jobs indonesia


Jumat, 17 September 2010

Recruitment Vacancies and Job Boards

Over the last few years and more the popularity of the Internet has reached heights that few would have predicted. The popularity has reached many different types of business which wants to advertise their services, who now spend a lot more of their budget advertising online compared to other forms of the media. Based on what many other companies are doing with their online advertising budgets, it surprises me at times when I look at the fact that many recruitment companies are neglecting this area. Advertising recruitment vacancies online should be one of the most critical elements of a modern advertising budget, after all who doesn't look online for jobs?

In realistic terms the widespread availability and comparatively low costs of advertising online compared to the former favourite of online advertising has really changed the way in which vacancies are advertised. In the past a recruitment company would need to spend a huge amount of money on advertising in newspapers in order to at least compete with the more established companies. This has changed now as you are able to purchase advertising packages on websites which can be seen by just as many people for a fraction of the cost.

If you are thinking of moving into online advertising, you need to know what options are available to you. The first one is a large job site which tends to cater to most industries. The second type of jobs site is a more niche and specific site which will be dedicated to one particular sector. There are valid arguments for advertising on each, ultimately the smaller, specific jobs board is likely to have less candidates registered, but are likely to be much more use to you when you are searching for candidates.

When you are choosing different websites to advertise your vacancies on, you need to take some time to think and decide which websites can be the best for you. Really, you shouldn't let yourself be impressed with traffic figures alone, as this does not necessarily lead to success when it comes to find candidates for vacancies. Instead you could try and contact some companies that are advertising on the website and find out what level of success they have achieved from it. It may take you a few attempts to find the right website for you, but the wait can definitely be worth it!

This article is written by Jonathan Walker

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