By cajunc, eHow Member
Find activities for seniors wherever you are located, and find activities that are suited to the senior. Some senior citizens like to stay home and do puzzles, crafts, or reading, while others like a social atmosphere with other seniors.
There are many activities available, but sometimes seniors need a little help finding the activities.
.Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Instructions.Step 1
Consider personality.
Determine the personality of the senior citizen to find activities that suit their lifestyle and likes or dislikes. If they would like to find group activities are are sociable, make an attempt to locate those activities.
Step 2
Search locally for activities for seniors.
Check the internet and the local newspaper for activities that your senior might like. Make a copy or cut out any information relating to activities for seniors that may be of interest, so the senior citizen can call or inquire about the activity.
Step 3
Make some telephone calls to find activities for seniors.
If there is a Council for Aging in your area, call and ask for ideas for activities for seniors. They often know of groups that meet weekly or monthly for square dance, bridge, or exercise. Some assisted living offices have knowledge of activities for seniors, too. The local Chamber of Commerce may share some activities, too.
Step 4
Consider creating activities for seniors.
Look for volunteer jobs that are of interest, or create your own niche. If helping high-school students is something of interest, call the local high school and see if there is a need for grandma or grandpa to share knowledge or help students with essays for college entrance applications or scholarship essays. Prepare a talk to share with high-school students about a career path or special interest.
Step 5
Consider teaching crafts or a special interest activity.
Check with the adult education groups in your local community and see if there are courses the senior would like to participate in or even teach. These courses are often taught by community members of any age who have some expertise in the field. Find activities for seniors in your community.
Step 6
Find activities for seniors at home.
Allow seniors to find their own activities if they do not want to be social. Gardening and growing flowers, working Sudoku and crossword puzzles, or needlework crafts and reading are activities for seniors who are quiet and like to stay home. If the senior seems content, do not insist that they be social or sociable. Some seniors prefer to be alone, and to find activities for seniors that they do not like is not an accomplishment. Share your time with your seniors. They like friends and family, and find that a fun activity, too.
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