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Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Learn to Separate Family From Work

Work at home parents face challenges that are rather unique. We have made the choice to work from home in order to have more time with our families. This is sometimes a decision that is at times wonderful and at other times monumentally bad. We wanted to work at home so we wouldn’t have to leave our children in the care of others while we trudged off to the trenches each and every day wasting precious moments not only working outside the home but during the commute each way as well.

Now that you’ve made the move to work from home, I’m guessing that you’ve noticed that the reality isn’t quite as rosey as the mental image was. The first weeks will be challenging but are also very important in establishing a routine with you and your family in regards to your workday. You must separate your business from your family and you must make them understand that while you are home, you must also work. This is sometimes hard for spouses to understand but establishing this early will save major problems later on.

Here are a few things you can do that will help you keep your business and your family separate.

•••1) Set business hours. This is as much for you as it is for other family members. A wise person once told me that until I treated my business like a business and took it seriously I could not expect anyone else to do so either. Take frequent breaks and be flexible with your children, but be adamant about keeping your business hours as sacred as possible. At the same time, when it’s quitting time, it’s time to quit for the day. Your family will resent your business if it constantly cuts into their time with you.

•••2) Don’t do housework during business hours. I plan my business hours after 10:00 in the morning so that I can get some housework done and a meal thrown into the crock-pot before beginning my workday. Whatever you need to do in order to keep from vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, etc. during your business hours is highly recommended. Making one exception is an open invitation for more to follow. Try as hard as possible to make this a rule and keep it one.

•••3) Don’t take personal phone calls during your business hours. This is a huge no-no. If it’s an emergency they will leave a message. I’m not talking about not answering the kid’s school or something like that, but do you really need to talk to your sister-in-law about the family reunion or should that wait until family time?

•••4) Be sure that you are working during your business hours. The more you actually get accomplished during your business hours, the less you will be distracted by during family time.

•••5) Delegate housework during your family time. If everyone works together on the unpleasant tasks, there is more time for family fun. That, more than anything else will be what your children remember about you working from home and what it means to them.

•••6) Don’t get so caught up in work that you can’t make time for your family when you need to. It’s a fine line sometimes between what we feel we need to be doing for them and what they really need us to do. Sometimes, it helps to take 20 minutes just to devote time to them and ignore the computer. Our family (at least for a vast majority of us) is the reason we work from home; don’t forget that as you work to build your business.

Keeping your family and business separate will bring great rewards. You will find that your family doesn’t resent your ‘office time’ because you are making sure that you have plenty of time for them and that you are still able to get a great deal of work accomplished because they don’t feel the constant need to interrupt. And also remember that there is no reason you can’t put your older children to work for you. This will give you good quality time together and still get office tasks accomplished. Those are memories that will be treasured by both of you.

By Adam Terebeckij

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