jobs indonesia


Jumat, 17 September 2010

How to Search For Job Vacancies, Employment and Career Opportunities

Searching for job vacancies, employment, and career opportunities can sometimes be a difficult task, especially if ones does not know how to, and what it takes to get that dream job.

Every year, thousands or even over a million students graduate different higher institutions in your country and more from post primary school. The demand for jobs, employment and careers opportunities increase and the opportunities that are available are not enough to accommodate these ever increasing jobs seekers. The labor market right now is over saturated as a result of companies folding up due to unfavorable working conditions and world economy/financial meltdown.

With this scenario, getting jobs and employment becomes quite difficult, and even those that are currently employed are leaving their jobs due to job insecurity among other factors.

Some people believe that attending higher institutions and graduating with good grades is a enough for them to get their dream jobs. If you have this mindset, then you are making mistake and you may get disappointed and frustrated sooner than later.

The situation out there is quite different and you just have to work so much on yourself to equip and position yourself for better chances of getting employ.

Searching and getting your dream job would be determined by a lot of factors like:

1) Your level of exposure and experience,
2) Information at your disposal,
3) Your IT skills play a pivotal role in your quest of getting your dream job,
4) Have the right Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) that sells yourself,
5) Your ability to write good application letters and sending as many letters as possible,
6) How you conduct yourself during and after the interview matters a lot,
7) Good mindset to add value and to deliver to the company.
These are few factors that will aid your chance of getting employ and are not rank in order of important.

How Do You Search For Jobs Vacancies and Careers Opportunities in Your Country

1) You can search through local Newspaper in your country for the latest jobs vacancies that suit your qualification.
2) You can also search for jobs vacancies through local radio and television station.
3) You can also register with recruiting or consulting agents. You have to be very careful because some of these agents are fraudsters who are out there looking for desperate jobs seekers to defraud. Quite numbers of them are genuine and can aid your chance of getting your dream jobs.
4) You can search through a lot of website that provide free information on jobs vacancies and how to apply.
5) You can use search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. use keywords that suit your area of discipline.

Utibe Etim

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