jobs indonesia


Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

How to ask your boss for a raise

Thinking of asking for a raise? You're not alone. Most of today's work force is just waiting for their chance to ask for more money. But be wary-there are many do's and don't surrounding this issue. Use the following tips to find out what to do when the moment is right for your to make your move:

1. Consider Your Position

Look at the position you are currently holding. Are you a college-hire, a seasoned veteran, a part-time employee? Its a fact that employees must climb the work status ladder to get anywhere. If you are a college hire, your chances are slimmer for a raise than those of a seasoned veteran. If you are part-time, employers may not be able to consider you for a raise until you take full-time status. Put simply, position is everything.

2. Consider Time

If you are a new hire, you MUST wait at least six months before approaching your boss for a raise. If you've got a few years under your belt, its still advisable to wait at least three months from your last raise before asking for more money.

3. Consider Experience

How solidly do you know your area? If you are an expert, your chances are great for a raise. If you've got only a seminal knowledge of your area, consider training yourself to become more knowledgeable. If you are a valuable commodity and your boss knows it, they'll do whatever they can to keep you.

4. Feel Around

Try and see what the other employees in your office are earning. Ask them tactfully, or ask the employment office in your building. Chances are, they'll be able to give some good hints at what those around you are worth. Consider your raise question accordingly.

5. Spread Hints

Before asking for a raise, it's always good to exhibit a huge burst of company loyalty. Bustle around for a week or two, and do even more than you normally would. Stay later at the office, and contribute highly to company meetings. Try and showcase the fact that you are of great value to the company.

6. Give Hints

It's nice to spread some hints so that you don't take your boss completely by surprise. Schedule your meeting at least a week in advance, and tell him/her that you'd like to discuss your "position in the company."

7. Make a Case

Compile a list of all the reasons that you feel you should be earning more. Type a paper listing all of your projects and what you did to contribute to them. List your assets, and what you've learned. If your boss seems unconvinced of your worth, give them your compiled list of these projects. Practice expounding on all of topics in front of a mirror.

8. Stand Firm

If you feel that a raise has been long in coming, make sure that you stress how much you need it. Indicate to your boss that your comfort depends on the raise. Avoid speaking directly of issues such as a car or rent. Simply tell your boss that you'd appreciate some extra help in the areas of housing and transportation.

9. Watch for Signals

Read your boss carefully. If he/she appears to be having a bad day at the time of the meeting, switch the topic of the meeting, and schedule another one for the next week. The best time to ask for a raise is just after you've been lauded for a project or assignment. If praise is a rare thing in your office, then at least make sure that your boss appears to be in a jovial mood at the time of your talk.

10. Know When to Give Up

In the area of office politics, your boss always knows best. If they give you a definitive "no" to your question, do not press the issue. Instead, work hard, and watch for your next chance to speak to them on the issue of a raise.

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