defined as, "the rules or standards of conduct governing a person or the members of a profession." One such example would be in a study performed by Mayo Clinics in 2009. In this particular study it was determined that the treatment of the addicted physician must be addressed by recognizing the ethical and legal implications. Also, monitoring the physician's return to the workplace and their aftercare.

Furthermore, it was determined that it is critical that written policies for dealing with workplace addiction are in place at every employment venue and that these policies are followed to minimize risk of an adverse medical or legal outcome, as well as to provide appropriate care to the addicted personnel (Berge, Seppala & Schipper, 2009). Obviously, if an organization lacks the ability or foresight to implement a standard of professional ethics then the organization is held liable for the mishaps that will eventually occur when a member of their organization is working impaired.

Ethics and Organizational Tolerance

Another individual influence is the particular organization's historical tolerance. Meaning, an employee who intentionally or inadvertently steals time or products from the organization. These crimes go unnoticed or unmentioned by many, simply because this type of practice has occurred for so long and without punishment.

One example of this tolerance would be within the many high-tech organizations, there are people who steal time from the company simply by playing on the internet. This crime has been so mis-used and abused that there are certain sites that are constantly monitored by many company's technical teams, as well as certain sites being forbidden. Sadly, the sites that many think of in this regard are those that portray pornography or gambling. But in some organizations, the abuse runs further into shopping on line, playing games, chatting to friends or simply surfing the net.

Basically, each organization will have to embrace ethical dilemmas and begin teaching and implementing the significance of each individual being personally responsible for their ethical and moral decisions. Furthermore, according to one study, it was determined that the reasons managers and companies do not always learn from their mistakes and become pro-active is not necessarily due to the individuals or institutions being without moral sensibilities or values, but rather, they sometimes have a narrow perspective of their situation and little in the way of moral imagination.

Also, an organization's ability to influence ethical behavior in its employees is an endless, ever changing, continuum of education and accountability. Meaning, in ( Sekerka, Bagozzi, & Charnigo, 2009, p566) article, it is argues that each manager must determine how to establish the will to act and maintain that willingness which is also known as professional moral courage.

Ethics and the Responsible Party

Ultimately, the individual employee is responsible for their morality but management teams instead of per se individual managers must be considered in order to allow for the different expectations of each individual employee, while maintaining the balance of corporate standards and conducts in the workplace.

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Simple Ways to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace

Kate Le Page

Working effectively as a team requires trust, accountability, commitment, organisation, communication, time management and conflict resolution skills.

As the popular saying goes, 'There is no 'I' in Team,' and therefore working as a team requires individuals to be able to effectively work together and in doing so learning to put personal feelings to one side. This is certainly no easy task as everyone comes together having experienced a whole range of issues and often carrying much baggage.

Dysfunctional Teamwork within the Workplace

In order to better understand the skills required for effective teamwork within the workplace it may be helpful to first identify which aspects are likely to result in a team being inefficient, unproductive and dysfunctional. In Patrick Lencioni's book entitled The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,' he highlights five key themes which he believes are factors within dysfunctional teams.

These five factors associated with ineffective teamwork include the following: absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results.

Effective Teamwork Requires Trust

Regardless of whether in the workplace, home or leisure environment, trust is absolutely essential as without it there is likely to be much conflict and simply an inability to build relationships and be able to work effectively as a team. Particularly within the workplace environment trust is key to maintaining good working relationships between colleagues, employees and employers. Trust requires honesty and honesty is crucial to being able to work efficiently without worrying that one is going to be stabbed in the back or manipulated out of a job.

Effective Teamwork Requires Accountability

Without accountability it is completely impossible to work efficiently within the workplace environment or indeed any other environment as a team. Feedback is a key part of accountability as this is necessary to help individuals to understand how they are progressing. Regardless of a person's expertise or position it is important to have another person who will hold him or hr accountable.

Accountability reduces the likelihood of a person getting sidetracked at work and is a valuable means of keeping track of employees. This issue also helps reduce conflict as it creates opportunity for individuals to recognise their role within the wider team and how they may improve on key skills.

Communication Skills and Teamwork

A really crucial aspect of effective teamwork is being able to communicate well with one another. Thus requires the following skills: active listening, negotiation skills, non-verbal communication awareness and patience. It is also important to be aware of tone, gestures and facial expressions as these will have an impact on how one is perceived by other members of the team.

As highlighted above, effective teamwork requires communication skills, the ability to negotiate well, accountability trust and commitment. All of these skills will help to make the workplace a more positive environment and hopefully result in less office politics, petty conflicts and lead to increased staff morale.


Shaw, P. (2009) Raise your Game Chichester: Capstone Publishing

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Pi Dress For Success

By: Kozsun Huseyin

There are a plethora of books on the market advising how to assembly a power wardrobe to convey the image of success, stability, conservatism and reliability in the business world. The mantra for men is to invest in a black, navy blue suit, white shirt, conservative tie, black laced up shoes, minimal jewelry and be cleaned shaven. This applies to women also in a modified presentation, black, navy blue suit, conservative blouse, natural color stockings, conservative hair style, minimal jewelry and minimal elevated heels on black shoes. However, for the successful or aspiring private investigator entrepreneur this will not assist you to stand out from the crowd of other practitioners. Private Investigators historically have always been independent, confidence, self reliant and unconventional individuals equipped with a unique ability to combine creativity and logic to orchestrate their craft and deliver results for their clients. Their ingenuity is legendary as the protagonist and the stuff that film noir are made.

Unquestionably, the professionalism exuded by exemplary handling of your clients cases, stature in the investigative, local, regional and national community are essential components to transcend the normal standards to be exceptional. However, a business owner is an intricate component of his enterprise which determines the personality, identity and position of his investigative firm on the business landscape. It is commonly known that many fledging enterprises under the auspice of its founder do not flourish after their tenor and occasionally it can be attributed to the entrepreneurial attributes possessed inclusive of charisma. Intangible personality components manifested through ones mode of dress, speech, body language, confidence, vision, business ethics; essentially ones thoughts about himself and his business enterprise. It is extremely necessary to administer and integrate your personality, distinctive style and individuality in your business attire while operating within the investigative business paradigm. This does not require complete deviation of conventional business dress, but accentuating stylistic preferences, accessories, clothing combinations, etc. If a more individualistic presentation is desired the investigative practitioner can integrate multi cultural and decadent pieces of body adornment to work within the paradigm but manifest a strong personal statement of individuality.

The true entrepreneur is an individualist, deciding to abandon the convention of a stable job, company benefits and attractive perks to pursue his dream. The dream only he sees vividly and unobtrusively in the realm of his mind, it is more real to him than what is called reality for it transcends it and has the power to subdue it. He has no desire to establish an enterprise which will be controlled by stockholders and a board of directors, venture capitalists and their equity shares or partners and their ownership interest. In the quest to establish his business he might utilizing these relationships to advance his venture, however they represent means to an end and will be conscientiously eliminated as soon as possible to keep the entrepreneur free. Money is never the ultimate end, but seen as a tool, spiritual in nature which allows him to express his ideal on all levels of his being manifesting his ultimate freedom. He is free to build a business as individual as himself, free to define his niche, his market, his product, his service and his life. In pursuing his quest if he makes a lot of money, great, it's a buy product of living your truth and following the light within. But, ultimately money is not the primary objective any way for true entrepreneurs, it is freedom and self expression.

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Greatest Money Making Secret

By: Martin Powell

Just google 'make money online' and you will be bombarded with information and products such as DVD's and books. So much information is availible on this subject but which of it really works and is able to get you results. Thats where SearchFeast comes in, a powerful search engine which gives you direct access to quality information your searching for.

Unlike popular search engines there are no ads and you will only get websites which are highly relevant to your search queries. SearchFeast is a powerful tool no matter what your looking for from world of warcraft to becoming a Ebay powerseller, SearchFeast filters all the junk you tend to find in other overcrowed search engines.

So why is this search engine the greatest money making secret? Well it gives you access to information not found anywhere else, especially on making money. Even if you are new to internet marketing this is a great place to start, you will find step by step guides on how to make an income online.

When I first started out making money online, I can truthfully say I really did not know what I was doing. This was all new to me, I just followed a step by step guide. And once I started getting hands on experience it slowly began to make sense, and I started to make money within two days. I was amazed. Thats when I realized that the Internet was instant and it ran 24 hours a day. I was making money everyday, someone would go online, type in their credit card details and instantly I would have money deposited to my account.

I make four times as that now but I had to start somewhere. If your intrested in making money online I say you get yourself right in there. Its the best thing you can do for yourself. Once on your journey you will learn it in no time, its just starting the journey that matters.

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How To Market Your Company In The Uk

By: James Copper

Many companies need marketing companies to handle their marketing needs. Like in all other countries, in UK too, marketing is on an all time high. There are a number of marketing strategies used in UK. Following are some of the ways in which marketing in UK is done.

1. Through Manuals And Pamphlets:
Many of the companies prefer this way of marketing. In this marketing strategy, people distribute manuals or pamphlets at all possible places. This type of publicity is as good as mouth publicity. People generally read the pamphlet and throw it away if it's not of their use but if it is useful for them they make sure that they call you. The pamphlet should be designed in the most attractive way possible. It should contain all possible headings and should have all possible witty quotes. This may help attract the attention of the reader and make him or her remember you whenever he or she is in the need of the services that you provide. Thus, manuals and pamphlets can be a good way of marketing yourself in UK.

2. Newspaper Advertisement:
Newspaper is read by almost all of us. Thus, if you place an attractive and eye catching advertisement in the newspaper it is bound to get you a number of customers for yourself. The newspaper advertisement should be extremely elegant and should contain a witty quote to catch the reader's attention and make him repeat your ad to his or her friends. Thus you get mouth publicity which s the best option possible to market yourself. Newspaper is a thing that reaches all the homes thus; it is assured that you may get customers from all possible places and all possible strata's of the society.

3. Event Marketing:
You can publicize yourself by organizing a number of events a social place like shopping malls, shops, theaters and multiplexes. This may gain you lot of popularity and a lot of customers. Events generally attract all kinds of people. Thus, the chances of you getting customers increase considerably. Events are favorites of one and all so; you are left assured that you get a lot of people to know your brand. This type of marketing also assures you that you get customers of all age groups or your products or services.

4. Internet Marketing:
This type of marketing is famous not just in UK but all over the world. The world is becoming smaller and smaller due to internet service. Thus, to have an ad posted on the internet assures you that you get all kind of customers for your products or services. Almost all of us log on to the internet regularly. You can market yourself on the internet by placing attractive ads on websites or on the search engine WebPages. The costs of these ads are decided on the number of pixels that you ads use up. Thus, the larger your ad is, the more you pay to the website or the search engine.

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How Can Your Business Benefit From The Internet?

By: Naz Daud

Understanding how your business can benefit from embracing the Internet within its everyday operations can lead to improvements in efficiency and a strong growth in sales, provided you implement the appropriate technology to your advantage. With that in mind, it's important to get to grips with how your business can leverage the Internet to create a competitive advantage and to give your business the opportunity to grow your market share.

There are a number of advantages to be gained by any business from the growth of the Internet. The Internet opens up whole new avenues in terms of sales and marketing, as well as increasing the efficiency of business communications. Email is great and now we have VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). With VOIP telephone systems, it's now easier than ever for business owners to benefit from the cost savings and efficiencies when they need to communicate globally.

Another great plus point to embracing the Internet and new online business technologies lies in establishing ecommerce facilities, which can track and process orders and payments from your customers. By integrating this within your business, you can give your customers greater choice when it comes to making payment and better service from order point to final delivery.

Outsourcing can be a great way to improve efficiencies and benefit from diverse skill sets out with the normal competence of you and your employees. Outsourcing might seem initially out of reach, either technically or financially, but getting into the routine of outsourcing certain aspects of your business is a great way to cut costs overall and to benefit from specialization and a higher quality of output across outsourced areas. What's more, any technical constraints surrounding outsourcing, even abroad, are now put to rest with the help of the Internet, making outsourcing much more possible for the average small business owner.

As a small business owner new to outsourcing, you'd be surprised at the breadth and depth of this industry, particularly the growth experienced over the last few years. You can outsource almost any functionality of your business, from customer services through to software and IT, marketing / sales and especially accounts & finance - almost every element of your business can feasibly be outsourced to some third party provider. The trick is calculating which outsourcing opportunities provide returns through increased efficiencies and save on cost against those that are merely an additional cost centre and a drain on resources.

It's evident that the Internet has had a significant impact on the way we do business, and for small business owners, the Internet can prove to be a vital source of expansion and growth. Yet still, many managers have not properly exploited the Internet to the benefit of their business. Whether that's improving efficiency, generating sales, outsourcing work to experts or interacting with third party suppliers more economically, the Internet can bring a whole host of benefits to any business.

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Smelly Co Worker, Bagaimana Menghadapinya?

Pernahkah Anda mengalami kejadian yang tidak menyenangkan di kantor gara-gara rekan kerja Anda yang memiliki bau badan yang tidak enak? Setiap kali yang bersangkutan lewat, maka terciumlah bau menyengat yang bisa membuat Anda kehilangan konsentrasi dan gag. Euw, jorok! Sungguh tidak menyenangkan bukan?

Parahnya lagi, Anda tidak memiliki keberanian untuk mengatakan langsung kepada rekan tersebut bahwa bau badannya mengganggu lingkungan sekitarnya. Terlebih lagi kita hidup dengan budaya yang serba sungkan. Rasa-rasanya tidak sampai hati untuk mengatakan pada yang bersangkutan bahwa ia perlu lebih memperhatikan kebersihan tubuhnya agar body odor (BO) nya tidak memusingkan ‘tetangga’ kubikelnya di kantor.

Dilain pihak, Anda tentu saja tidak bisa terus-menerus membiarkan konsentrasi Anda dan rekan lainnya terganggu. Bukan tidak mungkin interupsi yang berkelanjutan seperti ini akan mempengaruhi produktifitas Anda dan rekan kerja lainya.

Mungkin selama ini Anda dan rekan sudah sering memberikan hint atau sindiran tentang BO sang karyawan bau. Namun seringkali karyawan tersebut tidak menyadari bahwa ia memiliki masalah bau badan. Sehingga sebanyak apapun hint yang Anda berikan, tanpa pembicaraan langsung ke masalah tersebut, ia tidak akan menyadari masalah yang ia sebabkan.

Ada beberapa cara yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah ini :

1.Pastikan lagi bahwa bukan Anda sumber bau tersebut dan bukan hanya Anda yang merasakan gangguan tersebut. Dengan halus tanyakan pada rekan kerja lainnya apakah mereka juga merasakan hal yang sama dan merasa terganggu. Jika ternyata tidak ada konfirmasi dari yang lain, maka bisa saja sumber BO tersebut tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah Anda. Kalau sudah begini, sudah saatnya Anda intropeksi diri; apakah Anda sudah cukup menjaga kebersihan tubuh dan pakaian Anda? Sudahkah Anda mempertimbangkan untuk mengganti anti-perspirant yang digunakan selama ini? Apakah makanan Anda selama ini adalah jenis yang memicu timbulnya BO?

2.Sampaikan kepada pemimpin. Jika Anda merasa terlalu sungkan untuk menyampaikan masalah ini langsung kepada yang karyawan tersebut, atau Anda tidak terlalu dekat secara personal, sampaikan hal ini sebagai masalah yang mengganggu konsentrasi kerja Anda kepada atasan Anda. Segala hal yang bisa menimbulkan gangguan terhadap kinerja kerja Anda, diluar masalah yang disebabkan Anda pribadi, adalah tanggung jawab pemimpin Anda.

3.Jika Anda adalah pemimpin karyawan tersebut, sampaikan masalah ini dengan bijaksana. Ajaklah dia untuk berbicara di dalam ruangan Anda jauh dari karyawan lain. Dengan nada suara yang santai sampaikan dengan singkat masalah BO ini. Dengan tetap menunjukkan simpati, sampaikan dengan jelas dan hindari menggunakan berbagai perumpamaan. Sampaikan dengan jelas harapan Anda terhadap karyawan tersebut, bahwa BO nya telah mengganggu kosentrasi kerja karyawan lain dan membuat mereka enggan untuk bekerja sama dengan dia. Sadarilah bahwa ada beberapa masalah kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan body odor, seperti hyperhidrosis bahkan diabetes. Jika inilah yang menyebabkan gangguan tersebut, maka tunjukkan simpati Anda dan sarankan karyawan tersebut untuk melanjutkan pengobatannya dengan serius.

4.Save his/her face. Jika ia berkelit dengan berbagai alasan, maka terimalah alasan tersebut, namun tetap komunikasikan masalah ini dengan jelas. Biasanya mereka tidak ingin malu atau kehilangan muka dihadapan Anda sehingga menggunakan berbagai alasan untuk ‘melegimitasi’ BO mengganggu tersebut.

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Menyampaikan the Bad News Kepada Karyawan Anda

Siapapun bisa melihat kalau keadaan ekonomi dunia yang belum juga stabil di tahun ini sedikit banyak memberikan pengaruh untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ekonomi dalam negeri. Sampai dengan Januari 2009 sendiri, diperkirakan ada sekitar 20 juta pengangguran di seluruh dunia (ILO). Sementara di Indonesia sendiri jumlah pengangguran akan meningkat sebanyak 8.87% akibat krisis global ini.

Lay off atau pemutusan hubungan kerja seringkali jadi salah satu langkah strategi yang harus dilakukan perusahaan untuk tetap bertahan di dunia bisnis. Beberapa orang harus ´pergi´ demi efisiensi agar perusahaan tetap bisa hidup. Hal ini mungkin terjadi juga di perusahaan tempat Anda bekerja. Manajemen memutuskan beberapa orang bawahan Anda terpaksa harus ´dirumahkan´ akibat produktifitas yang tidak mencapai target dan pasar yang sedang tidak ´sehat´.

Sebagai atasan karyawan tersebut, Andalah yang pertama kali menyampaikan berita ini kepada mereka, sebelum langkah selanjutnya di lakukan oleh manajemen. Memang tidak ada cara yang baik untuk menyampaikan berita buruk. Namun sebagai leader yang sudah sepantasnya juga berperan sebagai good communicator, ada beberapa langkah yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk meminimalkan dampak buruk akibat hal ini, sehingga walaupun mereka merasa kecewa karena telah mengalami pemutusan hubungan kerja, kekecewaan mereka tidak bertambah dengan cara manajemen dan Anda melakukan hal tersebut.

1. Pilihlah waktu yang tepat untuk menyampaikan berita ini.
Umumnya karyawan sudah bisa "mencium" kabar buruk yang akan disampaikan kepada mereka. Anda bisa menyampaikan berita ini pada akhir jam kerja ketika si karyawan sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dan ketika kantor mulai sepi. Atau Anda juga bisa menyampaikan berita ini ketika jam kerja baru dimulai sehingga karyawan yang bersangkutan bisa membereskan beberapa pekerjaannya sebelum ia pergi.

2. Sampaikan berita tersebut dengan personal.
Panggilah karyawan satu-persatu walaupun manajemen memutuskan hubungan kerja dengan beberapa orang karyawan Anda. Keadaan ini akan memudahkan Anda untuk melihat reaksi karyawan yang bersangkutan sehingga penanganannya akan situasional.

3. Berikan penjelasan yang jujur dan jelas
Jangan menutupi hal yang sebenarnya terjadi. Jelaskan posisi perusahaan yang sesungguhnya, namun jangan memberikan informasi terlalu mendetail mengenai keadaan perusahaan yang menurut manajemen merupakan informasi classified. Hal terpenting adalah membuat mereka mengetahui dan memahami alasan diambilnya langkah pemutusan hubungan kerja tersebut.

4. Berikan kesempatan untuk bertanya.
Sebelum Anda menyampaikan berita ini, buatlah daftar pertanyaan yang mungkin ditanyakan dan berikan jawaban dengan cara yang tidak defensif. Sampaikan jawaban dengan penuh rasa empati dan simpati, bahwa Anda mengerti situasi yang merekasedang hadapi. Dua kata magic seperti "maaf" dan "terima kasih" adalah kata-kata yang harus Anda gunakan ketika menyampaikan berita ini.

5. Berikan hak mereka.
Untuk memudahkan masa transisi dan meringankan beban mereka, pastikan bahwa perusahaan memberikan hak mereka secara utuh sebagai karyawan yang terkena pemutusan hubungan kerja seperti uang pesangon yang proporsional dan benefit lainnya.

6. No public shaming.
Dengan cara apapun jangan mempermalukan karyawan yang mengalami pemutusan kerja, misalnya dengan membersihkan mejanya segera setelah berita tersebut disampaikan, langsung memutus akses telefon, atau mematikan komputernya sebelum yang bersangkutan kembali untuk membereskan mejanya. Jika hal tersebut memang prosedur yang harus dilakukan, berilah kelonggaran sedikit karena hal ini bisa mempermalukan si karyawan di depan rekan kerjanya.

Pemutusan hubungan kerja yang tidak dilakukan dengan benar dan cermat akan menimbulkan masalah di kemudian hari. Karyawan yang merasa dirugikan bukan tidak mungkin menuntut perusahaan Anda sehingga masalah ini menjadi berlarut-larut. Karena itulah jangan pernah mengira bahwa masalah ini tidak perlu mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari manajemen dan Anda sebagai pemimpin karyawan tersebut.

Remember! :
Staf Anda juga manusia, punya rasa, punya hati, jangan samakan dengan mesin produksi. So be persuasive mendekati karyawan Anda.

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On Father's Day, Consider Dads' Work-Life Conflict

Work-life balance isn't just for moms anymore. In fact, because working dads are relatively new to the extreme sport of juggling work and home, researchers find that they actually experience higher levels of work-life conflict than moms, as I wrote in an article for Slate today.
The sluggish economy and job market have put added pressure on all of us at work, and men are no exception. Looking at the last year, one in ten working dads told a CareerBuilder survey their spouse became unemployed and 42 percent have added a second job. They're working longer hours, spending less time with kids and bringing work home, according to the report released yesterday.

At the same time, men are placing more importance than ever on their role as parents, according to a year-long study by the Boston College Center for Work & Family. "I make such a commitment to my family and being there for them," said Tom, one of study participants. "There's just a natural inclination to believe that my wife does the bulk of the work." Today's fathers see their family responsibilities as far bigger than that of breadwinner, and aim to be present and accessible to their children, the study found. Summing it up, Boston College professor Brad Harrington said: "The experiences of men are radically different than they were 25 years ago."

So this Father's Day, consider taking a moment to ask the man in your life -- whether your father, husband or friend -- what challenges he's facing. You just might have some work-life balance truths to share with each other. As Jason Avant, founder of DadCentric, told me: "What fathers want more than statistics and research is knowing that they're not out there alone and that people are understanding and empathetic about what they're going through."

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Siapkah Anda Menghadapi Tren Dunia Kerja Tahun Ini?

Perkembangan dunia usaha, bisnis, teknologi dan media yang dinamis mau tidak mau juga membawa perubahan dalam korporasi dan dunia kerja, baik dalam tren, metode rekrutmen, maupun manajemen lingkungan kerja. Pada akhirnya perkembangan tersebut juga akan memberikan dampak bagi Anda, baik sebagai seorang profesional maupun pencari kerja. Beberapa tren dunia kerja tahun 2010 yang sebaiknya Anda ketahui adalah sebagai berikut :

Jenis Pekerjaan atau Lowongan Kerja
Berdasarkan data dari, di tahun 2010 ada beberapa jenis pekerjaan yang paling dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan. Jenis pekerjaan ini jatuh dalam 3 kategori yaitu :

1.Kategori akunting dengan posisi staf akunting, accounting supervisor, internal auditor, chief of accounting.
2.Kategori industri spesifik yaitu penambangan dan manufaktur. Untuk industri penambangan posisi favorit adalah geologist (senior maupun junior), safety health environment officer dan geophysicist. Sementara di industri manufaktur posisi yang paling dibutuhkan adalah supervisor produksi dan quality assurance.
3.Kategori teknologi informatika. Lowongan yang paling sering muncul di bidang ini adalah application specialist, software design dan engineering, system and network support.
Lingkungan Kerja
Perubahan teknologi dan perekonomian dunia maupun negara yang mulai membaik membuat banyak perusahaan mulai melakukan perubahan atau penyesuaian dalam operasional perusahaannya

1.Akan semakin banyak perusahaan yang memanfaatkan social media untuk menguatkan brand, menciptakan image perusahaan atau sebagai media komunikasi dengan customer dan klien. Saat ini hampir semua orang terhubungkan melalui social media sehingga salah satu akses yang cukup besar untuk ‘meraih’ targeted potential customer bisa dilakukan lewat jalur ini. Hal ini juga membuat munculnya jenis pekerjaan atau posisi baru yaitu mereka yang khusus menangani dan mengembangkan strategi PR, meraih customer baru atau mempertahankan loyal customer melalui media ini.

2.Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Career Builder pada perusahaan di Amerika menyatakan bahwa di tahun 2010 banyak perusahaan (30% dari peserta survey) akan menggantikan karyawan yang berperforma rendah dengan mereka yang performanya lebih tinggi. Besar kemungkinan hal yang sama akan dilakukan perusahaan di Indonesia, terutama perusahaan yang pertumbuhannya melaju dengan cepat. Karyawan dengan performa rendah seringkali diidentifikasikan sebagai mereka yang tidak bisa atau lambat menyesuaikan diri dengan pertumbuhan perusahaan.

3.Semakin banyak perusahaan akan terus menerapkan atau memulai gerakan green work environment. Kebijakan untuk melakukan penghematan stationery, listrik, penggunaan produk lokal dan alat atau teknologi yang hemat energi akan semakin banyak dilakukan oleh perusahaan karena selain terbukti bisa menekan belanja rutin juga memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pelestarian lingkungan.

4.Perusahaan lebih memilih memiliki karyawan bilingual. Gaung mengenai pasar bebas yang semakin dekat dan kemungkinan untuk bekerja sama dengan investor dari berbagai negara membuat banyak korporasi semakin sadar bahwa karyawan yang bisa berkomunikasi dengan 2 atau lebih bahasa adalah aset berharga. Karyawan yang menguasai lebih dari satu bahasa bisa mempresentasikan image perusahaan atau brand baru kepada target yang lebih luas.

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cheer up chasing away bad day at work

Do you ever feel that you are faced with a very bad day at work? The owner who wants to contribute to the term, the workers who make the same mistake over and over again, and suddenly be revised again, Elevator died, you should fight the stairs to get to the Office, as all these incidents on the same day, choose appear in everyday life in the workplace.

Are these things destroy mood for work? Of course, it would be fair, if you so disheartened and not losing enthusiasm for work. But as a professional, this should not become a barrier to productivity. However, you still have to go through, like a professional with good performance. "well, how can I restore mood, and you can work with enthusiasm again?

Take a deep breath and then retreat with you. Go to the toilet, with the release of the Office for some time. Accept the fact that current mood is bad, so bad things happening in the series itself. Give yourself time to calm down. In addition, time out, as this will avoid you do or say something can make you regret later.

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New Graduate Resume - A Targeted Approach To New Grad Resumes

targeted resume... is it right for a new college graduate? A former recruiter explains why the general resume is out, and the targeted resume is in. Plus, how the new graduate can simplify the process of creating them.

When I grew up, kids fresh out of college could get by with a general resume. You remember those: grandiose but meaningless objectives, a drawn out education section, the briefest mention of a part-time job or two. All of it locked down on paper and static for the duration of the job search. And guess what? We all got hired. Well, those days are gone.

The job market today demands a different kind of resume. If a job seeker wants to compete in the aftermath of the worst recession in 50 years, even if that job seeker is fresh out of college with a spanking new diploma, the resulting resume had better be a targeted resume.

A Targeted Resume is a Customized Resume

A targeted resume is a resume that is customized to match up a candidate's qualifications with the specific requirements of a specific job. Showcasing the skills and experiences most relevant to one opportunity, a targeted resume is created for each new job application.

The Advantage of a Targeted Resume

As a new college graduate, your resume is competing fiercely with any number of qualified candidates. Want to be one of the few called in for an interview? Then first up, your resume needs to make it through several rounds of screenings. Resumes that are targeted toward the job opening in question improve their chances of getting through those screens and landing a phone call. General, one-size-fits-all resumes will be screened out. There is simply too much competition for it to be any other way.

How To Write Targeted Resumes

1. The first step is to write a master' resume. This core document will be the repository of all things remotely qualifying about you. Stick everything you can think of in there. Every positive trait, attribute or personal characteristic that might come into play in a work environment. All your jobs, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Each club or association to which you were ever a member, especially those in which you held leadership roles. Include relevant college courses and brief descriptions (with focus on how they relate to your career objective). Don't fret the length of this thing - nobody will see it but you.

2. As the need for a targeted resume arises (that is, as you prepare to apply to a job opening or a time slot with a campus recruiter), first make a copy of the master. Next, take that copy and begin eliminating everything that's not applicable to the position to which you're applying.

3. Tighten up the resume you're left with. If you know the title of the job position in question, put that title directly into the objective statement. Not using an objective statement? Then put the title of the job opportunity directly into your profile or summary section (and yes, you'd better be using one of these). Use the rest of your profile section to subtly redirect your personal and professional qualifications so they point naturally toward the job in question. You want to drive home the point that you are the right person for this particular job.

Once the profile has been sufficiently customized, go through the balance of your resume. Are there any past jobs from which you acquired skills applicable to your objective? If so, make that transition obvious. Along the same lines, focus your education toward the objective (for example, mention specific courses or a minor area of study, if relevant).

4.Get the length right. Your master or core resume can be a sloppy two, three or four pages long. Your targeted resume doesn't have that luxury especially for new grads. Whittle down the targeted resume until it fills no more than a single page.

You've just written a targeted resume. Now repeat that process for each new job opportunity, spinning off and customizing new resumes while leaving the master intact. This targeted approach is work, certainly. But it provides an opportunity for you to out hustle your competition.

Out hustle often enough, and you've got your job.

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