jobs indonesia


Minggu, 19 September 2010

Discover Careers in Media

Book Editor

If you love to read a career as a book editor may be the occupation for you. As a book editor the main focus is to obtain books.

A book editor will read manuscripts and decide if it will be bought and sold to the public. As a book editor you will build relationships with authors and discover new talent.

To become a book editor, you should have a degree in English or literature and a passion for reading.

Fact Checker

A fact checker is just what it sounds like.

It is important for television and magazines to have correct facts. A fact checker is normally in the research department and they spend their time reviewing stories to verify the facts are correct.

A career as a fact checker can be pursed in news media as well as for magazine companies.

Literary Agent

A literary agent is someone that represents writers. A literary agent finds talented writers and helps package there writing to help them get a book deal.

Most literary agents work for agencies and most of the agencies are located in New York. There job includes reading manuscripts and then signing authors that they believe will have a successful book.

Media Planner

As a media planner you will be working in the advertising agency and creating ad campaigns.

To become a media planner you do not need any specific degree, however most agencies require a college education.

You can start your career as a media planner in an entry level position in most advertising firms.

Photo Editor

As a photo editor you are responsible for the photography that appears in magazines and newspapers.

Rarely does a photo editor also take the photos that appear in the magazines or newspapers. They normal work very closely with the actual photographers.

It is important that a good photo editor have a large amount of contacts in the industry so that they are aware of which photographers are available and what they specialize in photographing.

Regardless of your desired occupation in the media field it is important to have passion for your work. You should research the companies that hire the occupation that you are pursuing and investigate their requirements and benefits.

Tony Jacowski

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