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Kamis, 02 September 2010

Job Search Tip for Women: Break the Glass Ceiling!

OK. The stats for 2005 are in.

1. Women make up about half the American work force.

2. Women hold about half the managerial positions.

3. Women earn just 73 percent of what men earn in the same jobs.

4. Women hold only 5 percent of the country's top-paying jobs.

5. Just eight of the Fortune 500 companies have women CEO's.

The secret to changing this situation is learning to communicate more effectively.

Molly Dickinson Shepard just wrote a book called "Stop Whining and Start Winning." She contends that women, who are said to come from Venus, need to learn the language of their Mars-based male counterparts.

"They must get in the game," she advises. "Otherwise they won't rise any further--and the statistics won't change. If women communicate more effectively, they will be heard.

"If a woman is not heard, she's going to be seen as passive and be marginalized," Shepard explains. It's critical that women feel recognized and valued."

Men get more than their share of money and power in the American workplace. But it doesn't have to be that way especially if you've made the decision to change careers or search for a new job. Learning to speak assertively to your next employer can position you for career growth that can challenge the glass ceiling.

Fortunately there are tons of FREE job search strategies and techniques that can put you way ahead of the competition and level the playing field with male counterparts.

Shepard points out that men really believe it when they say, "It's just business, it's not personal." They rip into each other during meetings and then go out for beers together. It's to women's advantage to be just as thick-skinned, Shepard concludes.

Be sure to check out communication techniques presented by EEI at their website. Their 20 years of experience as experts in alternative job search strategies can make the difference for any woman job candidate who wants to break through the glass ceiling.

Paul Megan 

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