jobs indonesia


Minggu, 19 September 2010

Freelance Writing - Get Writing Jobs From Your Blog

Got a freelance writing blog? Your blog makes a wonderful promotional tool. Over time, it will become your primary source of jobs. Here's what's essential: your blog must be professional, it may show what you can do, and it must be aimed at the right audience.

1. Choose a Blog Topic Your Buyers Read

Many freelance writers start a writing blog. While this may be fun as a hobby, it's not a great tactic professionally.

A writing blog is aimed at writers. None of the buyers of your writing are going to read your "writing" blog. So if you want to get jobs from your blog, choose your topic very carefully -- it must be aimed at buyers.

Professional writers know exactly who buys their writing. They target a specific audience, or a specific persona. This is exactly what you need to do when choosing a topic for your blog.

For example, perhaps you're writing a book. In that case your target audience would be agents and editors. If you're writing magazine articles, your target audience would be magazine editors. If you're writing for the web, your target audience will be website owners in a specific niche -- such as dieting, business, health and so on.

2. Blog About Your Successes

Have you heard the term "ego surfing"? Everyone looks up their own name on the web to find out what's being said about them. This applies to individuals and it applies to businesses too.

You can use this to your advantage. Blog about your successes. For example, if you you've just been contracted to write something, blog about it. Unless the fact that you're working for a particular company is secret for one reason or another, you should feel quite happy in mentioning company names on your blog.

I've had a company representative contact me within minutes of mentioning a company's name, so if you want to get writing jobs fast, name drop.

3. Include a Briefing Form on Your Blog

If you're a freelance writer who wants writing jobs, don't keep it a secret.

I'm constantly amazed at the number of writers who offer very little contact information on their blog. Indeed some writers have no contact information at all; I suppose they expect their buyers to contact them via smoke signals.

People don't know what to do unless you tell them. In copywriting terms every page on your blog needs a "call to action". Tell your site's visitors what you want them to do.

You should not only include contact information (including your cell phone number) on every page of your blog, you should also include a briefing form as a blog page.

A briefing form is a form which lets your buyers enter the details of the writing job, right onto the form. You'll receive the form via email, and you'll have all the details of what the job entails: this makes sending the prospect a quote fast and easy.

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