jobs indonesia


Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Planning for Career Success in your Fifties

Who says you cannot have a successful job search if you are in your fifties? I have not seen or heard of any instances that indicated that people in their fifties cannot be a highly valued and productive part of the workforce. That fact that you might be a bit older should not deter you from getting out there and pursuing opportunities that might be appropriate for you. After all you have a lot to offer. So what are your unique selling features? Well, I’m going to tell you:
Stability: Employers are always interested in stable workers. Who wouldn’t be? It takes time and financial resources to train new staff. If people come and go like the workplace is a revolving door the office environment suffers and work suffers too. If there is a lot of movement like that there are likely other issues; older workers tend to exhibit more staying power. They are willing and able to exhibit patience especially in dynamic environments.
Maturity: For sure one of the key characteristics of someone older is that they are mature and able to manage demanding situations with grace. They don’t say youth is wasted on the young for nothing. Rather than making rash decisions or exhibiting inappropriate outbursts (as sometimes happens with the young and inexperienced) a more mature worker can better handle uncomfortable or demanding situations with tact.
Commitment: With age comes wisdom; and older workers understand and appreciate the value of commitment. Youth can lead to impetuous behavior – especially when it comes to a working environment. I cannot tell you how many times younger clients have told me that unless they get a promotion, or more money, or can transfer to a different department – or many other similar things, they are going to quit their jobs and look for something else. My older clients (and I have a lot of them) never say such things. Pragmatic in approach, a more mature experienced worker understands and realizes that commitment is an important component to facilitating professional success.
Reliability: If you know you can rely on someone to be on time and get the job done you will be more likely to go to that person when it’s game time. Older workers exhibit reliability. They generally don’t call in sick on a whim, or decide they would rather play hooky on a sunny day than go to work. When you want something done, and done correctly, you will go to a reliable resource that you can trust.
Experience: Experience is the best teacher; and a worker who has amassed a wealth of knowledge and skills over the course of a longer working history has a lot to offer. You can hit the ground running and apply all of the skills and competencies cultivated over time in a professional environment. Of course, it’s important to remain up to date with technology, which will vastly improve your value.
Perception is reality! If you know and understand these things about yourself, you will project them during the interview. Don’t worry that the person interviewing you is ten years younger. Put your best foot forward, dress for success, and engage your interviewer in dialogue that demonstrates all of these traits plus the experience and skills that will allow you to add immediate value. Maintain a positive and productive attitude – key ingredients for a fruitful job search.

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