jobs indonesia


Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Send your resume directly to employers and hiring managers

Staff Writer, The Career News

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA -- There's nothing easy about job searching. What's frustrating for many job seekers is a disappointing response rate. However, it's important to note that a job search is a numbers game. For example: If you get your resume in front of 1000 employers, you should get 10-50 quality responses leading up to 5 interviews. If you don't pay attention to 'how' you are sending your resumes, your actions might only serve to put your resume in a pile with hundreds of others.

Consider a more focused approach to your job search. A search that increases the number and quality of responses by using a targeted list of industries and decision makers who are looking for people with your skills. This new type of search also employs an affordable delivery system that ensures your resume will be seen by the right person.

We recommend using a service called JobsByFax. This service is simple to use and an affordable way to ensure a more focused and satisfying job search. You'll have instant access to information on thousands of companies and their decision makers. JobsByFax combines quality and quantity by faxing your resume to potential hiring managers. In fact, it's been statistically proven that sending 1000 resumes using JobsByFax can yield from 10 to 50 quality responses. Take control of your job search by going to JobsByFax.

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