The industries people work in also play a big role in whether or not they gain weight. Retail workers reported the smallest weight increase at 35 percent. Sales workers had the second smallest with 39 percent reporting a weight gain. Accounting/finance workers saw a 53 percent increase and IT workers saw a 54 percent increase. Government workers topped the list at 57 percent.
With long work hours and office vending machines on-hand for easy snacking, company wellness programs would lead to significant improvement, but 80 percent of workers report their companies don’t offer incentives to help them stay healthy.
In addition, the state you live and work in could be playing a part in gaining weight.
Here are some tips Careerbuilder offer for keeping control over the battle of the bulge:
* Use your commute. If you drive to work, park farther away from the office. If you use public transportation, get off the bus or train a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way.
* Stock up on brown bags. One-third of workers say they buy their lunches instead of bringing them at least three times a week; 12 percent eat out Monday through Friday. By packing your own lunches, you can control portions and lessen the strain on both your waistband and your wallet.
* Put in some face time. Instead of relying on instant messaging or e-mail when you need to chat with a colleague, walk over and talk to them face-to-face. Those extra steps will add up.
* Only eat when you’re hungry. Many workers turn to food to ease their boredom and stress. Keep a bottle of water at your desk and drink it throughout the day to curb your urge to chow down.
Snack smart. One-third of workers say they snack at least twice a day at work, and 40 percent eat more unhealthy snacks at work than they do at home. Skip the vending machines and start packing healthier snacks like crackers or raw veggies.
By: Candace Corner

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