jobs indonesia


Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Resume Writing Tip Without Which You Will Fail

The terrible truth is that loads of resumes quickly end up in the waste paper basket shortly after they arrive and the tip you are about to read will help you avoid the trash can from the moment you start writing your resume.

Many people will pay a lot of attention to format and presentation but both are not as important and crucial as this one resume writing tip that you are about to discover. What you must do is to develop the sort of resume that will get them to sit up and take notice of you. There are many things you will need to do to accomplish this, but one of the most important is to quantify your achievements and accomplishments of the past. If you helped improve sales or productivity then put a dollar value to it. Or number of units produced. Or amount of time saved in the process you helped improve.

The most common mistake made when writing accomplishments in resumes is to make sweeping statements that hardly ring true; you can tip the scales dramatically in your favor by ensuring from this day on that you always quantify. The result is that not only will your achievements ring true when you do this, but you will also grab the interest of executives as they compare your figures with their own if not start visualizing what you can accomplish for them on the job. Talk about having a head start on the competition before you have even arrived for the job interview.

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