jobs indonesia


Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Americans Go Global With International Jobs

If you are looking for a summer job in a foreign country, you can always apply for an au pair position. You will be allowed to stay with the host family and receive a small fee of $50 per week. Food and other basic necessities are taken care of by the host family. Other than that, if you have bartending or barista experience in your home country then you are able to apply for the same position in other countries.

In the search for a permanent position, be sure to attain a working visa before seeking a position in a foreign country. International jobs for American professionals are plentiful all over Europe and other parts of the world. You can conveniently search and apply for the most suitable employment opportunity through websites that cater for professionals looking for work abroad. The most obvious and easily attainable is teaching opportunities. If you are from the United States and you are a native speaker of the English language, you are eligible for teaching English in non-English speaking nations. Be prepared with a recognized English teaching certificate such as the Test of English as Foreign Language or better known around the world as TOEFL.

The Australian government allows young adults from the United States aged 18 to 35 to work in the Land Down Under in its special affiliation employment programs. If you qualify, you are able to work up to four months in the country. However you need to apply for Working Holiday Visa to be able to subscribe to the International jobs for American youth program. These short-term employment opportunities are inclusive of various fields such as hospitality, offices and travel agencies.

If you have the required experience in the areas of marketing, PR and advertising, your skills can be used in foreign organizations as well. There are plenty of professional employment all over Europe and Asia. Conduct a thorough research before embarking on a lengthy journey to a foreign country.

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Your Anger is Killing Your Chances (At Getting a Job)

Lots of our clients "come in" angry. Getting laid off after years of service is not fun. Most of our clients were looking forward to staying with the company until they wished to leave. Most of them feel they have a "right: to be angry. Well, they do have a right to be angry in the same way as they have a right to take a gun and blow off their right toe. And that probably has less real world consequences than your anger at your (now former) employer.

Anger manifests in many ways. The first and most stupid of all these ways is with a lawsuit. Except for the lawyers, nobody wins in a lawsuit. Whether you prevail or not, a lawsuit is a public record. Future prospective employers can "Google" you and the lawsuit will pop up, especially if they use one of the many background checking companies who knows how to do searches for such. An employer would be nuts to hire you. You've proven that, if things don't go your way, you're going to sue.

Most employers know that filing a suit against an employer is a very career limiting move. Therefore, threatening or having your attorney threaten usually is just plain not useful. They'll know you're probably bluffing.

And, keep in mind that employees very rarely prevail in suits against employers. Their attorneys are better than the ones you can likely afford, and few attorneys take these types of suits on contingency. So...expressing your anger through the legal system is a waste of your time.

"Badmouthing" your former employer is also a very career limiting move. It will get around that you are badmouthing the former employer, and new prospective employers will simply wonder if they are next on the list.

It is incredibly short-sighted in this time to say anything bad about anyone. You do not know how far or deep their influence goes, or how well known they are. For example, my roots in Denver go back 50 years. My family has been very well known in a variety of arenas. Badmouthing me, for example, would simply reflect poorly on the person badmouthing me. My reputation here is solid, and many people who know me would defend me....making the credibility of the person badmouthing me very shaky. And you never know, when you badmouth an employer, if the same reality is present. Don't ever say anything negative about anyone unless you have a professional responsibility to do so. Even then, tread carefully.

Do not file sexual harassment complaints, discrimination complaints, ADA complaints or other kinds of complaints against employers. Yes, sexual harassment occurs, discrimination is common, and the disabled get a raw deal. But these sorts of complaints are very easy to discover in the referencing process that goes on prior to an offer. Many employers will pass on an employee who has filed any kind of EEO complaint, no matter how valid.

The reason is simple. EEO complaints are often used to strike back at managers who discipline employees. This is especially true of sexual harassment complaints. Employers do not want to hire trouble or conflict into their organizations. Who can blame them?

If you are being sexually harassed or discriminated against, put your anger on hold and simply move on. First, no job is worth the hassle of the investigations, the shunning by other employees, and the wariness of your employers. Secondly, most of these complaints don't go anywhere. The nature of most sexual harassment is that it is done privately. It is often a matter of "he said, she said." While, in the past, the alleged victim was simply believed, and the alleged perpetrator punished, this is no longer feasible. Several alleged perpetrators filed suits against companies that disciplined them without evidence...and won. This is, all evidence to the contrary, still America, and people must have due process. If you are getting unwanted sexual attention....quit and move on. You'll be much happier than if you try to make trouble, no matter how valid that trouble may be.

(Yes, I know that feminist groups will beat me up for what I've just said about sexual harassment. Let me be clear: I have a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment in the company I run. I am being pragmatic, not ideological. If you have to choose between the two, pragmatic is better.)

But the anger issue goes beyond carrying out anger in lawsuits, grievances and badmouthing. It is career suicide to hang on to that anger when you're interviewing for a job. The fury that you feel...the sense of injustice...will come through to employers.

This is a problem I often see in my middle aged and older workers. They are angry because they don't think that they should have to be looking for a job at their age. They are angry because they see younger people getting promoted when they may have reached the apex of their careers. They're angry because they think they're being discriminated against in interviews due to their age.

But this is operating in the same entitlement I see in younger workers who feel that they should be making $100K right out of college. It is petty and downright stupid. This kind of entitlement has, unfortunately, swept across America in many ways. But the very people who descry the entitlement attitude of people regarding government are often the angriest because they feel "entitled" to not be looking for a job and so on.

And it is picked up instantly by employers. Having this anger or having desperation are the two most rapid ways to destroy your chances of employment. Employers who pick up anger in a potential employee know that they are hiring problems. And who wants to hire a problem? Enough of those come along without hiring them, too.

Get Rid Of Your Anger

You must get rid of your anger if you hope to wind up employed anytime soon. Your anger is irrational, anyway, as well as physically harmful to you. Here are a few tips for letting go of your anger.

1). What are you angry about anyway? You did not have a right to the job you held. It was a privilege given to you by the employer/ If you want to have control over your life 3/4 go into business for yourself. While this does not give you total control, it is better than working for the Man. One of my CEO friends, Preston Wilson, points out that, so long as you work for the Man, you are vulnerable and at that person's beck and call.

You chose the life of working in a corporation for someone else. Getting laid off or terminated is one of the possible consequences of that decision. If you don't like the potential consequences (and everything has potential consequences), chose another path.

But don't allow your angry emotions to rule you when one of the very real potential consequences of being an employee comes about. That job was not your right. You weren't entitled to it.

2). Accept this time as a gift. This is a great gift from the Universe, whether you realize it or not. It is your forced chance to re-evaluate your life and see if you need to travel some different roads. Rather than being angry about this, be grateful to God or the Universe or whatever that you have been given this chance.

I've known lots of people in life who haven't been given this kick in the ass, and they have retired frustrated and depressed. They have heads full of regrets and wishes that they are too old to do. Not you! You have been given this opportunity while you're still young enough to actually do those things you have been wishing to do.

I can hear the "money" objection. But "money" is always an excuse. There is always money to do those things you truly wish to do, and never money to do those things about which you are ambivalent.

You may have a few physical limitations. But most of what you truly wish to do in life you are going to be able to do.....if you get off of your dead ass and get started on them. And the gift your former employer just gave you is the kick in the seat of the pants to do just that.

3). Laugh at yourself (and others who are angry about being laid off). It is just plain silly to be angry at being terminated or laid off. At worst, you did things to lead to it. Don't do them again. At best, you were caught in an industry storm. You might as well be mad at a hurricane!

4). Find creative ways to make ends meet. Most of my readership has some cushion. For those of you who don't, find creative ways to make money.

A friend of a client/friend of mind was laid off. His wife had been making custom bracelets with custom messages on them for friends for years. He knew a bit about the internet, and put up a website for her.

Well, he got a new job, but soon had to quit. His wife's little business was bringing in so much money, and growing so fast that everyone in the family had to get involved. Getting laid off gave this family a family business, and a great deal more freedom, both financially and time-wise.

Get A Job Outta Your Head

Too many people think that they need a "j-o-b" to make money. I haven't had a job since I've been 23 (with a brief, miserable, 2 year exception). Obviously, I'm not starving.

Oh sure, it would be nice sometimes to have guaranteed vacation days and sick days, to have better benefits than small businesses can get in our backward country, and so on. But I would never want to work for anyone!

Now, what this means is that I'm constantly interviewing for a job. Bringing new clients in is very similar to a job interview...several times a month. If I don't succeed, I don't pay the bills, and I get cranky creditors. Yet, I would prefer to cut off vital parts of my anatomy to having a (spit) job. Why would I want to enslave my body and mind in that way?

Now, this philosophy isn't for everyone. But the philosophy that someone else needs to give them a job is simply foolish...and short-sighted. So long as you are counting on another person to take care of you financially, you are enslaved!

Rather than simply looking for a job, look at the dozens of ways that one can make money without a job. One might engage you enough that you will gain the courage to get out of the rat race and be your own man or woman.

Remember...even if you win in the rat're still a rat.

Look at life a bit differently. Let go of your anger. Get creative. You'll be better for it at the end.

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What is a Geologist's Salary on an Oil Rig?

Are you thinking about taking up a Geology major in college? It is not a bad course, and prospects are pretty good overall. Employment opportunities look pretty solid for the next few decades, strongly supported by world economic fundamentals. After all, geologists are the people who find new deposits of oil, gas, metals and minerals - all of them raw materials in great demand from both developed countries (e.g. the USA and Europe) and developing countries (especially China and India). The major employers of geologists are the government sector, the mining industry and the oil/gas industry.

So, what is a geologist' salary on an oilrig? According to a 2008 survey by American Geologic Institute, it ranges from $80,000 to $100,000 for a fresh Geology graduate with a relevant Masters degree. Another survey by the University of Houston in 2007 indicated that experienced petroleum geologists (10 years and up) earn an average salary of $132,132 a year. Those are increases of 50% for new geologists on offshore oil platforms and 23% for experienced geologists prospecting for oil since 2003/2004. This is a salary range that can turn the CEOs of many small companies green with envy.

But it is now the summer of 2010 and we have just exited one major recession and hit a major bump in the road because of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Surely there must be some impact for a geologists working offshore? Well, if you are graduating (or a veteran looking for a new employer) today, there will probably be some artificial downward pressure on your pay. But seriously, the demand for oil workers and people who can find oil is not dependent on the short-term status of the economy. The demand for skilled geologists and other rig workers has historically depended on the price of oil. Just look at the Roaring '80s, where the economy was booming but the price of oil was low. Oil companies and drilling contractors were laying off workers left and right. Look at our recent recession for an example of the opposite - the price of oil remained strong ($60 to $70 per barrel) despite the weak economy. Although they laid off workers on less productive land-based oil fields, they hired workers for newer and more lucrative offshore oil fields.

Fundamentally, there are three major reasons why a geologist will still continue to earn the big bucks for the next 10, 20 or even 30 years. The first is that it is difficult to train a good geologist. 20,000 students enrol in Geology each year, but only 2,800 graduate with the needed specialties to look for oil. Geology is a four-year course, and it is not easy to pass. Besides, a field geologist is not someone who lives above the clouds in an ivory tower. He is, frequently, someone who must travel long distances, face both man-made and natural danger, and work in difficult situations. In some ways, he is closer to Indiana Jones (except with a Geology degree instead of an Archaeology degree) than he is to Einstein.

A second major reason for the continued strong demand for Geology graduates is that many old, experienced oil geologists are now in their 40s, 50s or 60s. The previously cited University of Houston survey also discovered that 72% of oil workers are above 40. Most of them were last hired in the last oil boom in the 1970s, and are the survivors of the oil glut of the 1980s. Those who left the oil industry went to more stable government jobs (or to work for the mining companies) in the mass lay-offs. Any good oil company CEO knows that a good petroleum geologist who can find him a new oil field is worth as much as the Marketing director or Finance Director.

The third big reason is that oil is an important fuel and raw material for modern plastics, etc. Even if greener technologies (e.g. hydroelectricity, solar panels and wind turbines) overtake oil in importance, there is no replacement for the use of oil to create all the different kinds of plastic in use today. By the way, if you are so worried about green energy supplanting oil, consider these facts:

* Solar panels are made of plastic (synthesized from petroleum) and silicon;
* The bodies of wind turbines are largely made of plastic;
* The heavy vehicles and equipment used for building hydroelectric dams, mining aluminium (for wind turbine blades) and silicon (for solar panels) are usually diesel-powered;
* The trains, ships and trucks used to move the raw materials (e.g. aluminium and silicon) from the mines to the factory for processing all run on diesel.

Basically, good petroleum geologists are in great demand. Among their most important duties is helping to find new sources of oil. Their salaries will remain high for a good, long time to come.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Accountant Employment is Here to Stay

Since the love of money is the root of all evil, it is essential to manage it well so that it becomes a resource which enriches our lives, pun unintended. Although each of us has some inkling on how to manage our financial circumstances, there is still a need for those formally trained in the relevant fields of accounting. In running a business, the owner needs to ensure the financial portfolio of his venture is in the good hands of a capable accountant. Employment of such an individual or specialized team is required to analyze and report on the financial standing of the establishment.

As it is the ultimate objective of every company to veer towards profit rather than loss, the role of its accountant is to recommend the course based on information at hand. Whether this is derived internally or from external factors such as market conditions, national decisions and a host of other factors, this individual is to identify the relevant bits, digest and present them for management's comprehension. Management then is equipped to make informed decisions on how to steer the course for corporate good. In the event the organization is publicly listed in the regional stock exchanges, there is further responsibility for reporting to shareholders.

Accountant employment, as it currently stands, is always in demand. Since the fields of accounting are varied in nature, aspirants can opt to specialize in different areas depending on interest and market need. Employment opportunities lie in private and public accounting disciplines. Some may choose to be attached to private companies or the civil sector as hired staff. Others may offer their services as private consultants or freelancers. Areas of further specialization may delve into forensic accounting which mainly addresses financial activities of the law-breaking kind. Legal disputes, embezzlement and fraud are but a few which fall into the darker side.

Although a bachelor's degree is the stepping stone in gaining employment, it is essential to have other credentials at hand. Professional certifications in line with regional accounting standards are required to ensure one can practice as a certified accountant. Exposure and knowledge on information technology goes hand in hand with most jobs in current day settings. Depending on job need, relevant knowledge in the law and legislation governing its practices are also vital to carry out one's work.

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What Careers Are Waiting For You Overseas?

More often than not, both professionals and non-professionals seek employment overseas. They think that they would exert the same effort and spend the same time on these jobs abroad while earning twice or even thrice compared to what they could get from their local country.

This is actually true especially if you live in a third-world country. There is a vast range of overseas careers to choose from which would fit your qualities and the degree that you have. For example, there is a great demand for teachers and nurses abroad. Both of the said overseas careers require a diploma and a license which would prove that you are indeed qualified to do the job.

Of course, highly competitive engineers and programmers could also have successful careers overseas as well. As a matter of fact, small to big time companies are always looking for new graduates and especially those who have great experience in all sorts of programming. There are even some companies that would give you the most luxurious benefits including paying the expenses for the whole family in case you want to tag them along with your business trips.

These and more are the professionals needed abroad particularly in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Canada, and United Kingdom. Other than that, there is already a great need even for non-professionals at the same time. People who could render services in home care, constructions jobs, and other hard works are also needed overseas as well.

It may be quite difficult to leave your families at home but the salary that you could get from working abroad would be enough to give them the life that you want. You have a lot of options when it comes to overseas careers and there is always a room for someone who is willing to work like you.

Author of this article is writing for many websites and enjoys writing on wide range of topics such as Overseas Careers and Overseas Careers. You may visit for more details.

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Career Options - Going International

A lot of people are expanding their horizon to foreign job markets in the bid to receive better remuneration, gain global experience, improve their standard of living, social security, learn new methods and culture while doing what they enjoy doing.

The process to landing international jobs overseas might be tedious but for those who can look beyond the obstacles, the results and experience often times out-weigh the challenges. Exposure to the international job scene gives one a clearer picture of how countries and economies are responding to global market changes and how technology, man-power, etc is directing such changes. A lot of folks come home from working overseas with a profound understanding and appreciation of people, foreign culture and privileges. The exposure essentially makes one to become more sought after.

Today's market place is changing rapidly; getting international jobs overseas are a lot easier than it used to be. There are many ways to be eligible for overseas employment, the most popular include:

• Joining a work abroad or exchange program
• Learning the local language of the country you wish to work at
• Getting permanent residency or citizenship by way of marriage or birth
• Possessing a specific skill that is in rare and is in hot demand in a country you wish to work in
• Volunteering in various overseas programs and exploring opportunities of staying while on ground
• Opting for a foreign assignment from your current company
• Establishing a business relationship with a local party
• Owning property overseas, etc

Whatever your reasons for choosing to work abroad are, as much as there are countless benefits, there are also numerous challenges involved in making such a big decision. An overseas job placement consultant will be able to run you through the specifics and give you a comprehensive guide on the requirements to secure and enjoy doing international jobs overseas.

Author of this article is writing for many websites and enjoys writing on wide range of topics such as International Overseas Jobs and International Overseas Jobs. You may visit for more details.

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Tips For Recruiting Online

Many companies are now recruiting online, as it has become so easy to use the Internet to locate the best candidates from all over the world. The continual advances in technology make it much easier and more cost effective for companies to find job seekers who match specific criteria that are necessary attributes for the job advertised.

There are a number of recruiting tips on what to look for in a candidate that will help you to find the right person for the vacancy that you are trying to fill.

These tips can be applied to any recruiting situation but there are specific considerations that apply when you are recruiting online, which are also covered.

Find the right attitude

It is extremely important to find someone with the right kind of attitude towards work, as a person with the right kind of attitude will be able to achieve greater success in any business. When you are recruiting online for a position in your company, you need to find a way of measuring the attitude of the candidates on the short list.

You can do this by screening for certain positive words in the resumes that you receive or ask applicants to go through an online assessment test that will help to provide insights into their attitude. Also, if you are interviewing face to face, you will be able to judge from the candidate's demeanor if they are positive or not.

Find a team player

As with any role, it is very important to find a team player, rather than a lone superstar. The candidate you choose must have the capability to either manage a team effectively or to fit into your current team environment and contribute as soon as possible to reaching your organization goals.

Normally a quick review of the candidates resume would provide this type of information, but you need to be ready to handle a significant amount of volume of applications when recruiting online. You can use screening keywords to specifically include or exclude applicants that include these words in their resumes. Another way that you can use screening keywords is in relation to technical qualifications where specific keywords will indicate whether a candidate is suitably qualified for the role

Find a candidate with the right character

Whilst qualifications prove that the candidate has sufficient technical knowledge to meet the requirements of the role, character on the other hand is a necessary attribute to maintain a proper and healthy working environment in the workplace. The resume of a candidate will give you a good summary of their previous experience and credentials, but you need to get a deeper insight into the character of the candidate by questioning them in person, using questions that will provide answers to what type of character they are.

Normally this would be done in an interview situation, and when recruiting online it can also be found out through a telephone interview. You should also ask specific questions either in a pre-selection questionnaire or at the interview to find candidates who are multi-skilled and can multitask easily. These qualities come in very useful in times of emergencies

These tips will help you focus on the skills that are not found as easily from the candidate's resume or application form but can be found using some of the technology that is available to you when you are recruiting online.

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