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Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

How to Avoid Workplace Discrimination

Step 1

Know what is legally defined as workplace discrimination. Making derogatory remarks about a group of people or making hiring decisions based on a protected-class characteristic are discriminatory acts. It is also considered discrimination to withhold raises and promotions or terminate a person based on his class or refusal to perform sexual acts.
Step 2

Learn the protected classes covered by anti-discrimination laws. A protected class is a group of people against whom it is illegal to discriminate based on a common characteristic. It is illegal to discriminate due to: race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, color, political affiliation or veteran or familial status. In some areas, it is also illegal to discriminate based on sexual orientation, though it is not a federal violation.
Step 3

Avoid workplace discrimination by developing a no-tolerance policy in regard to harassment and discrimination. Put the policy in writing and require every employee to read it. Have each employee sign a form indicating that she has been provided with a copy of the policy and keep these forms in personnel files.
Step 4

Establish a procedure for filing complaints. The procedure should outline to whom complaints should be made and how they can be heard confidentially. It should also define an action plan for investigating complaints thoroughly and promptly.
Step 5

Discuss the anti-discrimination policy in detail with your employees. Give clear examples of incidences of discrimination and share the consequences for such actions. At the same time, provide employees with the procedure to follow in order to file an internal grievance.
Step 6

Provide diversity and sexual harassment training for all employees. Such training further clarifies what types of behavior are inappropriate. It will also provide strategies and solutions as to how a diverse workplace can function together as an effective team.

Read more: How to Avoid Workplace Discrimination |

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