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Rabu, 08 September 2010

Susan Boyle Dreams of a New Career - What About You?

Have you seen the video now sweeping the Internet, of Susan Boyle singing "I Dreamed a Dream" on 'Britain's Got Talent' show?

Her performance brought the audience to its feet in cheers and tears.

Susan is a 47-year-old, unemployed woman - neither stylish nor beautiful - who has never sung before a large audience.

And yet - she wants a new career. She wants to be a professional singer.

When she took the stage and stated her age and her ambition of this new career, the audience and the judges tittered with cynicism and doubt.

And then she began to sing.

Instantly, everyone knew they were witnessing something quite extraordinary. She stirred their souls with her beautiful voice and heartfelt rendition. In the blink of an eye, an audience of skeptics was transformed into adoring fans.

I don't know what Susan's future holds, but I am sure she will have a new career very soon!

Susan Boyle's moment captures what I have been talking about for years and reflects what Eleanor Roosevelt said: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

For 35 years Susan dreamt of a new career. She sought her opportunity. She risked being ridiculed on television because her dream was stronger than her fear.

She, quite literally, put herself 'out there.'

Are you willing to risk everything for the beauty of your dream? Are you looking for and seizing all opportunities to live your dream and find your new career?

Our dreams do have beauty in them. They have meaning, not only to us, but also to others.

As we express the beauty from within into outward form as Susan did, we stir something in the souls of others, not just our own.

Susan Boyle expressed her beauty through singing. How will you express yours?

I read once of an angel taking a human on a guided tour of extraordinary creations of art, music, inventions, architecture and the like. The human marveled and asked the angel, "What is this place?" And the angel answered, "These are all the inventions that were intended to be created by humankind over the years - and never were."

Henry David Thoreau said, "Most people die with their music still in them."

What about you?

What do you have a burning desire to create? What new career is calling you? What music is still in you? How will you sing your own version of I Dreamed a Dream?

In my own life, sometimes I've taken risks and sometimes I've stayed in my comfort zone. But there is no real safety in hiding - no satisfaction either.

When I've taken risks, the outcome always led to more and better surprises than I ever thought. New careers opened up; promotions and bigger assignments were available.

Best of all, I had the deep satisfaction of knowing I was fulfilling my purpose. And I influenced other people in positive ways, adding to my own joy in expression.

Dreams come from the depths of your soul. Denying them only leads to your detriment.

I challenge you to do what Susan Boyle is doing. Sing your own rendition of I Dreamed a Dream. Recognize and celebrate the beauty of your dreams - then create them!


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