Substitute teaching can be an enjoyable career developing and profit making part time position. You need to be able to self-promote. You need to be able to maintain classroom discipline. You need to be ready to work at the brrring of a telephone!
If you have an Associate's Degree or better, chances are you are qualified to substitute teach. Most districts pay from forty to one hundred dollars a day. You should be willing and able to pass a background check. You should also be honest about your areas of expertise.
If you are an unemployed teacher, substitute teaching is a great way to get a foot in the door with local school districts. This is a great way to show other teachers and principals what you can do in a classroom. It’s a great way to build up your professional work references and work experience.
Here are some tips to get you started on your way to a great part-time career as a substitute teacher.
Contact your local school district and obtain a substitute teacher’s packet.
Fill out the packet neatly and professionally.
If you are not a teacher, list experiences such as management, physical fitness training expertise, art experience, musical ability, areas of content expertise, and any other assets that would qualify you to teach. Don’t overlook parenting and day care experience. Mention volunteer leadership positions, i.e. Boy or Girl Scout Leader.
Self promote. Print up flyers, posters, or business cards and distribute them to local area teachers, principals, and school secretaries. Meet with area teachers and principals to discuss their discipline programs.
When you begin your classroom day, begin by discussing classroom behavior expectations.
Ask students to help you by placing nametags on their desks or shirts, depending upon their ages. Older children do not like to wear nametags. Youngsters like to make, decorate, and wear their own special nametags.
Be willing to wear a nametag, too.
Always bring in some fun learning activities, in case the teacher’s lesson plans are incomplete, non-existent, or too short to fill your day. Nothing creates havoc better than a roomful of bored children.
Remember to be nice, but firm. Children don’t really like change in their routines. Make this a fun day of learning for everyone involved. Be authoritative, but don’t be a dictator. Enjoy yourself.
Show the students that you like and respect them.
Allow students to spend a few moments getting to know you.
Ask other teachers in the building for help, suggestions, and comments on how you are doing and what you could do better.
Make sure you bring your business cards, posters, or flyers with you. Pass them out on your lunch break. Leave a few in the teacher’s lounge.
Leave a note for the teacher that you filled in for that day. Thank him or her for using you as a substitute. Fill him/her in on how the day went and what the class accomplished. Ask that you be considered to substitute again. Ask that this teacher recommends you to others.
Start putting those paychecks in the bank!
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