jobs indonesia


Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

5 Tips For Staying Motivated In Your Career

The level of motivation that you exhibit in your career and work environment changes over time and for a variety of factors. When you are not feeling well, experiencing outside stress or anxiety, having issues on the job or struggling with personal issues your motivation decreases. Unfortunately most of these outside factors are largely out of your control, so how can you stay motivated in your career to remain enthusiastic and positive at work?


Training is one of the most effective ways to become motivated. The training does not need to be specific to your job, it can be learning anything new and being able to incorporate it into your work environment. Many trainings, workshops and conferences now feature keynote speakers that are motivational and inspiring to rejuvenate people and give them that positive feeling about their career.

Focus on the positives

While this may seem like a very obvious technique, many people fall into the habit of dwelling or focusing on the negative aspects of their job or career and simply don't see the positives. This negativity stops any motivation in its tracks as you simply tell yourself that there is no point trying as only negative things happen at work. By focusing on the positives that have happened you are more likely to try new things and to maintain the energy needed to get tasks completed.

Use your support

Motivation is catching. Encourage others around you to support your positive focus and to support you in your new choices and decisions. Make positive and supportive statements to co- workers, family and friends and you may find yourself receiving more back. The more confident and secure we feel the more motivated we are likely to be.

Take responsibility

Ultimately the only person who has responsibility for where you are in your career is yourself. While employers and job conditions may have an influence, you are the most important and significant factor in your career advancement and motivation. Take an honest look at your credentials and training and decide if there are courses or programs that you could take to motivate you and increase your knowledge and interest in your career area.

Take regular vacations and relax

Being happy and healthy as a whole person will help you be happy, positive and motivated at your job. Have a hobby or activity that you enjoy doing outside of work to relax and rejuvenate yourself. Spend time with family and friends doing a wide variety of activities to keep you positive. Have a way to disengage from thinking about work so that you can take a mental break. Relaxation is necessary to allow the body and mind to stay healthy.

Motivation can come in many different forms. Some other ways to provide self-motivation are:

  • Journal your positive influences and results.
  • Prepare a portfolio of your successes.
  • Read inspirational books or attend inspirational or motivational seminars.
  • Accept compliments.
  • Focus on the future rather than dwelling on the past.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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