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Selasa, 14 September 2010

5 Tips for a Successful Career As a Bounty Hunter

If you are interested in pursuing a career as a bounty hunter, it is important to understand exactly what the career consists of and to learn the 5 tips that will allow you to enjoy a successful career as a bounty hunter. As a bounty hunter, you will be responsible for finding individuals that are considered to be fugitives that are secured by a bail and then bringing those individuals to justice.

Bounty hunters work directly with the industry that supports bail bonds by executing warrants for the criminal action known as "Failure to Appear" as well as the action that is identified as "Bond Forfeiture". In order to be successful at this challenging career, it is important to know and understand the secrets that make the bond industry successful. In this career guide, you will learn 5 tips for a successful career as a bounty hunter.

If you want to experience a successful career in this industry, it is important to know what will make you or break you as a bounty hunting professional. The following tips will assist you in ensuring that you experience professional success:

1. The first tip to experiencing success in this career is to know and understand that experience is truly the very best teacher. There are many different printed books, digital eBooks, and manuals on the market that will teach you many different aspects of this career, but it is important to have the opportunity to put what these manuals teach you to work. If at all possible, it is important to work directly with other bounty hunters that have direct field experience. These professionals will share the true secrets of success associated with the industry.

2. The second tip to succeeding as a bounty hunter is to ensure that you learn all that you possibly can about the task of "Skip Tracing". This is the process that you follow in order to appropriately locate the fugitive that you are attempting to apprehend. The goal is to locate the individual without endangering yourself or others and to safely apprehend them.

3. When learning how to be a successful bounty hunter, it is important to ensure that you learn all of the procedures and laws involved when it comes to the successful surrender of the individual that is identified as the defendant. This not only protects the defendant, it also protects you and the legal agencies that you directly represent.

4. It is important to ensure that you learn both defensive and offensive tactics that will assist in protecting yourself and others. When pursuing an individual that is considered to be a fugitive, it is always important to ensure that you understand that anything could happen at any time. You should know how to defend yourself and what to expect from an individual that is considered to be fighting in an offensive manner.

5. It is absolutely vital that you ensure that you know how to choose body armor and other protective clothing and devices that are considered to be successful for the job that you perform. You should never underestimate the importance of properly protecting yourself.

As you can see, there are many tips that will allow you to become a successful career as a bounty hunter. If you follow the tips contained in this guide, you will enjoy success at every turn.

Note: Please feel free to reprint or republish this article. The only requirement is that the links be live links.

Copywrite Kenneth Echie

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Career in Fashion - How to Build a Career in the Fashion Industry

Having a love of fashion combined with a desire to make money can help you succeed in retail management. Many successful fashion careers begin with working a retail job in a local store. There you will learn about how to market merchandise and stock the store. When you work a retail job, you may also gain the opportunity to apply for one of the many stylist jobs. This job is a coveted position because it involves styling the mannequins that are placed in the store windows. You will be able to show your boss that you have a sense of fashion design when you use merchandise to style the display mannequins.

After you get an idea about working in retail, you will probably want to explore design fashion jobs. A career fashion design requires that you start at the bottom and work your way up. Becoming an assistant to a famous designer will help you can learn the inside scoop of the fashion industry. You may be purchasing fabric or even cutting fabric for a designer. Sometimes you may have to go to runway shows and dress models before they walk on the runway.

A fashion buyer job will require that you make connections within the fashion industry. You will need to know the hottest fashion trends because your job will involve purchasing merchandise for the next season. You will have to attend runway shows and private shows put on by designers. You may have to meet with magazine editors and models to see what may be in demand for next season. You will have to go to parties to mingle with unknown and famous designers. It will help you to become close friends with a few designers so you will gain inside information about what is going on in the industry.

A career in the fashion industry is exciting and challenging. The world of fashion is constantly changing and reacting to what the public demands. If you are looking for good jobs fashion industry, you will probably have to move to a major city where you can work for a number of designers. You can also ask new designers if they would be willing to hire you to do anything related to fashion. You can learn about the fashion industry that way, and you will get a chance to see what happens in a designer's world on a daily basis. Jobs In Retail Fashion

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How To Become A Fashion Merchandiser

Many dream of entering into the glamour of a fashion career. Most dreams of such careers as fashion model or fashion designer. However a career in fashion merchandising can be very rewarding and self satisfying. It may not be easy to become a fashion merchandiser however with the right training and experience it can come about without much trouble for those who are willing to dedicate themselves to their career.

You might have a natural flair for being a fashion merchandiser. You will normally know if such a career is right for you. You may have felt it from a very young age as you have entered into dress shops or other clothing retail outlets. You have admired the way the clothes were put on display and respected the sales girl at the counter. Your friends may have admired your taste in clothing and frequently asked for your advice on what type of clothing they should wear.

If you are thinking of a career in fashion you might also want to think of ways in which you can be educated in the finer details of fashion merchandising. Often if you want to get into the high end of the market you may be expected to have a degree, diploma or at least a certificate to indicate that you have studied some of the more complex issues related to fashion merchandising.

From a perspective of fashion you might study areas of fashion designs, running a fashion boutique, textiles and the history of fashion. From a business perspective you might learn how to manage a business, including accounting, analyse market trends and how to make sales. You might even study human resources so that you might know how to recruit, train and manage your staff. Personal development courses will also be of interest and most beneficial in an area which concerns customer relations.

If you are taking fashion merchandising seriously you will want to keep up with the latest trends in the world of fashion. The world of fashion is in a constant state of change. Perhaps the most significant change over the last ten years is the introduction of the internet. Online marketing has become vital. Even those who do most of their work offline will normally need to know something of what is happening online. Many fashion gurus are now using the internet to assist them in their occupation. Indeed internet marketing has opened up a completely new world of how fashion is promoted and sold.

A career in fashion can open up many doors to other related occupations. One such occupation is that of being a webmaster. By webmaster it is meant that the owner promotes a website. It can be quite easy for you to set yourself up on a website as long as you make yourself aware and educated in emarketing. On the internet you can display your own products or you can become an affiliate marketer and promote other people's products. There can be a lot of satisfaction in setting up your own website and displaying your own range of products or products owned by those you represent.

To get started with fashion merchandising on the internet it is good to become aware of available resources. There are sites that can provide you with an online education, sites that can provide you with the necessary infrastructure and sites, which will enable you to promote your products online. You can even extend yourself from the internet to off line activities and promotions. There is a lot of variety and a lot of opportunity to extend yourself into a lucrative and satisfying online fashion merchandising career.

Amanda King

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All About Australian Fashion Careers

Australian fashion is located at the very midst of the international podium. The fashion in Australia is hip, classy and trendy but still makes room for some new creations and experiments. They advocate famous brand names abroad and also famous designers in Australia, as well.

Because there are a lot of international game shows and beauty contests which feature Australian women, it is very important that the Australian women are presented with traditional wear. It does not have to be loud, shiny, gaudy pieces of ensembles. It is highly dependent and determinative of the models used. It is the personality and grace of the model which gives justice to the creation of the designer.

Fashion designing is now considered a major branch in education and a coveted career. Before, the focus was on less practical work and more on academics. This is being broken by large institutions which offer courses in dress and fashion. This is done by lots of guest lectures and more foreign affiliations.

You can easily apply for a loan to start a fashion enterprise. This career was hardly taken seriously before, but Australia has proven that they can take the fashion challenge heads on. Now, the Australian fashion is positioned at the foreign map, breaking the myth that fashion careers are lucrative.

There are many websites that offer valuable information on the fashion industry and starting up a business in fashion and stylish clothing, along with useful tips for aspiring designers. You would surely be able to find some kind of assistance to ultimately be successful.

Buy kolhapuri 

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Career Advice for the College Grad and Boomerang Generation

Are you a member of the Boomerang Generation? You are if you were born between 1977 and 1989. It's called the "boomerang" because many young people of this generation went off to college, graduated, and ended up back home with Mom and Dad. If you are among this group, know that it's okay to lean on your parents for at least a little while as you get your career bearings.

Of course, the reason for many Boomerangs' return home is the job market. It's tougher today than it was in the 1990s to land a good-paying job right out of school. You might be feeling anxious about beginning life on your own, but it's time to figure out what you want to do and start putting that college education to work for you. As a certified career coach, I'm here to help you kick-start the process.

Some tips to get you on the right career track:

1) Get out there

The ideal job doesn't land in your lap. You've got to get out of the house and pound the pavement (or the virtual pavement as the case may be). Did you know that many first jobs are obtained through referrals (people you know, friends of friends)? Learn to be a career networker. Connect with professionals in your chosen field... friends, relatives, teachers, online acquaintances, and so forth. Let them know you're here and serious about your future.

Finding a job is a process. So you sent in your resume and you didn't hear anything back... Call them, follow up. Remember, job hunting takes time and effort. So what if you didn't land the first job you interviewed for? Shake it off and keep going. Above all, don't get depressed - and don't let your parents bring you down with worrying, if that's how they are. Rarely is the first job you apply or interview for the right fit. If you need extra support, maybe talk to Mom or Dad about finding a career coach or joining a few career networks to keep you motivated and connected with what's happening in your field of interest.

2) Get experience

You may think that a college degree is enough to land a job. But since everyone has a degree these days, employers are looking for more. They want to see experience. The best way to get it is with an internship in your field. The next best thing is to get some office or business experience, in any field. Why? Because you'll learn how to work with other people and function as part of a team. You'll also learn your strengths and weaknesses, and get a sense of what you like and dislike in a job. This will help you build confidence as well as learn what type of job is the ideal fit for you. When the right job does come along, you'll feel prepared and ready to face the music.

A temp job can be the stepping stone to your ideal career. Sure it's not a long term position, but if it brings in income, gets you out of the house and helps you gain experience and confidence, then that's good. Temping is certainly worth it - particularly if you want to "test the waters" of a certain field before committing. You know the old saying, "it's easier to get a job when you already have one," right? It's true. You will feel better about yourself because you're making your own money (instead of just living off your parents) and gaining work experience that will last a lifetime, whatever your chosen field.

3) Be positive and persistent

Don't let obstacles hold you back. Work on maintaining a positive attitude, about yourself and what you can accomplish. Everyone fails sometimes - but that's okay, because failure is only temporary. The key is how you handle failure, by getting back up and trying again. Think about this: Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas. He also went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland. Did he let these setbacks stop him? No, he kept trying. When Donald Trump failed, do you think he sat around and moped? No, he kept going and tried again, finally gaining back what he'd lost and more. So maintain a positive attitude and have faith in yourself. You have to believe in yourself first before others will.

4) Learn to overcome obstacles

If you don't land the first job you go for, don't let it get you down. Disappointment is part of life. Everyone goes through it, and gets past it on their way to bigger and better things. For whatever reason it just wasn't meant to be. So accept that, pick your head up and keep going. Learn from the experience and turn the disappointment into motivation or determination to find another job.

Let those obstacles become challenges to conquer and overcome. Suppose something is getting in the way of you landing that job you want. Maybe the employer whom you want to work for isn't hiring right now. Maybe they're telling you that you don't have experience. Don't sit and mope. Instead, figure out your next move. For instance, you could ask for more benefits to make up for a lower salary. Or, you could begin temping to get the experience you need for the position you really want. And as always, you can contact the employer and ask them to keep your resume on file. By looking at a situation from the long-term or big-picture perspective, you'll begin to recognize solutions that help you to move forward in your quest for the perfect career.

5) Be pro-active and take charge of your own life

Make a plan of action for your job search, complete with goals, deadlines and action steps. You've lived off your parents for some time, however long it has been, and that's okay if it helps you get where you need to be. But now it's time to step out and start making it on your own. Although that may be a scary prospect in many ways, it's also incredibly empowering. Know that you can and will take care of yourself. You'll figure out how to do it, just get started.

Copyright 2007 Hallie Crawford and Authentically Speaking. All rights reserved.

NOTE: Feel free to "reprint" this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the "about the author" info below).

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Working Moms Find Dream Job in Book Publishing

I never expected that the life of a working mother would qualify me to write a cookbook. My career started in the aerospace industry and then took me to the fast-moving hi-tech start up world, with long and exciting days. After two children, however, the excitement wore off and the days seemed rigid and restrictive. I wanted more time with my family. I also wanted greater control over my own work and destiny, to be my own boss, and to express more creativity.

I asked myself a few questions:
1) What do I like to do?
2) What do I want to be doing in 5 years?
3) What's the most important thing to me?

The answers led me to consider starting my own business.

That's when I called my college friend, Wona Miniati, with the business idea: a cookbook using ingredients from our favorite grocery store, whose prepared sauces, marinated meats, and prepped vegetables gave us miraculous culinary shortcuts. Wona was in a similar situation, struggling to find the best way to juggle a career as a marketing consultant while finding time for her family. She loved the idea and was ready to jump on board with me to make this book a reality.

The beauty of this cookbook was that it was more than just a book. It represented a survival tactic we had developed over the years that allowed us to put homemade healthy food on the table every night, despite working full-time jobs. Fast food and take-out simply weren't options for us, and this new style of cooking helped us feed our families in the way we wanted. We decided other busy moms and professionals could use these time saving tips too.

Writing a book is the ultimate flexible job - you can use snippets of time to write -you can choose to do it part- or full-time. In the traditional approach, it takes no upfront capital, so why not consider the possibilities? Here's how to start.

1. Brainstorm! Write about what you know and love. The world of fiction novelists might be intimidating to most and hard to break into, but the world of non-fiction writing is more accessible and just as enticing to readers. Consider all the nonfiction topics you could write about: how-to's, references, self help, hobbies, personal stories based on life changes like parenthood or a career change. If you collect Southwest pottery, write about how to acquire and identify it. If you've adopted overseas, share your success story. If you have a unique viewpoint on how to organize finances, make homemade baby food, or become a successful consultant, that's your niche. Come up with something interesting and unique-your hook

How we did it: There are hundreds of cookbooks on the market, but we knew the idea for ours was unique. As for how I stumbled upon the idea originally - it came to me almost effortlessly, because the subject matter was ingrained in my day-to-day life. If you write about a topic that has personal significance to you, not only will the writing be easier, but you'll have fun doing it!

2. Size your market. Be realistic about how many people might be interested in your topic. Think about your audience-who will buy this book? How much are similar books selling for, at what volume, and is that enticing enough for you? Broadly speaking, topics like weight loss, sex, parenting, finances, cooking, and health sell well.

How we did it: We had a clear picture of who would buy the book. We knew that if we had seen this book on the shelves, we would have snatched it up! When everyone we polled said, "What a great idea! I want to buy one!" we knew we'd found an untapped market.

3. Write! Now it's time to put your ideas on paper. Start by creating an outline so you can see the progression of your work. Give yourself uninterrupted blocks of time every day to brainstorm and write. Carry a small notebook so that you can jot down ideas throughout the day.

How we did it: We spent a lot of time upfront talking about the title, theme, and what would be covered in this cookbook. Once we had a table of contents outlined, we began to slowly add recipes to each section. We dusted off family recipes we had informally created over the years. As the book took shape, we added descriptions that truly captured the essence and quality of the food.

4. Enlist help. Tell everyone you know about your new project. You just never know who might have valuable knowledge or helpful contacts. A friend may have a connection to a publisher or agent, or your father-in-law might be a great editor (mine was!).

How we did it: To save money, we decided to take food photos ourselves rather than hire food stylists and photographers. We were lucky to have professional photographer friends who willingly gave us crash courses in food photography. It was tough but really fun!

We also enlisted help from our children and husbands for food tastings. It became standard practice in our homes for us to cook several meals and photograph them throughout the night. I knew how involved my 5-year-old had become when he said, "Wait!" and stopped us from eating freshly made pancakes. After he took a picture with his toy camera, he said, "Okay, now we can eat." Now he thinks about recipes and even comes up with some of his own-- like rice cooked with shrimp and cilantro, and he adds, "Make sure you tell Ms. Wona about this recipe, okay?"

5. Follow your act! Before you even finish your first book, consider your second book. Does your idea lend itself to volumes and follow-up editions? Plan out your path. This will decide whether you're looking at a one-hit wonder or a publishing career.

How we did it: We brainstormed other titles in the series upfront. This helped us stay focused on what this book was and was not (i.e., recipes that would fit better into future titles). It also helped us design a better cover, knowing that the format of the title would have to accommodate future variations.

6. Publish your work. You have several choices when it comes to publishing.

a. Self-publish using Print on Demand (PoD): This option represents the least risk and likewise the least financial reward. The concept is simple: books are printed as orders come in. Providers like and make it possible for practically anyone to write and publish a book, even on a shoestring budget. Pros: You don't print books until they're sold. Cons: You get no volume discounts since books are printed one at a time.

b. Self-publish in volume. Be your own publisher and distributor. Pros: You maintain complete control over your book; you don't need anyone's approval. There is also potential for higher profits since you've cut the middlemen out. Cons: Prepare to front all the publishing and distribution costs, which can be significant. These include: editing, typesetting, cover design, printing, warehousing, and distribution.

c. Submit your manuscript to conventional publishers. Pros: If your proposal is accepted, the publisher will take care of all the editing, printing, and distribution costs. Cons: The publisher is in control and decides if your book has merit or not. Publishers need to be convinced there is a market for your book, and that you're the right person for the job.

How we did it: Because we felt confident enough in our cookbook, we decided to self-publish in volume. It was a lot of work to split up between just the two of us, without the benefits of large staff at publishing companies, but we called all the shots.

7. Promote your book! Whether you self-publish or go through a publisher, no one will promote your book better than you. Think about your target and the best ways to communicate with them. Whether it be via online methods such as a website or email campaign, or offline methods such as book signings, print ads, or PR, get the word out as quickly as you can. Finally, don't underestimate the power of word of mouth-tell your friends, family, and people you run into around town.

How we did it: We launched a website announcing our book, contacted every food editor we could think of, reached out to bloggers, and hired people to pass out flyers promoting our book. Most importantly, we asked friends and family to help spread the word. Our first orders were from friends and family, and they were critical to building the buzz about our new book.

You can find an unlimited source of information on the internet and in print (yes, there are lots of published books about how to publish a book!). Be focused, creative, persistent, and you might find that publishing is your dream job!

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