Would it not be great, if your dream job were delivered right to your door?
Unfortunately, it does not work like that. But at least, you do have natural talents and abilities that your creator instilled within you the day you were born. You were delivered complete into this world, not incomplete.
They say the individual is formed around five years old through part nature and part nurture. This means that fifty percent of our development is out of our hands, and predetermined - through the genes we inherit.
You find out who you are and what your purpose is by putting one foot in front of the other through the passage of time. If you listen to your heart, the natural born steps to success we always knew we should take, will be eventually be revealed to you. The moment we doubt ourselves, we lose faith in our ability to bring forth positive change in our lives.
If you have not found your true dream job, or do not know who you are yet, there must be something holding you back...
If you are young, this could be reason in itself. I, personally found myself much later in life. Is something blocking your view of yourself and your potential? Ask yourself this question - posing questions to yourself tends to help clarify. The thing in your way may be emotional, or mental - but, it has now become your responsibility to resolve. Through patience and determination, one can sharpen the tools he already has, to get a handle on his career situation.
Discovering your ideal career may not be immediate, because it took you a while to drift away from your own sense of you. It will not take forever to discover your best career choice. This situation can be turned around and corrected.
You can do this, because you are in charge of your own human potential...
Why some have not found their true calling in life, through the right career choice is...
It could be as simple as a submerged belief that speaks to you and says - you do not deserve your dream job.
The key to turning things around and discovering your dream career, is having faith in your own ability to come up with your own answers to solve your own life dilemmas.
If you are getting nowhere in life, spinning your wheels, and do not already have the dream career you want...
The question to ask yourself is - what is standing in my way, or holding me back?
Who is it that will not let you get what it is you want?
Is it someone?
Is it something?
What could it be?
These are additional questions to ask yourself.
You can blame yourself, blame the world, or blame whoever - but, does that help?
Not really.
Blaming solves nothing.
Blaming keeps you stuck right where you are.
Action is a career finding tool. There can be no success without action. There can be no attainment without action.
How one silently speaks to himself, and the action steps he takes can lead him closer to his ideal dream job.
There are reasons why we settle for what we do in life, even though we would love something entirely different
One reason - is because we may feel we do not deserve something better, or we think we are not good enough, or we doubt our own abilities to change our lives.
A few more reasons could be...
* We get too lazy to change anything.
* We get comfortable in our old habits and living patterns.
* We may not like change, because change can bring unknown conditions.
One has to find his own motivation for achieving positive change, and that motivator will help him discover what it is he is passionate about doing for a living.
If you let time keep passing you by, and still do not have what it is you truly want out of life - the older you get, the less time you have left to make your move toward finding, then being in your dream career.
It is never too late to discover your ideal dream career, as long as you are alive, but one can eventually run out of time.
Maybe you have believed wrongfully, that you do not deserve a career you could have the greatest passion for doing. Ask yourself, why would you not deserve to have a career you would enjoy doing? Who said you did not deserve the best career?
Why do some have their dream careers, and not you - yours? Sometimes, life just does not seem fair.
People preferably seem to judge themselves unfairly.
* You can change this, if you step to the side of yourself.
* You can change this if you examine, detect, isolate, replace, and destroy your self limiting, defeatist opinions and beliefs.
* We can change our self conversation habits and become like truly successful people, and tell ourselves good things.
* We can basically learn to talk nicer to ourselves. And if we want to experience any degree of success at all, we will learn.
Success comes in three steps (maybe, a few more) -
* Believe in you - believe you can find your ideal dream job.
* Make a doable plan, and a goal with a timeline to be in your dream career.
* Take action toward the goal, balance thinking with taking action steps. You will get nowhere without action steps.
* Correct your course along the way by changing direction, or modifying your plan. Be more flexible than you are rigid. If a bridge does not bend in the wind, it will break. Be flexible, roll with the tide.
* That's it. Well, almost.
* You learn along the way through trial and error - through your own life experiences.
* Then, you adapt to each new situation.
In conclusion, if you learn about you, believe in you, and take a few personality and career tests, you can eventually find your ideal dream career. These tests will usually give you a readable print out of career choices that match your preferred working personality.
That does not mean you will stay in that particular career forever once you have found it, because peoples values and interests change. People can change their minds daily, weekly, or whenever the fancy strikes them.
And, the younger the person is, the more likely they may change their mind about things. The older you get, the less you want changes in your life, but tend to seek employment with more meaning, purpose and mission.
Those who do not believe in themselves, pick careers which reflect their own view of themselves - and the choice is always a career mismatch. Career mismatches bring unhappiness at work and at home.
Once you believe in you, your ideal dream career then, may be close at hand.
Once you believe in you, anything becomes possible.
* If you believe in your own resources, you will find yourself and your truest dream career.
* If you think for yourself, you will come to know yourself better, because you are open to your own self improvement and self growth.
You will find yourself when you have defined your purpose.
* Valid, researched career and personality tests, are career tools that verify what you already know about your working personality and career aptitude.
* You do not need a leader or a guru, or even advice. No one but you has the answers to your own life and career destiny.
* Develop a plan of action with clearly defined goals. You have to know where you want to go, in order to get there.
* Your own plans will take you to where you know you should be next.
* You will find your dream career when you are ready for it. It is just like the saying that goes - when the student is ready, the master will appear.
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